Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 966 Don't Wear Skirts

Chapter 966 Don't Wear Skirts (Little Chubby Nini Loves Cats)
After sending Lu Wei to the car, Lu Mu went straight back to the company.

As soon as he entered the office, Lin Dongyang walked in from the outside.

"Come back so soon? Didn't you say that your eldest brother and sister-in-law came from their hometown? Is there something at home?"

Lu Mu turned on the electric fan, untied the cuff buttons leisurely, and rolled up a section casually.

"It's a bit of a problem. My sister-in-law is pregnant with a second child, and the family's investigation is strict. She wanted to hide in Jin City for a few days. My elder brother sent her here and went back."

For Lin Dongyang, Lu Mu has nothing to hide.

Lin Dongyang let out a low laugh, "Your family, the sister-in-law came first, and then the sister-in-law. Do you want to move the whole family here?"

Lu Mu followed with a smile, noncommittal.

"By the way, Li Wei came over just now. The construction site is almost ready, and we can continue to start work tomorrow. I just want to install two cement mixers. The previous one is not enough. Now we need to speed up the project, relying on people alone It’s impossible, I have paid the accountant, and I plan to go to see the machine with him later.”

Lu Mu nodded, took out his key and opened the drawer on his desk, took out two stacks of money and handed it over.

Lin Dongyang was puzzled, "I paid the money from the accountant, and it's fine to reconcile the account later."

"It's not machine money. Use this money to redeem your car. It's convenient to have a car."

Calculating the time, it has been almost half a year since Lin Dongyang's car was mortgaged.

Lu Mu knew that he had mortgaged it for half a year at the beginning, and if he didn't redeem it at the end of the time, it would be auctioned off.

That would be a loss.

Lin Dongyang was slightly taken aback, but he was not pretentious. He reached out and took the money, shaking his hand.

"Okay, then I'll take care of it when I have time, and then redeem the car and use it as our company's bus."

Just as Lin Dongyang went out, there was another knock on the office door.

"Come in," Lu Mu replied in a low voice.

The voice fell, and a girl in a bright green miniskirt walked in, holding a receipt in her hand.

Seeing Lu Mu's eyes light up behind the desk, he said softly, "Boss Lu, just now Assistant Lin paid me 2 yuan, look..."

Lu Mu raised his head, the moment he saw the girl's cold eyes were a little cold, but the calm and handsome face was still indifferent.

"I remember telling your accountant that Lin Dongyang has the right to directly withdraw a certain amount of money from you, as long as the procedures are complete, 2 yuan should be within his scope of rights?"

Zhang Lingling's face froze, and her smile froze, so she could only bite the bullet and say, "I... I forgot, seeing that the amount of money is quite large, I just want... I just want to ask Mr. Lu, I'm sorry, next time I'll keep an eye out for..."

When it came to the end, she couldn't help crying, her eyes were a little red with grievance.

The pen in Lu Mu's hand lightly tapped on the table, and said calmly, "Go back, if you are not proficient in business, ask Sister Huo for advice, if you can't make a decision, ask Sister Huo, I don't need to teach you this process, right?"

Zhang Lingling shook her head hastily, " need, I understand, I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, for disturbing you."

Lu Mu has already withdrawn his gaze and continued with the work at hand.

Zhang Lingling bit her lip lightly, and could only turn around and leave in the end.

"Cashier Zhang."

A man's voice sounded behind her, and Zhang Lingling turned around in surprise, "Mr. Lu—"

"Pay attention to dressing when you work, and don't wear skirts when you come to work in the future."

Lu Mu said without raising his head.

Zhang Lingling's small face was flushed, and she replied in a low voice, "Okay, I will pay attention."

(End of this chapter)

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