Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 203 Are You Stupid?

Chapter 203 Are You Stupid?

There were quite a few people passing by at this moment, Yu Xiaowan set up such a stall, and besides Yu Zhuolong singing hard, it attracted a lot of attention, and some people came to ask about the portrait.

It wasn't until noon that Yu Xiaowan finally opened the store.

It is a young couple, the girl likes it, and the boy accompanies her to draw.

"Can you draw the two of us together?"

The girl hesitated to discuss.

"Yes, but it may take a little longer."

"It's okay, we have time."

Yu Zhuolong found that once Yu Xiaowan started to paint, it was like a different person, and her whole temperament changed.

Originally, the clothes she wore today were different from her usual clothes, and he didn't even recognize her at first sight.

At this moment, he lowered his eyes, raised them from time to time to look at the person in front of him, and sketched the appearance on the drawing paper, which made people unable to take their eyes off.

"Okay, are you satisfied with the two?"

Yu Xiaowan handed the painted paper to the other party and put away the brush.

Yu Zhuolong just came back to his senses, and unknowingly watched it for a long time.

Curious about what Xiaowan painted, she also stretched her neck and leaned over to look at it.

With just one glance, he directly gave Yu Xiaowan a thumbs up.

It's really well drawn, the look and expression are so alive.

The other party was obviously very satisfied, but when he gave the money, the man felt that ten yuan was too expensive, and asked if it could be cheaper.

As soon as Yu Zhuolong heard this, he quit. Just as he was about to speak out, Yu Xiaowan took a step ahead, "You are my first customer. I will give you a [-]% discount, and I will charge you eight yuan."

The man was happy now and gave eight yuan.

After the person left, Yu Xiaowan raised the money in her hand, "What do you want to drink? Let me buy you, soda?"

Yu Zhuolong still had a bad face.

"I said, Yu Xiaowan, are you stupid? At the beginning, I told you to make small profits but sell more, but you refused. Just now you only charged [-] yuan for painting for two people. Would you be able to settle the accounts? If you calculate it this way, one person will be worth four dollars." Yuan, you are quite happy to give them a discount, I think they are taking advantage of it."

"I draw pictures, and the price is clearly marked. Originally, it is ten yuan a piece. Even if they draw two people, they are still drawn on a piece of drawing paper. There is nothing wrong with ten yuan, and they are my first customers. Discount, [-]% off, eight yuan, the homonym of eight is hair, isn't this auspicious? Also, the painting is made by the woman, but the man pays for it. It doesn't look like the man is very rich If it's because of the two yuan that they are breaking up, it will spoil everyone's interest, and it will make the woman dissatisfied with that man. This will give them a discount of two yuan, and everyone will be happy. Is this considered a good deed? Thinking about it this way, is it right to charge eight yuan?"

"You really know how to comfort yourself." Yu Zhuolong snorted.

"It's not self-comforting, it's the truth. I'll buy you a soda, wait."


I don't know if the global warming effect in this era is not as obvious as in later generations. As soon as December came, there was a heavy snowfall in Tsu City, and the temperature dropped all of a sudden.

There is no collective heating in the family home, and each household has a small coal stove, and Yu Xiaowan's home is no exception.

When Yu Xiaowan came back, he saw two tractors pulling coal in the family courtyard community, and each family was busy transporting coal to their homes.

"Xiaowan is back."

Since the last incident, both Yu Xiaowan and Mrs. Ma have become celebrities in the community.

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(End of this chapter)

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