Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 874 I think you look good

Chapter 874 I think you look good

He clearly remembered that during that time, he was worried that the little girl would propose a divorce to him again, and he even didn't want to go home, and he didn't want to take medicine when he was sick, and stayed in the factory every day until he couldn't help it. go home.

When I got home, I saw her sitting in front of the easel and painting this painting attentively.

There is no actual scenery in this painting, but people can feel the feeling of bewilderment at a glance.

Just like how he was feeling at the time.

"This one doesn't work, change to another one."

Lu Mu directly vetoed it.

"Why? I think this one is very good."

This painting is named "Heart", which truly reflects Xiao Wan's original mood.

It is also from this painting that Yu Xiaowan found the feeling that Master said.

"is very good."

Even Lu Mu can see its state of mind, it cannot be denied.

"That's fine, that's it, Lu Mu, as I said, this is the first time I hold an art exhibition, and I must take a work that can be seen. Besides, I just participate in the art exhibition, whether it can be sold or not Depending on fate, you can follow me."

Seeing what Lu Mu wanted to say, Yu Xiaowan said everything first.

It's hard for Lu Mu to say anything more, you said, maybe no one bought this painting.

When it comes to buying paintings, it really depends on the eye.

After choosing the painting, Lu Mu took Yu Xiaowan directly to the painting shop she often went to.

When I came back, there was a sudden light rain in the sky.

Spring rain is as expensive as oil, but the rain at the moment is also very cold and damp.

The weather forecast didn't say it would rain, and the two of them didn't bring umbrellas when they went out. Lu Mu directly took off his coat and put it on the heads of the two of them.

Yu Xiaowan is 1.6 meters six, just in front of Lu Mu who is more than 1.8 meters tall. When she raises her head slightly, she can see his perfectly curved chin.

"Look at what?"

Lu Mu narrowed his eyes and met her gaze.

Yu Xiaowan pursed her lips, "I think you look good."

I feel that he has a strong boyfriend at this time.

Oh no, he has already been promoted from boyfriend to husband.

Yu Xiaowan added in her heart.

Lu Mu gave a low laugh.

The rain is not heavy, but because of the wind, the rain will pour in from time to time.

Lu Mu simply hugged her in his arms and put the clothes on his shoulders, so that it just covered Xiao Wan's head, only her eyes were exposed.

"Be good, the car will be here soon."

Fortunately, the bus arrived in a while, but despite this, Lu Mu's broken hair was still wet, sticking to his forehead in strands.

There were not many people in the car, so the two found an empty seat and sat down.

Looking at his wet hair, Yu Xiaowan couldn't help raising her hand to fiddle with him twice.

It's not easy to stick it on the forehead, just like this, it makes the man more mature and sexy.


It rained all night, and it didn't stop the next day.

The damp and cold air makes people who have just felt the warmth of spring put on thick coats again.

In the factory director's office, Wang Kexin was drinking hot tea leisurely, while Wang Tao behind the desk was casually flipping through the documents.

In the quiet space, from time to time, there was a sound of paper rubbing or a cup lid colliding with a cup.

In the seemingly warm scene, Liu Qingshan stands in the middle of the office, looking extremely uncoordinated.

At this time, Liu Qingshan was standing there half bowed, he was covered in cold sweat because of the cold weather or something.

"How are things going?"

Wang Tao spoke suddenly, but did not lift his head.

(End of this chapter)

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