Chapter 397

Because there were too many people, Lu Mu was afraid that Yu Xiaowan would be squeezed in, so he immediately pulled her back and lost her front row seat.

When seeing colorful people passing by in the middle, Yu Xiaowan was jumping anxiously but couldn't see clearly what was going on inside.

"Lu Mu, what is it? It's so lively, are you dancing Yangko?"

Seeing her jumping anxiously, Lu Mu suppressed a smile and asked, "Want to know?"

Yu Xiaowan nodded quickly, looking at him with bright eyes.

Lu Mu's heart seemed to skip a beat, he coughed lightly and looked inside, "Then... I'll tell you if you speak nicely."

He didn't know why he said that, what he originally wanted to tell her, suddenly came to his mind when he saw those eyes.

He still remembered that Lin Dongyang had a girlfriend when he was in college, and every time that girl asked Lin Dongyang for help, Lin Dongyang would tease her like this.

As a result, of course, a lot of benefits were obtained.

I don't know what the benefits of Yu Xiaowan will be.

Thinking of this, looking at Yu Xiaowan's eyes also brought a bit of anticipation.

Sound nice?
Yu Xiaowan never expected that Lu Mu would make such a request.

What is good to hear?

The second senior brother had made a similar request before, and what she said at the time seemed to be enough to call out the second senior brother softly.

If it doesn't work, it will be a good second senior brother, the second senior brother is the best.

What about Lu Mu?

Yu Xiaowan thought for a while, her little face suddenly turned red, and seeing Lu Mu looking at her expectantly, she asked uncertainly, "Husband?"


Lu Mu only felt his mind go blank, and the bustling crowd around him turned into countless bees and flew past his ears.

The Adam's apple couldn't help rolling, "What did you just say?"

Yu Xiaowan thought her voice was too low, or she didn't speak clearly, so she raised her voice again, "Good husband?"

When his eyes went dark, Lu Mu directly hugged him into his arms.

That strength seemed to insert someone into her body, and the big hand was still holding her small head, so that she couldn't see his expression when she wanted to look at him.

"Lu Mu, I've said it all, you don't count what you say."

Forced to hold Lu Mu's arms, Yu Xiaowan protested in a low voice.

Just don't tell her what's inside, and don't even let her look at it.

Besides, even if you don't cover her, she can't see anything.

Unexpectedly, the man let go of her abruptly.

Lu Mu looked at Yu Xiaowan's still angry little face, grinned, smiled, and gave her a "slap" on the forehead.

"Forget it, my husband will tell you right now."

After finishing speaking, he bent down, hugged Yu Xiaowan's two legs, and directly picked him up.

Yu Xiaowan just wanted him to tell her what was going on inside, but she didn't expect Lu Mu to lift herself up directly.

The momentary weightlessness of her body made her exclaim, and subconsciously supported Lu Mu's head with both hands.

"Sit on my shoulders."

Lu Mu lifted her up again.

In order to maintain balance, Yu Xiaowan was not polite and sat directly on his shoulder.

Lu Mu was already about 1.8 meters tall. Yu Xiaowan sat on his shoulders, and his vision suddenly widened. Not to mention the situation inside, the whole street was in front of him.

"Wow, Lu Mu, it's so lively inside, there are lions, there is a lion dance, what is that? It's so interesting."

It was the first time Yu Xiaowan saw this kind of scene in the past and present life, and it was also very novel.

Even if Lu Mu resists her, he can still move freely, and he will explain Yu Xiaowan's doubts when he hears her words.

(End of this chapter)

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