Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 320 I only thought of the beginning, but I didn't expect this result

Chapter 320 I only thought of the beginning, but I didn't expect this result
Lu's mother sighed, "You must have underestimated this Yu Xiaowan. She was so stupid at home earlier, and she was able to elope with Wang Chao after half a year of marriage, but she became smart when she arrived in Jinshi. What kind of person is she really dating?" What kind of person you become if you get in touch with her, she is like this, she must have learned from those people in the city, if she knew this, it would be better to follow her wishes and let her divorce the second child."

It is embarrassing for the son and daughter-in-law to divorce, but no matter how embarrassing it is, it is better than being passive like now.

At least if you get divorced, you don't have to separate the family. Then Lu Mu's monthly salary can be [-] more to his family.

"Divorce?" Li Ying thought of something, "Mom, do you know? This time Xiaowan and the others came back, and I chatted with Xiaowan. Guess what she said? She said that the daughter of the deputy director of Lu Mu's factory liked Lu Mu. , Knowing that Lu Mu went to Jin City with his family and found Yu Xiaowan, guess what?"

Mother Lu frowned slightly, but she had never heard Lu Mu mention this matter.

"What's wrong?"

"The deputy factory manager's daughter directly asked Yu Xiaowan to leave Lu Mu, and said that as long as she left Lu Mu, the job in Jin City would still have money, so she just mentioned it. Mom, the job in Jin City, since the daughter of the deputy factory manager If you dare to speak, it will definitely be done, how much power does the deputy factory director have in a factory as big as Jin City?"

When Lu Mu wanted to take Yu Xiaowan to Jin City, both Lu's mother and sister-in-law were unwilling, but she supported her. No one knew. At that time, she had already thought that Yu Xiaowan would be like this when he arrived in Jin City. situation.

But she only thought of the beginning, but she didn't expect this result.

"What you said is true?" Mother Lu regained her spirits.

"I can talk nonsense about this, it's all Yu Xiaowan told me personally, Mom, if Lu Mu married such a woman, why are we still worrying about it? Just let her arrange a job for Lu Wei in Jin City. Okay, maybe not only Lu Wei's job, but also Jiaxin and I can find a decent job in Jin City."

The more Li Ying spoke, the louder her voice was, Mother Lu gave her a blank look.

"Keep down, aren't you afraid of chaos at home? This second child is really similar, and he never mentioned to his family that there is such a woman in his factory who likes him."

If he had known earlier, let alone Yu Xiaowan, even the niece at home would have to stand aside.

It's just that Lu Mu is already married to Yu Xiaowan now, seeing that his relationship with Yu Xiaowan is getting better and better, especially when she comes back from Jin City this time, I'm afraid she, the mother, will come forward to make him divorce Yu Xiaowan Will not agree.

"Let's look at this matter again. Yu Xiaowan is so stupid. How do you know what she said is true? Maybe that girl just thought she was stupid and deliberately fooled her. Really think that a job in Jin City is so easy to find? What if It's easy to find, and Lu Mu wouldn't have read books for so many years."

No matter what, she has to deal with the current matter well, and this family can't divide anything.

"You should also pay attention to Yu Xiaowan. Don't make things too obvious. The Yu Xiaowan now is not the same Yu Xiaowan as before. If something happens again, we will separate. Can't control them anymore."

At that time, not to mention Yu Xiaowan's matching money, even Lu Mu's salary will be cut off, which is the biggest income of the family.

In any case, this income cannot be missed.

When it came to separating the family again, Li Ying said worriedly, "Then what if you insist on letting us divide?"

"The key is not with your father, but with the second child and Yu Xiaowan. As long as they don't mention it, your father will not intervene in this matter. Don't worry, even if the family is separated, you will be indispensable."

Li Ying pouted, can it be the same?

What she wanted was not what was in front of her at all.

(End of this chapter)

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