Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 891 Why do you want a daughter-in-law?It's better to be single

Chapter 891 Why do you want a daughter-in-law?It's better to be single

It is really necessary to have a figure and a shape.

Yu Xiaowan couldn't help joking with Qi Chuang, "You're not young anymore, and now you're the manager of the restaurant, didn't those little waiters jump on you?"

The waiter just now, Yu Xiaowan saw it for real, his eyebrows and eyes were full of admiration for Qi Chuang.

Qi Chuang is also 21 this year. Since he became the manager of the restaurant, he has become more and more mature in dealing with people. It is hard to see that he is so old just from his behavior.

And also handsome.

The term "Diamond King and Old Five" couldn't be more appropriate when applied to him.

Qi Chuang was sorting out the bills, and when he heard Yu Xiaowan's words, he gave her a sideways glance, "Why did you come out? How are things going? Brother Fu said that the economy is in a downturn this year, and those who are laid off will be laid off, and those who are unemployed will be unemployed after a while. Time, even our hotel may be affected a little bit, and fewer houses are built, you should remind Lu Mu about this, at least be more cautious."

"I know," Yu Xiaowan replied, but disagreed with Qi Chuang's opinion.

She is someone who has experienced it, and she knows the market situation during this period, and she also knows the real estate market in the future.

She can't guarantee other businesses, but the real estate business is sure to make money.

So when Lu Mu mentioned this to her, she agreed with both hands.

It's just that it's just a small engineering team at present, and as for the future operation, we have to take it slowly.

"By the way, are you working in the back kitchen? Help me cook two lighter dishes, and make ribs soup." Yu Xiaowan said.

"It's time to go to work. Why do you want these dishes? I said hello to brother Lu Mu, and my master will come over later. We haven't gathered for a while, let's have a drink together."

"Just now, I heard that Boss Li said that his father is in the nearby hospital. He has to go to see his father at noon and ask him to bring some fried dishes."

Husbands and wives are birds of the same forest, and when disaster strikes, they fly separately.

That being said, Yu Xiaowan felt a little sympathetic when she heard about Li Wei's living conditions.

Qi Chuang understood it, waved to the waiter at the side and told him to go on, and then said to Xiao Wan, "You have a good heart, I heard that Boss Li is really not easy, and this is why such a thing happened, daughter-in-law He didn’t even want to have a child and ran away with others, and he had almost got the money, otherwise he wouldn’t have sold the engineering team, so why do you want a wife? It’s better to be single.”

Yu Xiaowan was dumb.

Just now I only heard that the daughter-in-law was unwilling to compensate the worker, so she divorced Boss Li. It turned out that there was still a romantic incident hidden in it.

Yu Xiaowan felt more sympathy for Boss Li.

Li Wei didn't stay to eat with them at noon. When the waiter brought him the packaged meal and pork rib soup, Li Wei naturally expressed a lot of gratitude, and his impression of the couple Lu Mu and Yu Xiaowan was also different. better.

After having lunch at the restaurant and returning home, Yu Xiaowan asked about the follow-up.

Lu Mu didn't hide it either.

"Li Wei still has a half-finished project on hand, which will be completed in about half a month. After the project is completed, the official formalities will be handed over."

"What about the cost?"

Acquiring an engineering team is not a small sum, and Yu Xiaowan knows how much money the family has.

"This is exactly what I want to discuss with you. I plan to mortgage the house again and borrow some money, and I will borrow some from my friends for the rest, but this time is different from last time. Last time I still had a job. , this time we can say that we are putting all our eggs in one basket. If the engineering team cannot operate in my hands and cannot repay the bank payment on time, the house may..."

(End of this chapter)

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