Urban black technology supplier

Chapter 473, the boundary between life and death

Chapter 473, the boundary between life and death

This time the international human rights organization came to crusade under the banner of human rights, and it is also the main purpose of this time.

So Fesna didn't speak first this time, but quietly watched Denver's performance.

At this moment, Denver spoke slowly.

"Mr. Li, I beg you, stop releasing bionic robots, they... are too human-like." Denver took a deep look at Nova who was playing with her mobile phone and said, "Have you noticed that you have blasphemed God now? The responsibility is to explore the highest forbidden zone of life."

Yes, Nova not only looks like a human, but even behaves like a human, which is not exciting.


Will robots replace humans?

"They're not beings, they're just Dabai who looks more like a human being. It's my setting to see Miss Nova reading manga, so don't worry too much about it." Li Yun said calmly. Said: "As for the blasphemy of God, it is a bit unbelievable. If you only look at the similarity in appearance, isn't the person who created the inflatable doll the creator?"

At this time, Nova raised her head in a daze, her expression of "I was shot while lying down" was really 100% cute.

"Look, it's just a mechanical stress response, and it's also set by me. It's cute when you're lying down and getting shot."

Li Yun's calm nonsense made Denver speechless.

After all, Denver is not a professional, his professional is to put on hats, and Li Yun's professional is to roll
This rolling hat can't be put on!
"Okay, let's not mention the issue of human similarity." Denver decided to skip this matter, then knocked on the table and said seriously: "But, your customization of the personality of the deceased is a violation of human rights, right? .”

"Even the dead have human rights, and his identity is irreplaceable. Is it too much for you to replace everything in their lives with mechanical creations?"

This is equivalent to desecrating the dignity of the dead!

According to the doctrine, Denver has already equated Li Yun with the wizard who played with the dead in the Bible.

This was a crime that could be burned to death in the past!
However, at this time Li Yun smiled.

Laughing loudly, as if laughing until your ass is cracked.

"Is there anything ridiculous?" Denver frowned. After all, he is also a big boss of international human rights organizations, one of the mouthpieces and big hats of the United States.

Is Li Yun's behavior a little disrespectful?
But Li Yun shook his head and wiped away his tears.

"Sorry, Mr. Denver, there's nothing funny about it."

"It's ridiculous throughout. Hahahahaha!"

Li Yun's mocking sound was like a sharp knife, which exploded Denver's chrysanthemums, making him suddenly angry from embarrassment.

"What's so ridiculous about it? Both the living and the dead deserve respect. Isn't it too much for you to play with the dead?"

"Look, you've said it yourself." Li Yun didn't care about his image, he sat down on the desk, and said while eating a chicken burger, "Both the living and the dead deserve respect."

Then Li Yun smiled calmly.

"Then the question is, do you respect the choice of the living?"

The choice of the living?

Denver frowned, what choice did the living have.

"The living."

Li Yun interrupted Denver's words.

"When people are alive, they must always have something to think about. Some people are devastated because of tragedies such as the loss of their father, mother, or child in old age. Since then, there have been regrets in their lives."

"This product of mine just gave them a vain fantasy, but what we see as vain fantasy may be everything to them." Li Yun sighed and said, "You know what? Regardless of whether a child loses a father or a mother, it will cause irreversible damage to growth, and a customized bionic robot can minimize the damage."

"Even when the child grows up and knows that he is a robot and false parents, he still grows up in a healthy environment. He has no regrets. He enjoys the love of father and mother that he can get."

"There are many similar examples. In life, there are too many regrets."

"Sometimes, when thinking about problems, don't think about the boundary between life and death, but also think about the actual situation and what kind of changes he can bring about."

Li Yun's words were so light that Denver was speechless.

Lin Feiyu fell into deep thought.

Let Fesna start applauding.

The truth is that.

Or in other words, the human rights of the dead are important, but are the rights of the living important?

Since it can serve the living, what is wrong with this choice?
"You are lying, this is absurd! You are violating human rights! I have the right to issue a notice to you on behalf of the United Nations!" Denver felt very angry.

It's not because of anything else, it's because he actually thinks it makes sense!

This is the funniest thing.

"Let's just announce the announcement, and I'll follow suit, but you have to think carefully, those announcements are useless to me, because I haven't violated any relevant Chinese regulations at all." Li Yun shrugged and said to him It is true.

If the international human rights organization intends to come hard this time, Li Yun will think highly of bringing a large number of American soldiers here.

Li Yun felt that it would be a sin to look at this guy from such a long distance.

"You will regret it." Denver took a deep breath, and then said: "Let me tell you this, I represent more than just a personal warning to you this time."

"Your actions have violated human rights. If you don't stop, I will not guarantee that the United Nations will impose necessary sanctions on you."

United Nations?
Just kidding, well, where does the United Nations have such a posture that can sanction the five permanent members?
Sanction with love?
"At the same time, you have violated the faith of Catholics and I don't guarantee how they will deal with you."

"Okay, is it the Brotherhood of Assassin's Creed or the Knights Templar? Come on, I'll accept whatever the setting is, or is it God himself who came down and sanctioned me? But I think you need to be cured of your secondary illness, big brother. Come on, I have a call here, his name is [Magnetic Explosion Infantry Yang Yongxin], go to him for treatment and you will be cured with medicine."

After hearing this, Denver shook his hands in shock and anger, then snorted coldly and left the office.

But Li Yun didn't stop him, but squinted his eyes, looking at the back of Denver leaving and muttering to himself.

"It's so simple to get fucked, there is no king's law."

(End of this chapter)

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