Supreme Allure

Chapter 132 The moonlight is seductive and dark

Chapter 132 The moonlight is seductive and dark (5)
"In your heart, I'm just this level?" Yin Jiyou was funny and angry, and gently scratched Qingcheng's pretty nose with her cold fingertips, and turned her eyes to draw a careless arc in the air, attracting everyone's attention. Amidst the screams of shock and horror, a large piece of colorful minerals fell heavily to the edge of the auction table.

The whole place is boiling!

On the auction stage, the woman in red looked at the large piece of radiant mineral body in horror, unable to recover for a long time.

"Xuan, Xuan, Xuan, Xuan Jin! You, you, you even have the legendary Xuan Jin! You, who are you?" The woman in red stuttered in shock.

As a supporter of the auction, the woman in red thought that there were no treasures in this world that she had never seen before.Even the most rare currency in the legend... black gold, she was fortunate enough to observe it under the leadership of her master.But that was only for observation, and the small piece of profound gold that was observed at that time would not exceed one tael if it died, but now, such a large piece of profound gold appeared in front of her eyes, she was not so frightened that she fainted on the spot Already amazing.

As the woman in red shouted out the word "xuanjin" in shock, all kinds of discussions erupted in the crowd!

"Xuanjin! This is the legendary Xuanjin! It's so beautiful, it's the first time I've seen it!"

"It's really beautiful, even more beautiful than diamonds? If you use it as earrings, rings, bracelets, and hairpins, it must be turning all sentient beings upside down!"

"Is that face? I'm afraid it will tarnish the beauty of this black gold!"

"you you……"

"What about you, you, I tell you, if you have a chance, look at it a few more times, and when all the black gold is put away, you won't be able to see it even if you want to. What kind of jewelry do you want to use it for? You can see it in this life Just take a few glances and you'll be satisfied!"

"What is in front of you is 100 taels of black gold, which is worth a trillion purple gold. You pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other. I took the two warm blood pills!" The two Warm Blood Pills in his body disappeared out of thin air in an instant.

Everyone screamed again!At this moment, even the woman in red screamed loudly regardless of her image.

You must know that there is an expert who set up an enchantment on the auction stage. Almost no one can enter without permission. There are also various formations set up near the auction stage. Anyone who takes the auction without the normal procedures Things, the formation will be activated in an instant, not to mention the gathering of masters in the bright and dark places of the auction.However, now, someone actually took away such a precious auction item with a wave of his hand. Although he did pay for it, but, her little hammer has not yet been hammered, and all the auction procedures have not yet started. , why did you take away the auction item so easily?If this person wanted to snatch it secretly, then they had no choice but to watch the auction item being taken away right under their noses.

The more the woman in red thought about it, the more frightened she became. Her face was already covered with dense beads of sweat, and her heart almost suffocated in an instant. My God!Such a precious auction item was almost lost from her hands. Fortunately, the person who came here was not a bad person, otherwise, she would not be able to pay for it if she sold herself!

After a long time, when everyone came back to their senses, Yin Jiyou had already disappeared at the auction holding Qingcheng.At the focus of the audience, only Feng Danyang and Xue Muyang looked at the crowd innocently, and were shocked in their hearts.Everyone didn't notice the last hand that Yin Jiyou showed, but they saw clearly that Yin Jiyou was able to teleport while holding a big living person.

"What kind of place is this?" Qingcheng struggled to get out of Yin Jiyou's embrace, her beautiful eyes were rolling around, her brain was working desperately.

Originally, he thought that Yin Jiyou would take her to the cold and gloomy Nether Palace, after all, it was his old lair, but now, he actually brought her to such a human room.What is he trying to do?
"This is the inn!" Yin Jiyou straightened her bright green hair, hugged Qingcheng with lightning speed, and gently put the two warm blood pills into Qingcheng's palm, saying , "For you!"

Qingcheng's beautiful eyes were full of suspicion, and Dai Mei raised her eyebrows lightly: "What conspiracy is there?"

"I really give it to you, there is no conspiracy, only conspiracy!" Yin Jiyou closed Qingcheng's full head of black hair with her cold palm, and continued, "Sleep with me for a few days!"

"Ah..." Qingcheng screamed loudly, slid out of Yin Jiyou's arms in a panic, and screamed, "Yin Jiyou, you have a mental illness, I want to go home! I won't accompany you, a lunatic Go crazy here!"

After finishing speaking, as soon as the spiritual energy gathered, he was about to succeed in teleporting and escaping. Suddenly, there was a chill all over his body, and Qing Chengfu fell into Yin Jiyou's icy embrace again.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in bean sprouts at all!" Yin Jiyou said as she looked Qingcheng up and down, and finally focused her gaze on Qingcheng's chest, her green eyes were full of puzzlement, "I'm 12 years old, why are you still so young?" So flat?"

"Ah..." Qingcheng hastily hugged her body tightly with both arms. In fact, this body has been slowly developing, but because Qingcheng has been wearing a man's robe, it looks really flat from the outside. However, if this lunatic lunatic suddenly had a whim, she would have no ability to resist at all.In front of the lunatic Yin, she was simply a little sheep without any ability to resist.

"It makes you nervous, just your figure, tsk tsk!" Yin Jiyou looked disdainful.

"Since you look down on my figure so much, why are you hugging me?" Qingcheng struggled desperately. Although the iron arm showed no sign of loosening, at least it could express her strong heart of resistance.

"Didn't I give you those two warm-blood pills?" Yin Jiyou said while pointing to the two warm-blood pills in Qingcheng's palm, and continued, "My body is infested by the cold air of the netherworld, and I need to warm it up. The Blood Pill warms up the blood and meridians on my body, since the Nuanxue Pill was given to you, I have no choice but to use you to warm up the blood and meridians on my body. Qingcheng, this is fair!"

"How can I help you warm up? I'm not a warm blood pill!" Qingcheng was at a loss when he heard it, and said that what the madman said was really crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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