Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 899 Her Young Sister's Face Isn't Thick-skinned

Chapter 899 Her Young Sister Wan's Skin Is Unusually Thick

She felt that there must be something wrong with her ears, or that she was hallucinating.

10 yuan, she has never heard of so much money in her age, let alone seen it.

What Cheng Feng said was true, Miss Wan's face was not so thick.

May I ask that the price of a painting by Mr. Xiao Congyu is probably the same?
Can she compare with Teacher Cong?
Cheng Jie reached out and touched Yu Xiaowan's forehead, then her own.

"I don't have a fever."

Yu Xiaowan knew that she had scared the little girl, but she knew the value of her paintings in her heart.

10 yuan is really cheap for the other party.

You know, at the beginning, every painting she picked up was worth a million dollars.

As long as the other party knows the goods, this painting can definitely be sold.

"Okay, I'm not talking nonsense, you can just tell your mentor exactly what I said. As for whether it sells or not, it depends on fate. I don't expect to sell it."

Cheng Jie breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what Yu Xiaowan said.

It really scared her, because she didn't plan to sell it.

If you really don't want to sell, there is nothing wrong with the lion opening his mouth like this. After all, she knows that Yu Xiaowan doesn't want to offend the school, and she wants to participate in similar activities through her in the future.

If the asking price is high, the other party is willing to buy it, and no one can tell who is wrong.

"Okay, then I'll tell Teacher Hu."

Yu Xiaowan reminded, "It's still the old rules."

"I know Miss Wan, and I won't let others know that the author of this painting is yours."

Yu Xiaowan gave the other party a childish look.

She doesn't know who that Autumn is in the Spring. In this case, Yu Xiaowan doesn't want to expose herself.

Since I plan to hang out in this circle, I will meet you if you are late.

She was waiting for the day when she would meet this man.

Cheng Jie still had classes in the afternoon, so Yu Xiaowan had nothing to do, so she went to the art museum.

She hasn't been here since her paintings were exhibited here.

Yu Xiaowan participated in many art exhibitions in her previous life, but this time it was different.

Most of them were painted by painters she had never heard of, even if there were one or two works by painters she knew well, the style of the whole work... um... still a little immature.

Just like the one in front of her, it is an early work of Master.

"Siman, look at this piece, Cong Xiaoyu's work, don't you like his work the most? It seems that he hasn't published a work for a long time because of something, this should be his new work?"

"It is indeed his new work. You can see that the style of the work has already reached a different level from before..."

With the voice of speaking, a faint fragrance floated over, which should be the smell of a well-known international brand perfume.

I saw two brightly dressed beauties walking over in front of me.

One of them was slightly fat, wearing a simple gray suit, neat short hair, and a baby face.

The other was tall and slender, and a wine red dress made her figure even more exquisite.

Big slightly curly waves drape over the shoulders, and there is a cool and proud air in the gestures of the hands and feet.

To be a beautiful woman.

The short-haired woman asked, "Siman, didn't you also graduate from Tianjin University of Technology? I heard that Cong Xiaoyu went to Tianjin University of Technology to teach before. Did you also fall in love with his works at that time?"

"I have always admired Mr. Cong, but I had already graduated when he went to Tianjin University of Technology. Later, I found out that he went to my alma mater, and I always wanted to find a chance to go back and visit, but you also know that I have been abroad these years..."

(End of this chapter)

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