Chapter 954 Too Greedy
Lu Mu curled his lips into a smile, "We are lucky. Da Liu's application for impoverished students was approved that year, and the tuition fee was waived."

It turned out to be the case.

Yu Xiaowan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Listening to Song Meiyu's attitude during the day, she thought that Lu Mu had done something outrageous.

"I am very grateful to Liu, who helped me in the most difficult time, so I don't blame him for leaving the factory."

"You accepted his love. I don't know if he will accept your love. What Song Meiyu said today really pissed me off, and so did Liu Qingshan. He didn't know that her wife was treated as a gun."

Yu Xiaowan said angrily.

"Don't think about it. Song Meiyu didn't go to school when she was in her hometown. She is simpler than you. Da Liu usually worries about her, but Da Liu's temper is not talkative. When she meets Song Meiyu Did not withdraw."

Lu Mu said while closing the towel and quilt.

Yu Xiaowan heard that the words were wrong, and reached out to dig out the person under the quilt.

"What does it mean to be simpler than me? Lu Mu, make it clear. If you don't make it clear, don't sleep. Why am I so simple?"

Usually when he said this, she didn't feel anything, but now she said it with Song Meiyu, no matter how she heard it, she didn't think it was a compliment.


Sure enough, as Lu Mu said, the layoffs of the factory this time are not like the previous ones. The factory has adjusted its structure, and almost half of the employees will be laid off.

Even if the news had spread long ago, on that day, such a scale would still catch those workers by surprise.

For a while, they lost the iron rice bowl they depended on for survival, and they had no source of life, and eating became a problem.

Not to mention future pensions and medical care.

A large number of people ran to the factory to protest, holding banners and shouting for work and food.

Even if Yu Xiaowan stayed at home, she could hear those calls.

Lu Jiaxin was a little frightened listening to those slogans, and walked over from the side door.

"Sister-in-law, why are the people in the city scarier than us country people if they want to make a scene? This posture seems to be desperate."

The engineering team didn't work today, and it was rare to have a day off. Lu Jiaxin felt that it would be better to keep going.

Staying at home is annoying.

"Without a job, they have no income. Living in the city, which item does not require money? It's not like killing them."

Yu Xiaowan knew about this scene earlier, so she could accept it.

"What about the second brother? You didn't worry when the second brother lost his job?"

Lu Jiaxin looked at Lu Mu who was calculating something, "Second brother, if you want me to say that you had to fight when the family was separated, you should have a share in the geography of your parents. There is also a piece of land for grandparents. If you share it with your elder brother, you can get half of them. Plus my share, there are at least three or four acres of land. With these three or four acres of land, even if you share with me The second sister-in-law can't stay in Jin City anymore, and she won't be really hungry, you two are fine, mother is partial, and you don't know how to argue."

When she was not married, Lu Jiaxin didn't feel that her mother was partial. It wasn't until after the divorce that she realized that some things were not due to the second brother, and the second brother didn't owe anything to the family, but the family, which was too greedy.

Hearing this, Lu Mu replied without raising his head, "It's not necessary, we are all relatives, and it doesn't matter who planted those lands."

"How could it be the same?"

Lu Jiaxin wanted to say something else, so Yu Xiaowan tugged at her sleeve, and said with a smile, "Your second brother doesn't want to be burdened by that. Which one of us looks like a farmer?"

(End of this chapter)

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