Chapter 349

Back in the West Wing, Yu Xiaowan was knitting with the sweater. Lu Mu knew that this was the scarf she promised to knit for Qi Chuang.

"Jiaxin came to you to ask about Qi Chuang, right?"

Yu Xiaowan lowered her head, knitting things in her hands quickly, and asked in a faint voice.

"Yes," Lu Mu replied.

"Tell her later that I mentioned this matter to Qi Chuang. Qi Chuang is not considering getting married yet. You also know that Qi Chuang has two older brothers. Uncle Qi and Aunt Qi doted on Qi Chuang since childhood. Son, now that he's grown up, he can't control it anymore, and they can't say anything about Qi Chuang's marriage, Qi Chuang doesn't want to get married, no one says it's useless."

"Is he looking down on Jiaxin or doesn't want to get married?"

Lu Mu's throat was a little tight, he took out the cigarette case from his pocket, took out a cigarette but didn't light it.

"I didn't say I didn't like anyone, I just didn't want to get married, and I don't know what he thinks, but Qi Chuang is only 20 years old, it's really not that old, didn't you get married when you were 26?"

From Yu Xiaowan's point of view, 20 years old is indeed too young. The two senior brothers in the previous life, the first senior brother was 28, and the second senior brother was the same age as Lu Mu, and they were both single at 26.

I have never even talked about love at my age.

Never talked about love?
This thought suddenly flashed in Yu Xiaowan's mind, and at the same time, he thought of what Lu Mu said at Yu's family, and felt inexplicably irritated.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Lu Mu put the cigarette in his mouth, took out a match and lit it.

He did not get married until he was 26.

Why did he get married at 26?In addition to delaying going to college by two years compared to rural children, the more important thing is waiting for Yu Xiaowan to reach the legal age for marriage.

"Okay, I see, I'll tell Mom."

Lu Mu took two puffs of the cigarette, heard the little guy cough twice, and stifled the cigarette again.

He went to the door and turned on the light in the house.

"Don't touch the dark, bad eyes."

"It doesn't matter, I'm ready to weave, and I can weave with my eyes closed."

Yu Xiaowan's hands moved quickly, and she didn't raise her head.


The next few days are the days when relatives and friends walk around.

On the second day after returning from Yu's house, Yu Xiaowan's aunt visited, and she was lazy.

Lu Mu could see that she was not feeling well, so he asked his eldest brother and sister-in-law's family to go with the matter of the two brothers.

If he really needed it, he didn't plan to take Yu Xiaowan around and go alone.

By the fifth day of the lunar new year, the relatives were basically gone. Father Lu and mother Lu still had some relatives who were getting older. In Father Lu’s words, these relatives saw one less time. They were unwilling to let the younger generation do the work for them. He and Lu's mother went in person with gifts.

In the past few days, Lu Mu felt that Yu Xiaowan had always been indifferent to him.

Ask yourself do you regret it?His answer was definitely no.

Those words have been stuffed in his heart for a long time, and no matter what the result is, saying it makes him feel relieved.

But facing the little girl's attitude towards him made him a little disappointed.

"Here, just boiled brown sugar water with red dates and longan in it."

Lu Mu brought a bowl of brown sugar water into the house and placed it on the windowsill beside Yu Xiaowan.

She has been knitting for the past few days. After the scarf is finished, she is knitting a woolen waistcoat.

"Thank you," Yu Xiaowan said without raising his head, and his voice was very calm.

When cooking this bowl of brown sugar water just now, Lu Mu was thinking about the little girl's reaction...

(End of this chapter)

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