Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 962 Are all of you Lu family such white-eyed wolves?

Chapter 962 Are all of you Lu family such white-eyed wolves?
"Jiaxin, what are you talking about? My parents asked me to come here. You also know that your second brother has been married for so long and they don't have any children. My parents have always wanted to add another child to the family. Now that the child is five months old, as an aunt, you don’t want family planning to get rid of it, do you? I just come to live for a few months and return to my hometown when the child is born.”

After finishing speaking, he said to Xiaowan, "We are all a family. Who can I count on if my family doesn't help at this time? Do you think it is Xiaowan?"

Now that we've talked about this, Yu Xiaowan can't say anything.

What's more, Li Ying's belly is really big.

"Then sister-in-law will live here for a few months, but our place is not like home, so just don't dislike it."

First, Lu Jiaxin had an accidental abortion of a child, and then Song Meiyu's child was stillborn, and Yu Xiaowan had special sympathy for these unborn children.

In this era, the family planning policy is strict, and the Family Planning Office finds out that there are too many births, and the consequences are really serious.

"Don't dislike it, don't dislike it, I think this small yard is very good, much better than the yard at home."

While talking, Li Ying beckoned Lu Wei to move her luggage into the house.

The weather is hot now, and the house is even more stuffy, but there is shade under the persimmon tree in the yard.

"Brother, you haven't had breakfast yet, have you? Jiaxin, let's make some more food."

In the morning, Lu Jiaxin cooked porridge and eggs, but it was too late to cook porridge now, so she cooked two more bowls of noodles.

The four of them had breakfast, while Lu Jiaxin and Yu Xiaowan were cleaning the kitchen, Lu Wei touched Li Ying's arm.

"I think it's better for us to go back. You see, the small courtyard of the second child is only so small. I also noticed it just now. One of the side rooms is the kitchen and the other is the bathroom. Where is there a place to live? I just said to send you back to your natal family. If you don’t listen, you have to listen to your mother. Come to Jin City. How much does it cost?"

Li Ying glanced at the kitchen, then glanced at the side door on the wall from the corner of her eye, hating the opening that was so weak.

"It's just you, a fool, who thinks that the second child's life is hard. You said that you have no land to live in. Did you see Jiaxin's bed when you went to the house to put your luggage? There are two rooms in this yard, only one bedroom and one bed. Jiaxin definitely doesn’t live here. Look at the small door on the wall. I guess people can live in the yard next door. If it doesn’t work out, Jiaxin will live there, and the clothes on Jiaxin are no worse than mine. Okay? How can the second child buy new clothes for my sister-in-law if she has a hard life?"

"But no matter what, that's the skill of the second child, let's..."

"Do you still want this child?" Li Ying interrupted before Lu Wei finished speaking.

"Let's talk about it first. I have suffered for five months. If the child really can't keep it, I will divorce you. If the second child is capable, isn't it also confessed by the family? Just live with him for a few Yue, they are all family, why are you..., and Jiaxin, who was the best to her when she was at home, she has only been here for a few months, so I forgot about it, you Lu family are all so supercilious Wolf?"

"Okay, okay, look at what you said, live here, Ren Xiaowan didn't say anything, Jiaxin was also a little surprised to see us coming together, when I was at home, I said to make a phone call, you insist Come directly, and blame others for making a fuss?"

Seeing that Li Ying's words became more and more outrageous, Lu Wei had no choice but to compromise.

(End of this chapter)

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