Chapter 957
"I'm not scared at all. I'm just worried about the unborn child. After all, the child is innocent."

Yu Xiaowan wanted to justify herself.

Lu Mu hummed, noncommittal, and the emotion in his eyes became deeper.

Song Meiyu had an accident, and the laid-off workers at the factory also restrained themselves a little.

In the evening, the news from the hospital spread in the community.

The child was not kept. The eight-month-old child was lifeless after birth and was still a boy.

The police in this area were alarmed when the trouble started. After Song Meiyu had an accident, Wang Kexin was also taken away by the police.

Knowing that the child is gone, there are rumors about whether Wang Kexin will go to jail.

The news was heard by Lu Jiaxin when she was shopping for vegetables. Lin Dongyang heard that Wang Kexin was taken away by the police, and yelled to buy beer.

Yu Xiaowan didn't have that thought, she just watched Lin Dongyang laughing and talking about waiting for Wang Tao's bad luck.

Before dinner was finished, the courtyard door opened from the outside, and Liu Qingshan walked in.

Several people ate under the persimmon tree in the yard, and as soon as Liu Qingshan came in, several people also put down their bowls and chopsticks.

Or did not expect that Lin Dongyang was also in the yard, Liu Qingshan's face was stunned for a moment, and then he continued to walk into the yard.

Lin Dongyang's attitude towards Liu Qingshan has long been clear. Seeing the person coming, he snorted coldly and continued to drink and eat with his eyelids down.

Liu Qingshan didn't bother to provoke him, he stood two meters away from several people and said to Lu Mu, "I've come to see you for something."

Lu Mu nodded and stood up, "Let's talk in the room."

The two entered the room directly, and Liu Qingshan closed the door smoothly.

Lin Dongyang snorted coldly, "I don't know how many shameful things I have done, and I still have to close the door to talk, that is, Lu Mu has a good temper. If it were me, I would have kicked him out with a stick."

"Maybe it's really something."

Yu Xiaowan bit the tip of her chopsticks thoughtfully.

"He has an ass. You don't know how prosperous he is in the factory now. Others are unemployed and laid off, but he is skyrocketing..."

Lin Dongyang frowned halfway through his words.

"This kid doesn't want Lu Mu to take the blame for him again, does he? No, I have to go and see."

Said put down the chopsticks and stood up.

But before he had time to look, the people in the room had already come out.

Meeting Yu Xiaowan's eyes, Wei Wei nodded her head and said hello.

Lu Mu sent the person directly to the door, turned his head, and almost bumped into Lin Dongyang who was coming towards him.

Pointing to the door, he said, "What's that guy looking for you again? He's still mysterious, I said Lu Mu, you don't owe him anything, don't act like a savior all day long, no matter how much you help him , does he know about you? I think he'll think you should."

"It's fine." Lu Mu took off his hand and walked past him.

"Why are you dragging you into the house? Is there something shameful that we don't want to hear? There is no outsider in the yard, right?"

Lu Mu sat back in his seat, picked up his chopsticks again, and saw Yu Xiaowan blinking at him with big eyes, picked up a chopstick and put some vegetables into her small bowl, "Eat."

"Grass, what do you eat? I'm full of gas, let's go."

Seeing that Lu Mu had no intention of saying anything, Lin Dongyang picked up his coat and put it on his shoulders, and went out without looking back.

Yu Xiaowan looked at the angry back, then at the indifferent man, and gave Lu Jiaxin a wink: eat.

 Thanks to book friend 008764, Nana's silly girl's monthly pass, okay.

(End of this chapter)

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