Chapter 1449

The periphery of the entire forest is so large, even if the entire guild is here, it is impossible to walk together by such a coincidence, but now the distress signals of the four guilds sounded at the same place at the same time, which made everyone feel bad.

Ye Yunqing and Xuan Xi arrived first, and saw a beast trainer from their guild leading five disciples, standing with people from the other three guilds, dealing with the monsters in front of them.

Isn't this monster! ! ! !

Both Ye Yunqing and Xuan Xi were startled at the same time, this bird-headed and human-body monster was exactly what they had seen in the Cheya Forest!
But isn't that monster in Chelia Forest?How would it appear here!

This bird-headed and human-body monster was looking down at the group of people gathered together.

The group of animal trainers and disciples never imagined that so many of them couldn't beat this monster that they had never seen before, it was simply too terrifying.

Even many of them were injured, but they still endured the pain and stared vigilantly at the monster in front of them.

Originally, Rex and Moya's people came to trouble the disciples of the two guilds, Laides and Qiu Lien, but they never thought that they wanted to attack others behind their backs. Behind their own backs, they had already There is a monster staring at them covetously!

By the time they found out, one disciple had already lost his life.They saw that monster with their own eyes, eating that disciple alive, and the flesh and blood that came out of the bite even splashed out from his disgusting mouth.

At that time, they didn't have time to think about the trouble of finding members from the two guilds of Laides and Qiu Lien, so they just came out of it and ran to these two teams.

Originally, people from these two teams were hunting and practicing, how to kill a low-level monster, they were taken aback by Rex and Moya who suddenly ran out.

Immediately afterwards, they saw it flying out from behind them together, a terrifying monster with a bird head and a human body, a monster they had never seen before, it should be a monster.

As soon as the monster flew out, it crushed the low-level monster they were struggling with, and then attacked them again.

As the saying goes, there is strength in numbers.But so many of them couldn't resist the monster's attack. In a hurry, all of them released the distress signal flares on their bodies.

If no one comes to save them, they will die under the mouth of this monster!

When Ryders and the others arrived, they were shocked when they saw the bird-headed and human-body monster.

"What is this!?" Ricks was so surprised that he tied the knot.

He has never seen such a monster, no, it should not be said to be a monster, because he has a bird head and a human body, he is a monster!

The people on Rex's side saw that their president came, and hurriedly shouted, "President, president, come and save us!!!"

"Yes, this monster is terrible, he will eat people!!!"

Because of their screams, the monster had already noticed Ryders and the others.

Ryders cursed in a low voice, originally he was thinking of attacking while the monster was not paying attention, but now he was screwed by their idiots.

This monster is not easy to deal with at first glance, so many of them add up, and they may not necessarily be his opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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