chapter 994

Yang Xiuling was talkative, and she had a good relationship with Yu Xiaowan at first, but after Lu Jiaxin came to Jin City, the two of them became more friendly. From her, Lu Jiaxin got a lot of gossip from the employees and their families in the community.

"Speaking of which, Liu Qingshan is quite capable. Didn't you say that Song Meiyu's name was on the list of laid-off workers last time? After a while, Song Meiyu has been resting for how long, and she has returned to work in the factory. I’m afraid those workers laid off last time haven’t found a job yet.”

Yu Xiaowan gently put down the coffee cup, her lowered eyes couldn't see the emotion clearly.

"Liu Qingshan is capable, but also incompetent. This family lives like a person drinking water, knowing whether it is warm or not."

Liu Qingshan has the ability to get Song Meiyu out of the police station.

She remembered that Lin Dongyang said that Liu Qingshan would not let her spouse bear a bad reputation, especially this kind of violation of laws and regulations.

He is still capable, and he can still keep his wife's job when the employees are laid off on a large scale.

And he is incompetent. I am afraid that only he knows how much bitterness lies behind his superficial scenery.

Not to mention anything else, I am afraid that only he himself knows how much he looks forward to the child.

But his kid...

Lu Jiaxin curled her lips, "I'm talking about the second sister-in-law, why don't you tell my second brother and ask him to arrange an errand for you in our company. You spend all day at home either reading books or painting, or tinkering with these tea sets , the coffee machine, why do I think you are getting old, you are 20 years old, not 40 years old, why are you still talking about the truth? By the way, I heard my second brother asked Lin Dongyang Academy of Fine Arts a while ago What are the conditions for admission, he won't want you to go to school, will he?"

Yu Xiaowan shook her head, "He didn't mention this to me."

"That's good. Anyway, I don't want to go to school. I finally escaped from the school door. I have been at ease for so many years and let me go to school again. It must drive me crazy."

Seeing Lu Jiaxin like that, Yu Xiaowan couldn't help laughing.

She still remembered that the three brothers and sisters of the Lu family didn't like to learn except Lu Mu.

In Grandma Lu's words, it's not material for going to school.

"Actually, it's not a bad thing if you have the conditions to go to a university. After all, after finishing university, the starting point for finding a job is different."

Yu Xiaowan said with a light smile.

Lu Jiaxin looked vigilant, "Why do you tell my second brother everything? Let me tell you first, I want you to go, I won't go."

It doesn't mean that Xiao Wan retorted, she put down her coffee cup and stood up, "Drink it slowly, I'll go out for a while."

"It's snowing heavily, where are you going? Isn't coffee what you want to drink? You run away after it's all brewed."

Lu Jiaxin put on a down jacket while turning around and said, "I won't drink anymore, I can't sleep at night if I drink too much, so leave it to my second brother, you will have a lot of energy at night after drinking."

Yu Xiaowan gritted her teeth angrily, "Lu Jiaxin, you...what nonsense are you talking about?"

"What me? I didn't say anything, even the heating pipe rang for a long time last night, and I don't know what happened."


Yu Xiaowan's face flushed, this time she was not angry, but ashamed.

The head of their bed is next to the heating pipe. Before the heating was not connected to the courtyard next door, they didn't think there was any problem. But now...

Lu Jiaxin didn't continue to tease her anymore, knowing that she was a thin-skinned little sister-in-law, she smiled, and just comforted her when she walked away, "What's so embarrassing? Let the second brother work harder, and I will have many little nephews and nieces later." Yes, grandma has been urging you for a long time."

After speaking, he winked at Yu Xiaowan, waved his hands and walked out the door against the wind and snow.

(End of this chapter)

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