Supreme Allure

Chapter 120 Rainbow neon clothes regardless of gender

Chapter 120 Rainbow neon clothes regardless of gender (5)
"When did human beings ever unite? Over thousands of years, I have seen many times! I don't need to give examples to frame relatives and friends against conscience for personal gain. You have a lot of examples in your own mind! Unity, in the history of mankind That's the rarest thing!" Yin Jiyou curled her lips disdainfully, and the corners of her sexy lips curled into a sarcasm.

"No matter what, even if I give up my life today, I still have to rescue the thousands of souls imprisoned by you." Dongfang Ming's purple eyes shone with determination.

"I want to save those souls! Why didn't I say it earlier? I've always been easy to talk, so why not, let's make a deal! You bring me the Night Allure, and I'll let go of thousands of souls!" Yin Jiyou He proposed with a negotiable expression on his face.

"What do you want to do? Let me tell you, even if I die ten thousand times, I won't let Qingcheng see you!" Dongfang Ming's purple eyes are full of defense, what does this Yin Jiyou want to do?Why do you want to meet Qingcheng?Could it be that he knows Qingcheng?How can it be?

"His Royal Highness, if sacrificing Qingcheng alone can bring back tens of millions of lives, it would be worth it." Although Ye Likuang didn't know why Yin Jiyou wanted to see Qingcheng, if Qingcheng could get so many lives in exchange, it would be considered Earn enough money.It's not that he is cruel as a father, it's just that, in many cases, personal life often appears extremely meager in the face of righteousness.

"Uncle Ye needn't say much. Everyone has obsessions in their hearts. If a person can truly be selfless in his heart without any obsessions, then there is no need for this person to live in this world. Qingcheng is the biggest thing in my heart." Obsession, I, even if I use my own life, or even the lives of the entire Dongmu people, I will never let Qingcheng have trouble. Even if there are thousands of lives, compared with Qingcheng's life, I will never abandon Qingcheng. I know that as the prince, I really can't act recklessly like this. I, Dongfang Ming, are indeed very incompetent in the position of prince. I have long wanted to give up the position of prince to brother Chen. The prince should be sensible now." Dongfang Ming said with a persistent face.Want him to exchange Qingcheng's life?Unless you kill him first!
"You don't need to care about the crown prince, but I do. You are a good prince, and you will definitely become a good king in the future. Qingcheng has become your weakness, and it is Qingcheng's fault. Qingcheng is willing to use his life in exchange for this Thousands of souls can help the prince get rid of this weakness." Qingyue's melodious voice sounded, and a stunning face suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The moon is the god, the flowers are the face, the ice is the flesh, the jade is the bone, and the snow is the skin.His brows are dark without any trace, his lips are red without any hint of redness, his jade-bone flesh is not enough to describe "him" elegant, and his beauty is not enough to describe "his" beauty. In this Netherworld Palace, people feel even more beautiful. Not like a real person.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a beauty in the world. Even the number one beauty in our demon world has been severely compared. No wonder Prince Dongfang is nervous and wants to protect you at the risk of his life." Yin Jiyou flashed in a moment, Immediately recovering his mind, he looked at Qingcheng sideways with his ice eyes, and teased leisurely.

When I ran into Qingcheng in the Zheri Forest, she was still wearing a mask. Now that Qingcheng's stunning appearance was exposed in front of him, his heart was also shaken severely. Years ago, he had long since lost any perception.It turned out that he still had emotions.

"What number one beauty, I'm a man, don't compare me with those sissies!" Qingcheng looked at Yin Jiyou who was squinting at her, and stared back fearlessly.Although there is a huge difference in strength between them, Ye Qingcheng can't lose to anyone in terms of aura, and this Yin Jiyou doesn't seem like a vicious person. He even rescued her back then, I believe it should be a reasonable person right and wrong.

Qingcheng had no intention of recuperating in the camp near Huajincheng. After recovering a little, he immediately encouraged Xue Muyang to come together. Fortunately, no casualties occurred.

Just now when the space was distorted, she vaguely heard the conversation on their side. Dongfang Ming's words moved her. Living in this world, there is someone who pays so much attention to herself, and she pays so much, and this life is not in vain.What is there to fear of death?

At this time, although Qingcheng and Xue Muyang's phantom power has not been fully recovered, their bodies have recovered a lot. They can eat, drink, walk and dance.

"How come the rainbow neon clothes are in your elder brother's hands?" Yin Jiyou raised her eyes and stared at Qingcheng's stunning face, and asked lightly.The Rainbow Clothes is a divine garment crafted by Yin Jiyou painstakingly, and that divine garment has its own consciousness, which means that the garment already has its own soul, why is it so obedient to give it away? ?Doesn't it struggle to resist?
"I gave it to my eldest brother, what's the problem?" Qingcheng said calmly.

Rainbow Nishang wailed in her heart, why did her two masters abuse her so much? Before, the new master of Qingcheng deliberately lied to her that he brought her here to see the old master, but only now did he realize that he wanted to give her away.After finally seeing the old master, the old master still disliked her, and wanted to pounce on her as soon as we met, but was stopped by the old master many times.Why is she so miserable, with such a new and old master!

"Rainbow neon clothes are for wearing, not for displaying in space." Yin Jiyou said while squinting at Ye Qingyang from the corner of his eye, Ye Qingyang stared back viciously, what do you mean?Can you wear such colorful clothes?Let alone a grown man, even a girl wouldn't dress up like this and show off like a flowery peacock.

"Qingcheng, you must look good in your clothes." Yin Jiyou whispered endlessly, since Nishang chose Qingcheng as the heroine, it made sense. Not enthusiastic at all, practitioners have very shallow feelings, almost no self-awareness, and the whole person roams the vast universe leisurely, so it really doesn't matter whether there is a hostess or not.

But now that he saw Qingcheng, he suddenly felt that it would be nice if she could become the mistress of the Nether Palace.He is just greedy for convenience, not love.At least a cold person like Qingcheng will never pester him to affect his cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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