Chapter 998
"I've heard it all. From next year on the construction site, there will be contract workers. Even small workers will have to sign a contract. This is to tell us clearly that as long as we return to our hometown, we won't be needed anymore, Li Manager, our old Hu has been with you for so many years, and it ended up like this in the end, it's hard to say it."

As Mrs. Hu spoke, she sniffled again.

Li Wei finally shook off her grip before she reached out to grab it.

"Sister-in-law Hu, you can't say that. Everyone was equal when it came to the contract. If Brother Chen could sign the contract, Brother Hu might not be able to sign it. At that time, who stopped him from signing it and encouraged everyone to say that it was What's the matter with the contract of sale? Now I feel that this contract of sale is good? There is no medicine for regret in this world."

Although Li Wei values ​​friendship, he is not a persimmon.

When Boss Lu proposed the contract plan, this sister-in-law Hu often obstructed it.

Encouraging the workers not to sign at all, what Mr. Lu said was almost inhumane, and he even yelled to quit.

At that time, the work was almost impossible to carry on.

Fortunately, Boss Lu found his sister to take over her errand in time, otherwise the workers would be hungry.

Boss Lu didn't bother with her, and still used her old Hu for his sake.

It's been so long, she saw the benefits of the contract and came to him to play tricks and beat him up, he wouldn't take that kind of thing.

Seeing Li Wei's face pulled down, Mrs. Hu restrained herself a little, muttering softly.

"If both of us can sign the contract at that time, can we make trouble?"

As he spoke, he stabbed the husband next to him with his elbow.

Lao Hu knew he was wrong, but he couldn't afford to offend his wife, so he came here to make such a fuss, and felt extremely ashamed.

Seeing that Li Wei was about to lose even a bit of affection in the past, he immediately took his wife's arm, "Have you had enough trouble? I can't tell. You insist on coming. You don't want to sign the contract. Can you rely on others? Let's go." gone."

"If I don't leave, we won't be able to come back if we leave."

Hu's sister-in-law wanted to pick up Li Wei, but he dodged it quickly.

Lao Hu dragged Mrs. Hu to go out, and then said to Li Wei, "Women are ignorant, and they will cause you trouble."

Li Wei knew that Lao Hu was a real person, otherwise he wouldn't have been with him for so many years, just a bit strict with his wife.

Plus this sister-in-law Hu's domineering temper.

"Brother Hu, Mr. Lu said early on that the contract is signed every six months, and it's almost time to start the spring. If you want to come back, come back in the spring and sign the contract, and then sign it together."

"Then can't we sign it now? This company is so big, it's not short of our two months."

Seeing that there was something going on, Mrs. Hu said in a low voice.

Lao Hu pulled him behind him, "You can shut up, you, next year you will stay at home and watch your children plant the land, don't come out with me to show embarrassment."

After speaking, he thanked Li Wei again and again.

Li Wei watched the man leave the courtyard, and then entered the house. As soon as he entered, he saw Lu Jiaxin smiling at him.

While patting the snow on his body, he said, "Is it so funny?"

"I saw that Mrs. Hu wanted to laugh when she was widowed. I heard from the people on the construction site that she was so arrogant at that time, and she wanted to threaten the workers with whether to cook, but I didn't expect that I really lost my job if I didn't threaten. .”

Lu Jiaxin thought of something here, tilted his head and looked at Li Wei...

(End of this chapter)

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