Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 969 Want me to spend more time with you?

Chapter 969 Want me to spend more time with you? (Little Chubby Nini loves cats and cats)

"I don't think Jiaxin might like it."

Lu Mu didn't want to spoil the little guy's interest, but he couldn't help complaining.

Yu Xiaowan discovered something just now, and said, "Lu Mu, are you not used to these things?"

He didn't seem to have eaten anything just now.

Lu Mu was a little embarrassed, and touched his nose, "It's just as long as you like to eat, take everything, go home."

The car shuttled smoothly through the night.

Since Lu Mu helped Lin Dongyang redeem the car, Lin Dongyang wanted to contribute the car to the company no matter what.

In addition, Lin Dongyang originally lived in the courtyard of a machine manufacturer, so this car, of course, became Lu Mu's means of transportation to and from get off work.

At this time, Lu Mu was skillfully controlling the car, and the street lights flashed across the window from time to time, illuminating his cold and resolute handsome face.

"Lu Mu, isn't the company already on the right track? I always feel that it doesn't matter if the company is on the right track or not."

Lu Mu turned his head and glanced at her lightly, reflecting the passing night scene outside, his big eyes were even more radiant.

He reached out a big hand and took her small hand.

"What's wrong? What kind of difference do you want?"

"It feels like you're still so busy."

Why can't Lu Mu hear his little wife's complaints?
With a low laugh, "I want to spend more time with you, huh?"

A sound of um, seems to have an echo in this small space, which is too seductive.

Yu Xiaowan's ears turned red in disappointment, "No."

She denied it, and at the same time turned around and looked out the window, not wanting Lu Mu to see her blushing face.

However, the red ears did not escape the man's eyes.

"Is that because you are not happy with your sister-in-law?"

Lu Mu still understood Li Ying's temperament. Now that she was living at home, and Yu Xiaowan was alone with her every day, Lu Mu was also a little worried.

However, Yu Xiaowan seldom complained about the family members to him.

"On the one hand," Yu Xiaowan turned around.

"Lu Mu, do you think your sister-in-law is really just here to avoid family planning? You don't know, these days when we are at home, she always asks me about you. There are some things I can say, some things You know, I really don't know, and you haven't told me, but she said at this time that I don't want to tell her. I can understand her curiosity, but she feels a little angry when she says that about me. Oh, yes, there is also the matter of the house at home. Jiaxin secretly mentioned this matter to me on the first day my sister-in-law came, and told me that the house is rented, and there are things about our company. , making me feel like I’ve become an underground worker.”

When it came to the end, it was rare for the little guy to have a trace of helplessness on his face.

"Just do what Jiaxin says." Lu Mu gently squeezed the little hand in his heart.

"What kind of person is your sister-in-law?"

Yu Xiaowan couldn't help asking.

Hearing the little guy's question, Lu Mu frowned slightly, turned his head, and saw the little guy's bewilderment and doubt in his eyes.

After thinking about it, he said in a low voice, "Do you still remember what I told you about my college entrance examination?"

Yu Xiaowan nodded.

Lu Mu was successfully admitted to Jinshi University. On the day he received the admission notice, Lu's mother wanted his elder brother Lu Wei to pretend to be Lu Mu to go to school, but Lu Wei is a real person, so he disclosed the news to Grandpa Lu and Grandma Lu first.

Grandpa Lu and Grandma Lu supported Lu Mu, so Lu Mu didn't lose his books.

(End of this chapter)

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