Chapter 268 The chest is like being torn apart

If you didn't want her to get a divorce before, it was because of your family, but at this moment, ask yourself, when you think of this girl who has drawn a clear line from you and has become someone who has nothing to do with you, it feels like your chest has been torn open.

Lu Mu raised his big hand and rubbed the girl's soft hair.

"The head of our section is the brother-in-law of deputy factory director Wang. He has just been promoted for less than a year. He was pressured by many parties when he was mentioned as the head of the section. Duan Zhang’s position has come to an end, and Da Liu’s Duan Zhang is already 57. He has been in poor health for the past few years, and he was diagnosed with diabetes a while ago, and has already applied to the factory for early retirement.”

Yu Xiaowan understood.

It is impossible for Lu Mu's section leader to be promoted or transferred away. The factory leaders are optimistic that Lu Mu wants to promote him as section leader, so they have to go to Da Liu's section leader.

Originally, the content of their work is different, and when a section leader leaves, it is usually replaced by the squad leader in this section. Even if there are four or five squad leaders in a section, if Lu Mu wants to compete for this position, everyone Liu also has an extra competitive pressure.

No wonder Lu Mu would say let nature take its course.

With his personality, he would never argue with his brothers about these things.


Located in a residential area in the center of Jin City, Lin Dongyang parked the car downstairs, took out the holiday benefits from the unit from the trunk, and went upstairs.

Holding something in his hand, when he reached the door, Lin Dongyang simply kicked the door with his feet, making a loud knock.

"Aunt Yang, open the door."

"I'm coming."

A woman's voice came from the room, and the door opened, but it was Lin's mother, Wang Weikang.

"Mom, why is it you, Aunt Yang? There are still some things in my car that I haven't brought up."

Aunt Yang is the nanny hired by Lin Dongyang's family.

"How could it be me? What time is it now? Your father gave Aunt Yang a vacation yesterday, and Aunt Yang went back to her hometown for the holidays."

Wang Weikang said while taking the things in Lin Dongyang's hand.

"Going home for the holidays? Mom, why didn't you say so earlier. "

Lin Dongyang wailed in his heart, saying that he would not go home so early.

Wang Weikang saw through his son's thoughts at once, and slapped him on the back of the head.

"I hate your mother, don't you? I hate your mother, hurry up and find a daughter-in-law, so you don't have to eat the food I cook. Having said that, I have introduced so many to you, and you don't have a fancy? Dong Son, it's not that mom said you, you are in your twenties, don't be too picky, you are a blind date, mom doesn't know what you want, just say that Mrs. Wang will introduce you to that , how beautiful? And our school's Teacher Sun, a very quiet girl, you just don't like it, why don't you tell mom what exactly do you want?"

When Wang Weikang said the first sentence, Lin Dongyang secretly yelled that it was not good.

Sure enough, he could recite the words behind without his mother telling him.

"The one introduced by Aunt Wang is still beautiful? That hard tooth is all over the sky, and what kind of teacher in your school, I don't think she is a teacher, she should be a doctor, and I can't hide my cleanliness."

"What's so bad about cleanliness? It means that girls like to be clean." Wang Weikang said.

Lin Dongyang laughed dryly, "Mom, do you think there is still a way for your son to live with a clean freak?"

Seeing what Wang Weikang wanted to say, Lin Dongyang directly put the pair in her hand...

 There will be more changes today, post during the day, please recommend tickets, thank you for your support.


(End of this chapter)

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