Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 914 She finally broke up

Chapter 914 She finally returned home
"DiDi... DiDi..."

From the clothes on the chair, there was a sound from time to time, it was the sound of his BP machine.

Take it out and have a look.

Mr. Chen Tao: Old classmate, please call back quickly if you have something important to do.

Behind it is a string of unfamiliar phone numbers.

Chen Tao is his college classmate and a native of Jin City, but after graduating from college, they were assigned to different companies, and they had less contact with each other.

Lin Dongyang threw the BP machine aside, found some clean clothes to put on, and then went outside with the BP machine to find a phone to return the call.

The phone was connected quickly, and a man's lazy voice came, "Hello, old classmate, it took me so long to call you back, aren't you still in Wenrou Township?"

Hearing the word "Renrouxiang", Lin Dongyang's image of Xu Yueyue flashed in his mind, he immediately shook his head, got rid of those images in his mind, and resumed his carefree tone.

"What are you talking about? What do you want from me? Master is busy."

"Busy? Didn't you resign? What else is there to be busy with?" Chen Tao said.

"How do you know I've resigned? Why are you always staring at me?"

After he resigned, he didn't even tell his family, and then he went directly to the imperial capital. The news spread really fast.

Chen Tao smiled and said, "Stop being sentimental, what do you have that I should pay attention to? I called to find you in your factory, and the uncle in the reception room said that not only you, but Lu Mu also resigned, Dongzi, you two together My son resigned, wouldn't it mean going to sea?"

"No," Lin Dongyang subconsciously denied, "I'm bored, I don't want to serve them anymore, stop talking nonsense, what do you want from me? Don't you just want to care about my current situation?"

Chen Tao smiled and said, "Can you correct your self-indulgent sentimentality? Xu Siman is back, and he couldn't contact you. He came to me yesterday and wanted to ask you to meet."


Lin Dongyang picked out his ears, thinking he had heard wrong.

"Xu Siman, our Senior Colonel Xu," the other party repeated, "At noon today at the International Hotel, Senior Colonel Xu invited a few of our old classmates to renew. I can't get in touch with Lu Mu. Please inform him."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Dongyang rubbed his cheeks, feeling like a dream.

Xu Siman, she finally returned home.

He lowered his head and glanced at the clothes on his body, floral shirt, floral pants and flip flops...

I went home quickly, rummaged through the closet, and finally found an iron gray shirt.

It was the last time I accompanied Yu Xiaowan to buy clothes for Lu Mu. He seemed to be more stable in this shirt.

After looking through the jeans that were similar with minor differences, I finally found a pair of dark straight-leg jeans at the bottom of the compartment.

I got a new set on my body and took a look in the mirror. It seemed that it was really pleasing to the eye.

Thinking of something, Lin Dongyang stuffed his wallet into his butt pocket and went out.

Without a car, he could only take the bus to go out, but instead of going directly to the International Hotel, he took the bus to the train station.

When we arrived at the International Hotel, it was almost noon.

Chen Tao who called him was in a corner of the lobby when he saw Lin Dongyang stand up and greet him.

"Dongzi, why is it so slow here? It's been more than two hours since I finished calling you? Let us beauties wait anxiously."

Lin Dongyang saw the two women sitting beside Chen Tao at a glance.

One of them, a one-shoulder black long skirt, made the whole person's skin white like snow, and it was even more cool and noble.

The big wine-red waves scattered behind him casually, adding a bit of laziness.

(End of this chapter)

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