Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 371 Do You See That Over There Is A Human Or A Ghost?

Chapter 371 Do You See That Over There Is A Human Or A Ghost?

"Lu Mu... Lu Mu, wait for wait for me..."

She knew that she couldn't delay any longer. Without a mobile phone or a telephone, even if she wanted to call 120, she couldn't help it.

She thought of Lin Dongyang's car, and she didn't know if Lin Dongyang was still in the unit at the moment.

Before he could think too much, he ran outside.

There were not many residents in the family area, and no one cleaned up the snow that had fallen in time. As soon as he stepped out of the gate, his feet slipped, and Yu Xiaowan fell directly.

Ignoring other things, I got up and continued running towards the factory.

She had been to the factory several times before, and the janitor at the gate of the factory knew her.

Seeing her running over from afar, the uncle poked his head out from the gatehouse, "Gong Lu's family, I saw Gong Gong go back just now, what are you doing here?"

Yu Xiaowan wiped away tears, "Master, is Lin Dongyang there? Has he left?"

"He didn't leave, he drove a car to and from get off work in the whole factory, I'm here to watch..."

Before the uncle finished speaking, Yu Xiaowan continued to run into the factory, slipped and fell again.

The uncle was also startled, and hurried out from the porter.

"Lu Mu's family, what happened? Slow down, did you break it?"

Yu Xiaowan didn't have time to explain, she got up and ran forward again, she didn't even feel that a slipper was missing.

"Hey... Lu Gong's family, you run slowly, your shoes..."

The uncle shouted from behind.

Lin Dongyang was just about to leave after get off work, and was leaning against the car while chatting and farting with his colleagues while smoking, when he saw a figure running towards him from a distance.

"Hey, I said Gangzi, do you think that over there is a human or a ghost?"

The colleague named Gangzi turned his head following Lin Dongyang's gaze, and exaggeratedly yelled, "Oh shit, I don't know if it's a human or a ghost, I'm afraid he's a lunatic."

It's winter, not to mention wearing such thin clothes, and one foot is bare.

"Grass, Yu Xiaowan."

While speaking, Lin Dongyang had already seen the person coming, he threw away the cigarette butt in his hand with a low curse, and strode forward to meet him.

"Fat woman, what are you doing? It's winter, Lu Mu is sick, and you are looking for sickness?"

"Lin Dongyang~"

Seeing Lin Dongyang, Yu Xiaowan couldn't help crying again, "Lu Mu fainted, please save him quickly."

"Cainted? Lu Mu?"

Lin Dongyang couldn't believe it.

I have known Lu Mu for so many years, not to mention fainting, even if he is sick, this is the first time for him.

Yu Xiaowan nodded, she didn't know whether she was crying or running, she gasped, "Yes... Lu Mu fainted while talking to me...he had a fever...he hasn't eaten medicine……"

Lin Dongyang also realized that it was serious, opened the car door with one hand, pulled Yu Xiaowan with the other, and pushed her directly into the car.

At the same time, he said viciously, "Just do it."

After closing the back door, he got into the cab directly, started the car, and rushed out with a kick of the accelerator.

The uncle at the door, still holding the slipper that Yu Xiaowan lost, saw Lin Dongyang's car from afar, and shook the slipper at the car, "Hey, Lu Mu's family..."

Before he finished speaking, the car rushed past like a gust of wind.

The uncle blew the snow dregs into his mouth, and finished speaking to the rear of the car, ""

Lin Dongyang drove the car to the door of Yu Xiaowan's house at the fastest speed, got out of the car and rushed into the house, and he saw Lu Mu fainted on the bed.

Without saying a word, he directly lifted the person up and half dragged him outside.

Yu Xiaowan was half a beat slower than him, and when she saw Lin Dongyang pulling him out, she wanted to help, but she didn't know where to start.

(End of this chapter)

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