Supreme Allure

Chapter 106

Chapter 106
These seven days are really too short for Qingcheng who is addicted to practice, but there are still many places to go and see. If you continue to stay here, it will lose the meaning of traveling.

When the sound of tick-tock came from the space ring, Qingcheng knew that she had to set off to go to other places for a walk.But because I like this place very much, I recorded this place on the geographical inscription jade that I carry with me.This geographical inscription jade is specially used to record the geographical location that you value more. Just stand at this position and lightly press the recording position on the geographical inscription jade, then this place will be displayed on the geographical inscription jade, so that you can find it later.

Qingcheng activated the engraved jade lightly, and saw a white pattern refracted from the jade body. Geographically engraved jade was activated, and this beautiful mountain range was recorded on Qingcheng's inscribed jade. Qingcheng gave it a name, called Purple Lingshan.Because there are purple bamboos planted everywhere on the mountain, the aura is also extremely strong.So it is called Ziling Mountain.

As soon as he said he would leave, Qingcheng slowly got up from the grass futon, and with a light sweep of his hands, he withdrew the barrier.Take a step forward and prepare to go down the mountain.At this time, a red light suddenly appeared not far away. Qingcheng followed the light and found that in a cave not far away, there was a beautiful young man in red clothes who was meditating with his eyes closed, looking at the aura emanating from the surrounding area. , the skill is actually higher than Qingcheng, Qingcheng couldn't help being surprised, could it be an old monster who cultivated in the deep mountains, secretly took out the fire eye jade from the space ring and took a photo at the boy, the fire eye jade is a gem used to detect the real age of the other party, It looks like an eye and is blood red, hence the name Fire Eye Jade.

Qingcheng picked up the Fire Eye Jade and secretly took a picture of the beautiful young man who was immersed in cultivation, and couldn't help but cover his mouth. This young man was actually the same age as her. In the past, Qingcheng was always scaring others. Today, Qingcheng was finally caught. Chi Guoguo was frightened.

Slightly stunned for a while, when Qingcheng came back to his senses, he found that the red light emitted by the young man was actually mixed with black energy. It seemed that the young man was poisoned, and he did not come to this deep mountain for retreat. Sitting cross-legged here without laying it down, it is estimated that the situation was urgent at that time. If she guessed correctly, it should be a sudden and stubborn illness, and the young man used his kung fu to heal his injuries, so it was too late to set up the enchantment.

Qingcheng slowly transported kung fu to the young man to perceive that black energy, what kind of poison is it that can be so strong and overbearing, suddenly, there were bursts of screams from the depths of the young man's soul, and Qingcheng's beautiful eyes suddenly widened and widened Red lips exclaimed, trembling uncontrollably all over her body, that was, that was actually Yan's soul breath, unmistakable, it was Yan, her fire phoenix, that was actually her fire phoenix, Yan!
Seeing that the black energy on the young man's body is getting thicker and thicker, the young man's skill is very strong, Qingcheng can clearly perceive that the magic power is definitely above her, but if the black energy is not removed, the young man's life will be threatened .

Qingcheng's teardrops fell down one after another, covering her cheeks, and before she had time to dry them off, Qingcheng cut her own palm with a dagger, faced the young man's red lips, and fed drop by drop of blood into the young man's mouth, looking at the young man's body. There was no blackness in the breath, Qingcheng burst into a gratified smile, a tearful smile, beautiful and captivating.

Yan, unexpectedly, you also came to this world; unexpectedly, we will meet again one day.

Qingcheng picked up the beautiful boy and returned to the small bamboo house.

Gently move the boy to the bamboo bed. Although the boy's toxins have basically dissipated, the toxins cannot be completely removed without a few months of recuperation.She wanted to stay by the boy's side until he woke up, but she didn't have that much time.Now, what she lacks the most is time.And it would be really inconvenient to take him around all the way.Therefore, Qingcheng simply moved him to the bamboo bed in the small bamboo house where she used to live, and let him recuperate well. He believed that with the rich aura here, the young man would reach a higher level of cultivation after waking up, maybe You can also advance directly.

Slowly put the boy down, and Qingcheng put an enchantment on the bamboo bed. Now, he can't move, if he encounters a wild beast, he will be in trouble, so he made a life jade token, in case he is in any danger, Qingcheng can be the first Knowing at once, it is still too late to come to the rescue, because she still has the transmission scroll in her hand, and she can use the transmission scroll to rush to the rescue in an emergency.

Originally, she also thought about putting Huofeng in the purple jade bracelet, but since Huofeng has changed her body, she must have an identity belonging to this side, and maybe there are some things he is eager to deal with waiting for him to deal with. If Qingcheng recognizes Huofeng at this time, then Huofeng will definitely follow Qingcheng, and it will definitely affect everything about Huofeng in this world. She can't be so selfish, she hopes that Huofeng can have a complete life of her own, and Not just her belongings.Huofeng, he deserves to have his own life. In this life, he is no longer her contract beast. He should live his own life.They, in this other world, will become a pair of equal friends.

He left a letter to the boy, to the effect that two years later, that is, the year after next, when they were both 13 years old, they would meet at Caixuan Academy.

After finishing these things, Qingcheng embarked on the road of traveling again.It seems that going out to travel is the most correct choice. Look at her, she will meet Huofeng by chance during the travel.But, right now, the most important thing is to improve your strength.Homura, take care, see you in two years.

Qingcheng stopped and stopped all the way, when passing by the bustling Chuyang City, thinking about her face that often caused troubles, just in case, Qingcheng put on her delicate silver mask again.

Today's Qingcheng is wearing a light purple brocade robe, and his long black hair like a waterfall is casually tied with a light purple headband at the back of his head. It's no different.But what makes Qingcheng depressed is that she is still interrupted from time to time.For a while, a girl's handkerchief accidentally flew on her, and for a while another hydrangea suddenly flew into the air, scaring her to hide and run away. My heart is tossed, I have provoked whoever I provoke, and there are so many things in the road.It's better to go to a remote place, maybe you can meet a ferocious beast and fight it for [-] rounds.If those beauties throwing handkerchiefs and hydrangeas knew what Qingcheng was thinking at the moment, they would probably jump off the building collectively. It turns out that beauties these days are not worth as much as the dirty beasts on the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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