Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 261 Looking at it this way, the fat lady looks pretty good-looking

Chapter 261 Looking at it this way, the fat woman is quite good-looking

Yu Xiaowan lost face in front of the factory workers, and with Lu Mu's defensive nature, the responsibility would fall on her if she failed.

But how is this order adjusted?

If I remember correctly, there is only one in the middle, right?

"No, I'll go tell the announcer."

Lin Dongyang was about to walk onto the stage while speaking.

Yu Xiaowan grabbed him directly, "I've already reported it, so I can change it? I'll go."

He took off his coat and handed it to Lu Mu directly, "Help me get it."

Lu Mu stretched out his hand to hold her little hand, and felt relieved when it felt cool, "Go, I'll applaud you."

Yu Xiaowan smiled and didn't say anything else. She got on the stage and posed, and then the melodious tune from the depths of the bamboo forest sounded...

"I said Lu Mu, when did you become so nasty?"

Lin Dongyang approached Lu Mu and asked in a low voice.


Lu Mu hummed, but didn't take his eyes off the little girl on the stage.

"Go ahead, I'll applaud you. You know that Yu Xiaowan is your daughter-in-law, but those who don't know think you're coaxing your daughter."

Lu Mu glanced at him coolly, but turned his head away after just one glance, the meaning is self-evident.

Lin Dongyang shrugged and stopped taunting him, and watched the show.

Only after watching this did I realize that Yu Xiaowan danced really well.

It is not difficult to see that she is dancing a Thai dance. Even if she is only wearing a large black sweater, she can't hide her agile figure.

Every frown and smile, every movement and stillness, is like a smart and lovely black peacock.

"Looking at it this way, the fat woman is pretty pretty."

Lin Dongyang couldn't help sighing.

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a burst of cold air around him, and the source of the cold air was turning his head to look at him sullenly.

His eyes were indifferent and vigilant, like a vicious tiger whose territory had been invaded, completely changed himself.

Lin Dongyang's scalp was numb from his gaze, and he tremblingly touched the cigarette case on the table.

"I'll just say whatever I want, just say whatever I want."

Then Lu Mu withdrew his gaze and turned his head. There was no indifference and vigilance in those deep eyes, full of tenderness.

No need for others to say that her little girl is beautiful, he has already discovered it.

Yu Xiaowan's skin is fairer than that of Xu Yuehao who grew up in Jin City. She has a standard oval face and a pair of peach blossom eyes that crooked when she smiles, like a crescent moon.

Who said fat people lack physical coordination and flexibility?He thought, even if Yu Xiaowan didn't lose weight, she must be a flexible and fat man.

Seeing Lin Dongyang smoking, Cheng Feng also took one out of the cigarette case, helped Lin Dongyang light it, and lit it himself, looking at Yu Xiaowan on the stage with a bit of pride.

"Dong Shi Xiaoxiao, who is Dong Shi Xiaoxiao? Doesn't he have eyes?"

The voice was not loud, but everyone present knew what was being said.

Wang Kexin clenched her fists, she was going crazy with jealousy.

But also helpless.

After the performance, the noon dinner began.

I don't know if it's because it's a holiday and everyone relaxes or what, this meal is because of Xiaowan's unusual enthusiasm.

Lin Dongyang's enthusiasm was to test her drinking capacity again, but it was no surprise that Yu Xiaowan drank Lin Dongyang again, and Lu Mu didn't drink less for some reason.

When she found Lin Dongyang and found Lu Mu, he was already in a daze.

"Without diamonds, what kind of porcelain work do you do, don't you know how much you weigh?"

Yu Xiaowan squeezed Lu Mu's handsome face to vent her anger.

(End of this chapter)

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