Chapter 959
The child is gone, and there is no one who loves him more than him. He is already thirty, and finally his son will be born in another month, but I didn't expect it...

These days, he has been taking Song Meiyu's emotions into consideration, and he dare not mention anything in front of her, but his blind retreat made Song Meiyu call him useless.

He is a wimp, he was a wimp when he was in school, he dared not fight back even when his classmates bullied and insulted him, and he was also trembling after work, fearing that one day he would offend someone and cause innocent disasters and lose his job.

But who is his uselessness for?

He can tolerate anyone calling him useless, but his wife and his pillow can't.

"If you are not a coward, go and catch that little bitch Wang Kexin. I want her to kowtow and confess before my son's spirit. My poor son, I was killed by that bitch before I even looked at her." Dead, you are a good father, you don't even avenge your killing for yourself, you listen to what they say outside, they say you are climbing up by stepping on your son's bones, Liu Qingshan, you are worthy of your son ……"

Song Meiyu wept loudly, which was even more abrupt at night.

"Okay, shut up, don't cry."

Liu Qingshan couldn't help but scolded him.

"I'm sorry son? Don't you think about what you have done? How many times have you told me that you just need to know what's going on in your heart. It's better for you to keep your mouth shut outside. I'm afraid others don't know. Give it to me." You transferred to a regular worker, this is the nod of director Wang himself, why did he do it himself? It’s because you’re afraid of causing gossip, who can you ask for if you poke Lou Zi with your loose mouth?”

"I said it, I didn't say it," Song Meiyu hiccupped from crying, her eyes were scarlet red, "It was that little bitch Wang Kexin who hurt me, she said it, she must have said it, she is the accountant supervisor Well, the salaries of the employees in the factory have to be paid for by her, even if Director Wang doesn't say anything, she still knows that I've become a full-time employee, not only her, but also that little bitch Yu Xiaowan..."

"What's this about Xiaowan?"

Liu Qingshan frowned, his wife was going crazy.

"It's not about Xiao Wan?" Song Meiyu suddenly laughed, "Liu Qingshan, you still think that the couple are good people, right? It's not about Xiao Wan? You don't know how the inspection team came? It was Yu Xiaowan who wrote a report letter and reported me. It was Wang Kexin who told me personally that now that Lu Mu has no job, they have been jealous of us for a long time. If she hadn't written the report letter, the inspection team would not have come. If the inspection team doesn't come, who cares who gets transferred to a regular job? Liu Qingshan, you don't like to hear that you are a wimp, you are a wimp, and you don't have a good person around you who can't tell, you deserve to die... "

"Simply crazy."

Seeing Song Meiyu getting more and more crazy, Liu Qingshan couldn't stay any longer, so he left the room with his hands.

"Liu Qingshan, you trash, so what about being promoted, what about being a regular worker, can you get your son's life back? Your son is watching you in the sky..."


It was another night rain, which stopped gradually at ten o'clock in the morning. At dawn, a beam of sunshine broke the sky, and the bad weather finally passed.

Yu Xiaowan lazily got up, opened the curtains, and let the sun that hadn't been seen for a few days shine into the room.

Lu Mu was called away just after dawn, and it was Li Wei who rode his bicycle for a long time. It seemed that a project they were working on had been hit by heavy rain for several days, and a previous wall had collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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