Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 939 Just rushed up

Chapter 939 Just rushed up
After dinner, Lin Dongyang went straight back to his residence.

Without a car, he can only take the bus.

Before arriving at the station, Lin Dongyang saw the bus approaching from a distance, ran two steps, and got on the bus before the door closed.

"Monthly pass, monthly pass, if you have a monthly pass, show your monthly pass, if you don't have a monthly pass, buy a ticket, the next stop..."

The conductor's characteristic shouting voice announced the stand.

Lin Dongyang seldom took the bus before and never had a monthly pass.

Moreover, the monthly pass is only processed from the first to the third day of the month, which is already past the time.

Pull out the change to buy a ticket.

It was past the rush hour for getting off work, and there were not many passengers on the bus, but they didn't sit either.

Taking the ticket handed over by the conductor, he directly put it in his mouth, and took advantage of his height to walk a few steps inside.

"Excuse me, let me live."

The girl's gentle voice sounded, and Lin Dongyang lowered his eyes to look at the little woman passing in front of him.

The car was running, and the conductor turned off the light inside the car. With the light of the street lamp outside the car window, the girl lowered her head and squeezed past.

There was a unique fragrance on the girl's body, Lin Dongyang only felt his brain explode suddenly, and his Adam's apple rolled involuntarily.

This was the first time he saw Xu Yuechu since that day, just like the countless times before, the girl in front of him was still indifferent to everything, standing there with a small bag on her back, like a white rose .

The big hand beside him could not help but tighten.

He knew that he was an asshole for this matter, and a good girl was suddenly taken by him...

He didn't even understand why he showed up at Xu Yue's house that day.

It's not like he didn't drink too much before, and he never thought about such things as drunken sex, but he didn't expect...

He didn't know how to face her, rationally told him that he should be responsible for this matter, but before he had the courage to act, she came back...

After four years, he originally thought there was no hope, but she came back at this time.

Even a brief meeting is enough to comfort his more than 1000 days and nights of missing.

She said that her company plans to return to China for development, and she will return to China in less than a year, and she will never leave again.

He had been looking forward to this day for three or four years, but he didn't want to...

"Robbery, someone robbed the bag..."

"Come on, hurry up and catch him, catch the thief..."

A burst of confusion ahead interrupted Lin Dongyang's thoughts, and at the door of the car, the small bag that was carried on Xu Yue's body just now was firmly grabbed by a man.

The conductor stood up and punched him with the ticket clip, but the man avoided him and pushed Xu Yue away at the same time.

The cry for help was from Xu Yue and the conductor.

With such a change, the originally crowded car door scattered with a "hula", and even the people who were about to get on the car hid far away, lest they would hurt themselves.

The person who snatched the things also took the opportunity to get out of the car.

"Catch him, he robbed something..."

Xu Yueyue still wanted to catch up, but there was a figure beside her that was faster than her.

Lin Dongyang almost didn't even think about it, and rushed up directly.

The robber got out of the car and ran all the way along the road. Lin Dongyang took full advantage of his two long legs at this moment.

After running tens of meters, he lunged forward, throwing the person directly to the ground and wrestling together.

I don't know when another figure jumped out, obviously there was more than one person.

(End of this chapter)

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