Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 341 You Are Still Crying

Chapter 341 You Are Still Crying
He has been outside since he was in middle school, maybe his family has been used to it for a long time. Whether it is going home once a week after being admitted to a key high school, or going home every six months after working in Jin City, it seems that there is nothing like him. This is how the family treats Xiao Wan.

With such an environment and such a family, it's no wonder that Xiaowan can be raised as a petite girl.

Lu Mu thought to himself, but the corners of his lips curved slightly involuntarily.

Yu Xiaowan also bought gifts for Yu's family in Jin City.

Jia Rong and Zhuang Zhuang had the same gifts, a small military uniform and a toy pistol, and the gifts of the others were similar to those of the Lu family.

However, when Yu's family received the gift, apart from the smiles on their faces, it was to let Yu Xiaowan stop spending money, and life in Jin City was not easy.

Seeing this, Lu Mu felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Wang Xuefang let Yu's mother and He Xiaowan talk, and went to work in the kitchen by herself.

Knowing that Lu Mu and Yu Xiaowan would come today, although the lunch was rich, it was arranged early.

While the family was talking, a person walked in through the gate.

Qi Chuang was also polite, and went straight into the room with a big bowl.

"Auntie, come back Xiaowan. My mother knows that Xiaowan will come back today, so let me bring her some croquettes."

Seeing the people in the room, Qi Chuang handed the bowl directly to Yu Xiaowan, "It was just fried and it was still hot. If you ask me, my mother is so biased. She doesn't even have croquettes this year. It happened to be fried today, and I haven't eaten it yet, so let me bring it to you."

It would not be false to say that Yu Xiaowan and Qi Chuang have a good relationship. Qi Chuang is the third eldest in the family, and the two elder brothers above him.

Qi's mother has always wanted a daughter, so she also likes Yu Xiaowan who played with Qi Chuang since she was a child.

If Yu Xiaowan hadn't made a baby kiss with Lu Mu early on, Qi's mother would have come to find Yu's mother to make a baby kiss for the child.

The memory of the original owner is all there. When Qi Chuang mentioned it, Yu Xiaowan felt deeply that Qi's mother treated her well.

After taking the big bowl, he squeezed a fried ball with his hands and put it in his mouth, saying vaguely, "How many years has it been since you realized this? Qi Chuang, you should be glad that I'm married, otherwise, And you have to cry."

Because Qi's mother was partial to Xiaowan, Qi Chuang cried in anger when he was young.

Qi Chuang naturally thought of that, raised his hand and gave Yu Xiaowan a chestnut, but didn't say anything.

Qi Chuang talked to Lu Mu for a while.

After selling a few episodes of the pair, Qi Chuang's attitude towards Lu Mu has also improved.

Yu's mother asked Qi Chuang to have dinner at home at noon. Qi Chuang said that there was still something to do at home and was waiting for Yu Xiaowan to vacate the croquettes elsewhere, so he wanted to go back with an empty bowl.

"By the way, Qi Chuang, I have something to tell you."

Yu Xiaowan called Qi Chuang to stop.

Her mother-in-law gave her a mission before returning to her natal home for the first time, and seeing Qi Chuang now, she happened to bring it up.

"What's the matter?" Qi Chuang asked.

"Let's go, go to that room and talk."

This is Qi Chuang's private matter, whether it will be successful or not is up to Qi Chuang himself, even if Yu Xiaowan promised Lu's mother that he would raise it with Qi Chuang, he would still respect his opinion.

Therefore, Yu Xiaowan directly led her to the room where she lived before she got married.

Lu Mu was chatting with Yu's father, when he heard the movement over there, he took a look.

Seeing Yu Xiaowan dragging Qi into her room, her thin lips pursed.

inside the house.

"What's the matter, you're so secretive, you dragged me into your house, aren't you afraid that your Lu Mu will be jealous?"

(End of this chapter)

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