Supreme Allure

Chapter 136 Hua Qingyu VS Yinjiyou

Chapter 136 Hua Qingyu VS Yinjiyou (3)
Yu Caiqiong nodded, her hands fluttered, and the spiritual energy in her body continuously gathered in mid-air, gradually forming a spiritual screen, and as the spiritual energy continued to condense, a figure gradually appeared on the screen, with eyebrows like Daishan , eyes like autumn waves, hair three thousand like brocade, and spiritual energy gushing out endlessly in his hands, he is tempering a large pot of blood, this person is Qingcheng.

It is said that Qingcheng has been researching the refining method ever since he got those two warm blood pills. Today, he managed to gather the blood of 99 kinds of the most masculine and powerful monsters. Qingcheng is working hard in the room right now. With warm blood pill.

No matter how difficult it is to practice the Warm Blood Pill, Ye Qingcheng must refine it.Because Luo Ying needed it, and that cold man needed it too.In other words, Qingcheng wouldn't care so much about that cold man, but if there is a warm blood pill in hand, there will be another way to restrain him in the future, at least if he hugs her again to keep warm, she can let the warm blood pill come Instead, save yourself the risk of freezing to death.

Yucaiqiong on Pipa Island slowly fell to the ground due to a large output of spiritual power. When Hua Qinglian saw it, she hurried up to support her, and said worriedly: "Queen, are you alright?"

Yu Caiqiong shook her head, sat cross-legged on the ground and breathed out slowly, and when her breath gradually calmed down, she stared at Hua Qinglian and said: "Qinglian, the magic trace method is against the sky, and it consumes too much spiritual energy. , The queen mother's spiritual power is almost exhausted now, and she needs to retreat here to recover her spiritual energy. It is not too late, you follow the coordinates displayed on the spiritual energy screen, and quickly find Qingcheng."

"Mother, Lian'er is worried about letting you stay alone on Pipa Island." Hua Qinglian looked at Yu Caiqiong who was haggard all of a sudden, and felt sad. I don't know how sad I will be when I sacrifice them all.

"Silly Lian'er, Pipa Island is a private forbidden area of ​​our Silver Wolf Clan's royal family. It is surrounded by our Silver Wolf Clan's elite guards. Does the queen mother need to be so worried about using her own territory? Hurry up and come back!" The queen mother is waiting for you here!" Yu Caiqiong waved her hands again and again, urging Hua Qinglian to leave quickly.

Hua Qinglian nodded, turned around and stepped on her flying beast Lie Lei, and headed towards the coordinates specified by the spiritual power screen.

At this time, Qingcheng is slowly condensing the big pot of blood with her aura. After countless times of transpiration, the blood of nine hundred and ninety-nine kinds of masculine and powerful monsters has condensed into bright red grains. The pill that Qingcheng wanted to refine was the warm blood pill.

It worked!The hard work for several days was finally not in vain, even the calm as Qingcheng danced for joy!
Looking down at the warm blood pill in the big washbasin in front of her, Qingcheng secretly calculated in her heart, how much money could she make if she took it to auction?But speaking of which, she doesn't seem to be short of money, so I'd better pack all these up first, and give them to Luo Ying and Yin Dabing when I find a chance.

Take out a few empty bottles from the space ring, Qingcheng fills them up one by one, caps the bottles, and throws them back into the space ring one by one.

After finishing all this, Qingcheng was in a good mood, and was about to stand up and dance sword in the courtyard, when a stunning woman with silver hair and silver eyes suddenly flew into the skylight.I saw that woman was anxious, and when she saw Qingcheng, she pulled her over and hurriedly said, "Sister-in-law, come with me!"

Qingcheng was confused when he heard this, saying that she is now dressed as a man, and this woman doesn't care about the suspicion of men and women, and she even calls her sister-in-law. This woman seems to be older than her, when did she become someone else's sister-in-law? Don't know it?
"Sister-in-law, my name is Hua Qinglian, and I'm Hua Qingyu's younger sister. Now my brother is dying because of you!" Hua Qinglian grabbed Qingcheng and drove out, continuing as she walked, "Anyway, now you Come with me to Pipa Island, and I will explain it to you while walking."

Qingcheng was still confused, but Hua Qingyu knew about it. He heard Hongshu mentioned that he was blatantly robbing Mo Yao of her as a fake princess. It was bloody.Now it seems that this Hua Qingyu is in danger of life, and she wants to go to Pipa Island, what is going on?
"Miss Qinglian, doesn't Hua Qingyu live in the Wuyue Forest? What are we going to do on Pipa Island?" Qingcheng remembered that Hua Qingyu lived in the Wuyue Forest. Why did she go to Pipa Island? Did she move and immigrate? ?

"Sister-in-law, this matter is a long story, let's talk while walking." As soon as Hua Qinglian finished speaking, she pulled Qingcheng to sit on Lie Lei and headed towards Pipa Island.

Flying in the sky for several days and nights in a row, so that Qingcheng's face is covered with black lines. It is said that monsters do things differently from humans. This Hua Qinglian has been driving Lie Lei for days and nights without eating or drinking. Can be hungry or not tired, is it possible that her flying beast is also not tired or hungry?Fortunately, Qingcheng's spiritual power is deep, otherwise, even if he doesn't starve to death, he will be exhausted. Sitting on a flying beast for several days and nights, it is not something ordinary people can bear.It's hard to say that Qingcheng is still aura compelling at this moment, without any dust.

Yucaiqiong has already sent a message saying that her body has almost recovered. As for the skills that have been consumed for hundreds of years, it will not be able to recover in a short while, so I will wait for them in the Seven Star Linglong Pagoda first. .

Therefore, Hua Qinglian controlled Lie Lei and landed directly at the entrance of the Seven Star Linglong Pagoda.The strange thing is that no one was seen at the door of the Seven Star Linglong Pagoda. Hua Qinglian put away Lie Lei and led Qingcheng to the pagoda. , there are also countless shadow guardians on the Seven Star Linglong Pagoda, how could she be so obedient and let her go straight to the seventh floor?Could it be that they were all frightened by the queen mother's phoenix prestige and did not dare to come out again?Then he shook his head, thinking it was impossible.

Along the way, Qingcheng has a general understanding of the whole incident. Although there are still many doubts, but, like Hua Qinglian's thoughts, now, don't think about other things for the time being. Rescuing Hua Qingyu first is the most important thing. important.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them went up to the seventh floor. Qingcheng looked up, and saw a man in black in the middle holding a pen with a wolf hair.Her long silver hair hangs down to her ankles, and she is shiny and surrounded by a circle of colored light. Around the light, a circle of people has long been surrounded.

(End of this chapter)

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