Chapter 860

Yu Xiaowan didn't know if he could do it or not, but Lu Mu could really do such a thing.

"Look how cowardly you are," Wang Huan looked at his younger brother contemptuously, "Don't worry, Mom has already figured out a way, and they will have to beg us not to get a divorce."


Lu Jiaxin spent a week in the No.1 People's Hospital in Jin City and was finally discharged. Instead of listening to Yu Xiaowan's arrangement, she stayed in Jin City to live with her and Lu Mu, but went back to her hometown with her father and elder brother.

After all, she still needs to come forward in person for the divorce.

Just as Yu Xiaowan guessed, when the Wang family returned home, they publicized all kinds of bad things about Lu Jiaxin. Even the child had a miscarriage because she was unwilling to work, the child was not healthy, and she lost it accidentally. .

Fortunately, Mother Lu had taken precautions after listening to Lu Wei's words. Before Wang's family returned to her hometown, she told the folks who were close to her about Lu Jiaxin's miscarriage by Wang Chao.

Furthermore, when she called Lu Mu at the canteen, the owner of the canteen heard it clearly and knew the danger at that time. It was the Lu family who took Lu Jiaxin to the hospital in Jin City, otherwise Lu Jiaxin's life would have been estimated. I can't come back.

In this way, when they heard that the Wang family was pouring dirty water on Lu Jiaxin upside down, the back of the Wang family was almost broken by the villagers.

Wang Chao was pointed and pointed at everywhere he went.

He was also worried that Lu Mu's harsh words would send Wang Chao to prison, so Wang Chao had no choice but to file a divorce with Lu Jiaxin and pay a sum of money as compensation.

It's just that he couldn't stay in Wangjia Village anymore, so he went out to work after the divorce.

When Yu Xiaowan and Lu Jiaxin heard this on the phone, they finally let out a bad breath.

The business of the restaurant was as they had expected. From the day it opened, there has been a constant stream of customers and the business has become more and more prosperous.

In less than two months, the capital came back.

Now Master Sun is mainly in charge of the old store, while Qi Chuang puts all his heart into the new store.

In a blink of an eye, it's May.

This weekend, Lu Mu called a few workers over, planning to renovate the wing room in the next yard.

At the beginning, Sister Ma used those two rooms as the kitchen, and the inside was so dirty that it was impossible to see. In addition, the rainy season was coming soon, and the two rooms looked crumbling. If they didn't renovate, they might not be able to survive the rainy season.

The hotel has made a profit, and with some money in their hands, Lu Mu calculated that it is still possible to open up the house and renovate the wing room.

The main houses of the family courtyard are all in a row. When the house was built, it should have been in a row. Therefore, as long as the wall in the middle is knocked down, the two courtyards will become one courtyard, and then the wall will be repaired and a gate will be left. just fine.

Lu Mu plans to build the wing room first, and then push the partition wall and repair the gate last.

Yu Xiaowan had nothing to do, moved the ponytail and watched Lu Mu explain related matters to the workers.

She had design drawings for the studio before, but these ordinary workers only knew how to work and couldn't understand them, so Lu Mu personally supervised the work and directed them to work.

"Fat woman, you are quite relaxed."

Lin Dongyang came over and saw Yu Xiaowan sitting leisurely in the shade of a tree, and said.

Holding her chin, Yu Xiaowan looked at Lu Mu, who was holding blueprints and directing the workers in the distance, without even looking at Lin Dongyang, she said, "No way, there is an outstanding man in the family, and being his wife is so comfortable. "

(End of this chapter)

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