Chapter 948

The night wind blows, and the persimmon leaves rustle.

"Second sister-in-law, why are you talking about the same yard? I just think your yard is cooler. Is it because of the persimmon tree? Brother Li also said today that he has a pomegranate tree there, and no one takes care of it at home. , can be transplanted into my small yard, but I don’t want it, why do I want a pomegranate tree? Then a small tree can’t be used for shade.”

The two courtyards have now been opened up, and now Lu Mu himself is doing engineering, such trivial matters are effortless.

Li Wei directly manages the workers of the engineering team. He didn't find anyone after hearing what Lu Mu said about it. He took advantage of his free time to come here to work for a long time. He made a hole between the two courtyards and installed a door. .

At the moment, the aunt and sister-in-law are sitting in the yard enjoying the cool and eating fruit.

"The pomegranate tree is good. It can't take advantage of the cold. Get a pomegranate tree. There are pomegranates to eat in autumn."

Yu Xiaowan stuffed a strawberry into her mouth, and narrowed her big eyes in satisfaction.

"Eat, eat, eat, you know what to eat. What's so delicious about pomegranates? They are all seeds. If you eat too much, you will become constipated."

"Lu Jiaxin, you are going to die. Other people are eating. What do you mean by constipation?"

Yu Xiaowan almost spit out a mouthful of strawberries, and reached out to beat Lu Jiaxin.

"Really, I won't lie to you. This is what Master Sun in the engineering team said. Eating pomegranates can cause constipation, as well as small black dates, and persimmon cakes. By the way, do you think persimmon cakes can cause constipation? ?Second sister-in-law, your persimmon tree bears a lot of persimmons every year, right? Have you eaten them? Will you? "

"You said..."

Yu Xiaowan rushed forward, and Lu Jiaxin jumped up to avoid begging for mercy.

"Don't talk, don't talk, sister-in-law, please forgive me."

When Lu Mu came out of the shower, he saw his sister-in-law making a fuss, and the corners of his lips curled up involuntarily.

Seeing Yu Xiaowan's fangs and claws, he reminded, "Be careful with your feet, don't fall."

Only then did Yu Xiaowan hold back her hand, put on a vicious look at Lu Jiaxin, and then went to help Lu Mu brush her hair.

Lu Mu calmly enjoyed the service from his little wife, and conveniently picked up the strawberries on the small table and put them in his mouth.

This is the time of the year when the sun is the most plentiful, and it is also the time when the berry is the sweetest, but Lu Mu thinks it is still a bit sour.

"Should we buy a TV for our family? It will also save us from having no entertainment at night." Lu Mu asked.

"How can there be no entertainment? I think it's good to chat with my second sister-in-law."

Lu Jiaxin replied with a smile, and asked Yu Xiaowan, "Is it the second sister-in-law?"

"Yes, it's great," Yu Xiaowan answered almost by gritting her molars.

"I knew that every day I could bring my second sister-in-law a lot of gossip from the engineering team, which is much more interesting than watching TV."

She heard the word gossip from Yu Xiaowan.

"By the way, Second Sister-in-law, I mentioned Brother Li just now, why do you think he sold the engineering team in the first place?"

"Didn't you lose money due to an engineering accident, the old man in the family was sick, and your wife got divorced and couldn't take care of you?"

This was what Fu Jianhai told them back then, and she felt sympathetic to the engineering team boss after hearing it.

Lu Jiaxin nodded, "Then do you know why his wife divorced him?"

"Isn't there a disagreement? Her wife doesn't want to pay the workers. Brother Li values ​​love and righteousness and insists on compensation."


"Jiaxin, don't swear." Lu Mu reminded.

(End of this chapter)

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