Supreme Allure

Chapter 129 The moonlight is seductive and dark

Chapter 129 The moonlight is seductive and dark (2)
When Feng Danyang saw the lotus-like face, he suddenly thought of the waist that he had been unable to understand before, and looked down uncontrollably. Seeing this, Xue Muyang pinched his crotch hard. Arm, whispered: "Danyang, where are you looking?"

Feng Danyang Jun, who came back to his senses, was flushed with blood. In the public, he actually lost his mind when he looked at a man's waist. If others knew about it, he wouldn't have to come out to mess around, and he would be ashamed.

Turning eyes hastily, meeting Xue Muyang's reproachful eyes, smiled embarrassingly and embarrassedly, cleared his throat, turned his eyes to staring at Qingcheng and said: "I came to participate in the feast of flowers, and I happened to meet Muyang , anyway, there is still some time before the Hundred Flowers Feast, so we simply go together, and today we are going to go to the auction together."

Feng Danyang's home is in Ziyang City, and he came to Rising Sun City because of the feast of flowers. He originally looked reluctant, but he met Xue Muyang as soon as he came here, and now he even meets Qingcheng, so, I couldn't help but secretly rejoice, it seems that coming to Rising Sun City is not so bad!
"Auction? Let's go together!" As soon as he heard the word "auction", Qingcheng immediately became interested. He turned around and left the weapon shop. While walking, he waved to the two people who were still in a daze, signaling them to hurry up. keep up.

The two looked at each other with a smile, and hurriedly followed.This Qingcheng said that the wind is the rain, and his movements were too fast for people to react.

The three of them walked with the wind, and within a short time, they arrived at the largest auction in Rising Sun City.

At this time, there was a lot of people in the auction, and the crowd was excited. It seemed that some rare treasure was about to be auctioned. Qingcheng was infected by the atmosphere and pushed forward desperately. After some unremitting efforts, he finally won a good position. , looked up and found that there was actually a small pill on the auction table of the auction.

In front of the auction table, I saw a coquettish woman in fiery red, holding a small pill in her left hand, and a delicate golden hammer in her right hand, and said coquettishly, "Don't underestimate this!" A small pill, this is the holy medicine for cultivation, Yiyuan Pill, I believe I don’t need to explain the efficacy of Yiyuan Pill, right? The starting price is [-] Zijin, the highest bidder wins, and the bidding starts now.”

"Six hundred purple gold!" As soon as the woman's voice fell, an old man with white hair jumped out and called for the price.

"Wow, I added a hundred all at once. Could it be that this old man wants to return to his old age? He is so eager!" Someone immediately bowed their heads and whispered at the auction.

"Eight hundred Zijin!" A woman who looked 28 or [-] years old followed suit immediately.

"One thousand purple gold!" The old man gritted his teeth and suddenly added another two hundred, which seemed to be a certainty.

"Five thousand purple gold!" A girl dressed in Chinese clothes was amazing, and suddenly pushed the price of Yiyuan Pill to five thousand purple gold.

There was an uproar downstairs!
"Where did the girl come from to be so generous? Although the Yiyuan Pill is rare, it is not worth five thousand purple gold. Isn't this too exaggerated?"

"Rich people like to use money to burn. What can you do? Or burn more incense in this life, and you may be reincarnated into such a rich family in the next life."

The flamboyant woman in fiery red on the auction stage was excited. Today, she really made a fortune. A Yiyuan Pill was auctioned for [-] purple gold. What a bang for her commission.The woman in red seemed to see a splendid golden mountain slowly walking towards her.At that moment, the small golden hammer hit the auction table three times, and the transaction was successful.

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, I saw the woman in Chinese clothes walking towards the stage with a proud face. At this moment, the old man who had previously bid with the woman fell heavily to the ground.

Seeing someone fainted, Qingcheng hurriedly teleported over, Feng Danyang and Xue Muyang both followed closely, only to see that the old man's face was pale and his eyes were dim, as if he had received some severe blow.

Qingcheng quickly took out a bright white porcelain bottle from the interspatial ring, poured out a few pills casually from it, and was about to give it to the old man, but who knew that the old man suddenly got up from the ground, and when he saw Qingcheng, After a few elixirs, his dim eyes immediately glowed with bursts of light, and he exclaimed, "Yiyuan Pill! It's actually Yiyuan Pill! Young master, can you sell this Yiyuan Pill to the old man for a thousand purple gold? Please!" He knelt down straight as he said.He only has one thousand purple gold on him now, he really can't get any more!There is someone at home who is waiting for this Yiyuan Pill to save his life!

Qingcheng quickly helped the old man up, and under the shocked eyes of everyone, handed over all the Yiyuan Pills to the old man, fearing that the old man would not accept the Yiyuan Pills in vain, so he simply teleported and hid in the crowd among.

There was a sudden silence at the auction, and everyone was dumbfounded watching this scene, thinking that the gods had descended, and there really was a free lunch in the world.It seems that in the future, if you have something to do, you will come to this auction more often. Maybe one day you will have good luck, and a god will come to present this rare medicine to yourself.

But the old man knelt on the ground and slammed his head in the direction where Qingcheng disappeared, then hurriedly left the auction.

After a short period of silence, the auction returned to its previous hustle and bustle, with discussions one after another.

"Did you see it? The one just now is Ye Qingcheng!"

"That's right! I saw 'him' on the Xuanyue mirror, but I clearly remember that there were no such colorful petals between the two eyebrows of 'him' at that time. When did they embroider them? That's not a woman's house. Is it a thing? But the colorful petals embroidered on 'he' look even better!"

"That Ye Qingcheng was not only beautiful in person, but also more beautiful in heart, and he was also generous and generous. Didn't you realize that 'he' took several Yiyuan pills as soon as he shot it? He is really a typical rich second generation!"

"What is the rich second generation? Don't say 'he' is idle. With 'his' medical skills, do you still need the title of rich second generation? Those Yiyuan pills, I guess the eighth layer is made by 'he' himself from!"

"What, what? 'He' can still refine this kind of unrivaled elixir!"

"Scared! Let me tell you secretly, just now I saw 'him' grabbing a bottle of Yiyuan Pill at random. Think about it, no matter how prodigal you are, it is impossible to buy a bottle of Yiyuan Pill. You can’t buy it with that money, these, the eighth layer is made by yourself.”

(End of this chapter)

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