Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 921 Didn't She Only Value Money?Isn't it shallow eyelids?

Chapter 921 Didn't She Only Value Money?Isn't it shallow eyelids?

I used to think that marriage is just two people living together, one man and one woman, it’s almost enough, whether you like this kind of thing or not, it’s meaningless, what kind of person can’t you live with?
But when she was with Wang Chao, she completely understood.

The second elder brother is not entirely responsible for Xiao Wan, and the life she thinks of a man and a woman can't live without feelings.

Especially when the other party still has another person in mind.

How many nights, Wang Chao vented to her while calling Sun Jihong's name, the bone-destroying insult made her want to speak out.

If she could, she would rather live her whole life alone and be ridiculed by others than be a substitute for someone else.

Looking at Lu Jiaxin's appearance, Yu Xiaowan knew that this failed marriage had made her see many things clearly, and she really wanted to open it.

At this moment, Qi Chuang's restaurant has just opened, and no guests have come to the door yet.

Qi Chuang was staring at the kitchen staff carrying the purchased ingredients from the back door of the restaurant, and was surprised to see Lu Jiaxin.

"Why are you here? Are you here to play with your second brother?"

Qi Chuang knew about Lu Jiaxin.

When Lu Jiaxin came to Jin City with a hemorrhage, he went to help him. Later, Lu Jiaxin divorced, and Yu Xiaowan also told him the news when chatting.

For this reason, Qi Chuang also laughed at Yu Xiaowan, saying that she is blind, just such a scumbag, and she was crying to elope with that scumbag back then.

It's also thanks to her that she didn't make it, otherwise Lu Jiaxin would have ended up like this.

"More than that, Lu Jiaxin has come to live with us."

Yu Xiaowan never regarded Qi Chuang as an outsider, and told Qi Chuang about the separation of the Lu family and Lu Jiaxin.

Qi Chuang sneered, "Your mother-in-law is really scheming, but her scheming will make her regret it sooner or later."

In front of Lu Jiaxin, there were some things that Qi Chuang wouldn't say too harshly.

It's just Mother Lu's style...

Doesn't she only care about money?Isn't it shallow eyelids?

Now that Lu Mu has no job, he hastily separated the family, leaving Lu Mu and Yu Xiaowan out, and later, see how she has face before begging her back.

Although Lu Mu's engineering team has not yet been put in place, but based on Qi Chuang's understanding of Lu Mu, he will definitely have a bright future.

Lu Jiaxin looked at the huge restaurant curiously, then went to the back kitchen to look at it, and then went upstairs to look at the private rooms.

Qi Chuang was drinking tea and chatting with Yu Xiaowan downstairs, and ignored her.

After a while, Lu Jiaxin came back, her eyes were shining brightly.

"Qi Chuang, you are really good, you are the one who looks after such a big restaurant?"

She had already noticed that just now, the chefs and purchasers in the back kitchen came to ask him everything, and the waiters also respectfully called out to Manager Qi when they saw him.

Manager, a word she had only heard on TV.

Qi Chuang nodded, "I'm alone now."

Lu Jiaxin looked around, leaned up to Qi Chuang and said in a low voice, "Then do you still have to wash the dishes here? I just took a look, and there are more than 50 tables in your room including the first and second floors." , how many dishes and bowls do you have to wash in a day? I can't do other jobs well, but I'm good at washing dishes and dishes. We are all fellow villagers. You use others as well. I will definitely do better than others good."

 Thanks to Dong Dong, Xiaozhu Hengheng's monthly ticket, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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