Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 984 Why does such a brother want him?

Chapter 984 Why does such a brother want him?
Lu Jiaxin also leaned over her head, gritted her teeth, and said, "This shrew is really ruthless. Didn't some accountant get rid of her child? Why did you come to our house to find the second sister-in-law? Second brother, this is still yours." Where is the brother's wife? What does such a brother want him for?"

Lu Mu nodded aside, "Don't worry, I will take care of it."

"Well, if you say that, I'm relieved. I'm still thinking, or I won't go to work these few days, and stay at home with my second sister-in-law. The pregnant and injured ones at home can be recruited again. I can't stand it."

Lu Jiaxin went into the kitchen while complaining.

She also heard a few words from Lin Dongyang when she was cooking at the company today. She was worried and walked back after cooking. She didn't expect that the family courtyard community would spread the word.

"By the way, Brother Dongyang, Brother Dongyang asked me to tell you, if the matter is almost settled, can you go to the company in the afternoon, he has something to tell you, if you don't have time, he will come to you at night."

Lu Mu also guessed what Lin Dongyang wanted him for, and after thinking about it, he said to Xiaowan, "I'll go to the company after dinner, and I'll come back early in the afternoon after finishing the matter. Song Meiyu will wait a while. You and your sister-in-law should stay at home, and Jiaxin should also stay at home."

Yu Xiaowan naturally saw Lu Mu's worry in her eyes, and said with a smile, "Knowing that Song Meiyu will not be able to get out of the police station, why worry? It's my sister-in-law and Jiaxin's, okay, don't worry Let's go, at worst, close the door, and no one will open the door."

"As long as you know."

Lu Mu also rubbed her long hair helplessly...


There was still something to do at the company, so after lunch at home, Lu Mu went back to the company.

As soon as he entered the door, Lin Dongyang greeted him.

"How's the fat woman? They've made trouble at the police station. Was she beaten very hard? She was raised by you, so if she goes into a fight, isn't she worthy of the beating? Have you been to the hospital?"

Lu Mu shook his head, "It's just some skin trauma, and it's been treated with medicine."

"Skin trauma? Isn't it? How did I hear that Song Meiyu is still in the police station? Liu Qingshan is looking for contacts everywhere."

Lin Dongyang obviously didn't believe Lu Mu's words. Although he left the factory, he could find out if he wanted to know any news about the factory.

Lu Mu didn't explain much and changed the subject.

"How was the cooperation discussion this morning?"

As soon as Lu Mu mentioned this, Lin Dongyang immediately drooped his head like an eggplant beaten by frost.

"Hey, don't mention it, I asked Jiaxin to call you here just to tell you about it."

Lin Dongyang took out a cigarette case from his pocket, took out a cigarette and handed it to Lu Mu. Lu Mu took the cigarette but did not light it. Watching Lin Jiangyang lit a cigarette and took a puff, exhaled a large cloud of smoke, stood up and walked away again. Go to the window and open it as wide as possible.

Lin Dongyang didn't care about his small gestures, he raised his lit cigarette and said.

"Mr. Qian saw that Li Wei and I went there, and he was a little unhappy when he didn't see you in person. It's true. You, the general manager, didn't show up for such a big cooperation project. Let me be an assistant and Li Wei a deputy. I always go to talk, what is this called? We explained again and again, saying that your family was suddenly delayed by an urgent matter, and Mr. Qian just put it down and asked you to deal with the family affairs before discussing business. The plan we brought was even Didn't even look at it, let alone anything else."

(End of this chapter)

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