Supreme Allure

Chapter 149: Flower Feast, Marriage Robbery

Chapter 149: Flower Feast, Marriage Robbery (7)
Qingcheng smiled lightly, this little girl, really doesn't plan to find her husband's family?So bold in broad daylight.

Yun Luoying also smiled complacently in her heart, the world said I was stupid, dare to hug a man in broad daylight, in fact, there is nothing safer than in broad daylight.If it was a sneaky embrace of Qingcheng, then some men with green eyes would still leave her intact?Are you still holding back at this moment?Only when they are in public can they restrain themselves and dare not attack her rashly, and she can hold Qingcheng in such a safe embrace. There is nothing safer than being in full view of the public.

Feng Jingyang became inexplicably irritable. This little girl, who treats him as a transparent person, has a courteous and enthusiastic face towards the sissy. His Royal Highness is wearing a cuckold, probably the only idiot in the world is Yun Luoying.The more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became, and in a fit of anger, he walked directly towards Baihuatai.

Seeing him suddenly appearing on the stage, Dongfang Ming's original annoyed mood inexplicably improved. This Feng Jingyang actually became a common enemy with him. No matter what his reason was, at this moment, it is always a good thing for someone to come out to frighten the scene. He is a royal heir and cannot participate.Being the heir of the royal family really lost a lot of fun. He couldn't participate in the previous Centennial Competition, and now he still can't participate in the Hundred Flowers Competition. Anyway, for the royal family, almost all competitions are not allowed to participate.

"Jingyang, didn't you say that you are sick and in a trance, so you can't participate in this competition? Seeing you rushing to the stage, do you want to perform as well?" Dongfang Ming said with a caring expression.

Feng Jingyang just came back to his senses, he was really in a trance just now, but it was not because of illness, but because of inexplicable irritability, after hearing what the prince said, he forced himself to calmly take out the blood jade Xiao Xiao from his waist. , made a signature smile and said: "Originally, I am not good. I just heard Brother Mu Yang playing the bamboo flute. I suddenly became energetic and wanted to show off my blood jade Xiao. I don’t know if I still have the qualifications for this performance. ?”

Feng Jingyang said with an innocent face, originally, he didn't want to perform, but just now he heard Yun Luoying whispering in Qingcheng's ear that once he got Baihuahua's token, he would give this token to Qingcheng, he At that time, he was extremely upset when he heard it. He thought that with his eldest brother's Danqing, he would definitely win the order of Baihuahua, so he didn't bother to come out and make a fuss.

In fact, he wasn't particularly keen on the Hundred Flowers Order, and he never thought that the Hundred Flowers Order was any good.

For the children of some big families, it is really a heinous crime, and even the Hundred Flowers Commander cannot save them. If it is just a trivial matter, then I believe that with the strong strength of the family, they will definitely be able to save the day.I really don't know how powerful this token is.

And if it is some small families, they are not eligible to participate in the Hundred Flowers Competition, and there is no chance of getting this token at all, and the big families are not so rare for the Hundred Flowers Token, so the Hundred Flowers Token is a bit useless and tasteless. !

The only role is to save face. If you can get the Lord Commander of Hundred Flowers in this top class, especially for women, it is a great honor.Because after all, men mainly rely on martial arts and martial arts to win the respect of the world, while women rely on their talents. If they get this Hundred Flowers Commander, they will undoubtedly receive different treatment from other women in future marriages.

Therefore, the Master Order of Baihuahua was originally something that women fought for, especially those women who wanted to be crowned concubines.But nowadays, all the Pianpian youths are turbulent, and they are fighting over their heads to fight for the master of Baihuahua. ?
The princesses under the Hundred Flowers Terrace all had smiling faces and couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear.

Yun Luoying rolled her eyes at Feng Jingyang, that a dignified man actually came to snatch her a little girl's Baihuahua lord, he is really worthless, he is just a vagina, I believe he has no strength, let him make a fool of himself.She faintly showed a mocking sneer, what she admires most is an infatuated man, even if that man has no talent or good looks, as long as she is infatuated with one person, she will give him great respect, and like Feng Jingyang, it is her What he despises the most is completely playing in the world and treating women as playthings. What's ridiculous is that all the women still look like they are enjoying themselves after being belittled by him.

After seeing Dongfang Ming nodding his head to signal his performance, Feng Jingyang completely ignored everyone's doubtful gazes, and picked up the Blood Jade Xiao and began to play it.

"Did the Feng family and the Yun family take the lead? Before Yun Luoying used the Danqing Miaobi to narrowly beat Feng Danyang by a single bird, but now Feng Jingyang suddenly asked to participate in the competition with Baihuachaofengqu. This is He Yun Luo Yingna's Danqing's name is exactly the same, wouldn't it be a one-bird difference to narrowly win?"

Feng Jingyang usually looked like a playboy, but when he came to the stage, he completely restrained his usual hippie smile, and played the Hundred Birds Chaofeng Qu seriously with a condensed expression. The sound of the flute was faint, and everyone suddenly felt refreshed. It's really hidden dragons and crouching tigers, even a dude has such profound skills.

Xue Nishang looked at Feng Jingyang obsessively.Jing Yang, unexpectedly has such a superb skill, he has never shown it before, he just glibly laughed and laughed, but today he actually showed a scene that he usually does not know with a serious face, which made her even more crazy and confused.When the third round of engagement ceremony comes, she must snatch Jingyang over.Looking back at the group of women who were staring at Feng Jingyang stupidly, Xue Nishang smiled coldly in her heart. She didn't care about these nympho, but that Yun Luoying... Hmph, she believed that It's not a problem, no matter how good it is, what's the use of painting, it's just a little girl, with no charm at all, why should I fight her in snowy clothes?
Partridges were flying around one after another, circling around Feng Jingyang's blood jade flute non-stop. When the flute of all birds towards the phoenix ended, the deacon hurriedly stepped forward to count, and there were 99 of them.The corner of Feng Jingyang's mouth raised slightly, 99, just right, that's what he wanted. In fact, with his strength, he could attract other birds, even more than 99, but he just didn't want the clouds to fall. It's just a win, and 99 vs. 99, this will become a good story in Dongmu Kingdom, which shows that they are destined. Thinking of this, Feng Jingyang couldn't help but the corners of his mouth widened.

(End of this chapter)

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