Supreme Allure

Chapter 155: Flower Feast, Marriage Robbery

Chapter 155: Flower Feast, Marriage Robbery (13)
Both of them sighed helplessly, and wanted to go up and hug Qingcheng before leaving, but they were forced back by Yin Jiyou's cold eyes.So, helplessly, with deep loss, the two turned around and disappeared.

Seeing that the two had finally left, Yin Jiyou immediately picked up Qingcheng and prepared to disappear, but was grabbed by Dongfang Ming who was next to him and said, "Where do you want to go with Qingcheng? She is so hurt, I have to find her quickly." doctor!"

"I'll take her home, and I'll heal her injuries. If you're worried about her, go and guard her together." As soon as Yin Jiyou finished speaking, she disappeared with Qingcheng.

There was another heated discussion below.

The legendary "come without trace and go without trace" should refer to this appearance!

Completely ignoring everyone's discussions one after another, Dongfang Ming turned around and quickly explained the matter, then flew to Qingcheng's small courtyard. At this moment, he must stay by Qingcheng's side.

Seeing Qingcheng who is chic, elegant and confident, the determination and helplessness in Qingcheng's eyes today completely shocked him, and made his heart ache.Qingcheng, I will definitely become stronger!must!When the time comes, I will protect you, and no one can force you to do what you don't want.

Qingcheng only bled a little, suffered a little skin trauma, and was not in danger of life. Therefore, this incident did not alarm the universe invincible super cute little blood dragon.

The turmoil of snatching the marriage is over like this, and the Hundred Flowers Feast will naturally not stop because of this interruption in the middle.In any case, the crown princess has been settled in this way, and the next step is the finger marriages of the major families, and those beauties who failed in the election for the crown princess began to gear up for the fight again.

The crown prince has chosen a man to be the crown prince. Even if no other marriages are proposed at the Hundred Flowers Banquet, the man will step down sooner or later. I hope there will always be many. My younger brother, Prince Hen has the highest possibility of succeeding to the throne. For a while, Dongfang Hen became the favorite of everyone. The eyes of many beauties gleamingly shot straight at Dongfang Hen, almost electrocuting Dongfang Hen to death.

The resentment on Dongfang Hen's face, originally, this stage should belong to the prince's brother!He is just a small follower, no matter how round he is, it will not be his turn to bear so many gazes.Now, the prince's elder brother doesn't care about anything, and he is trying his best to give Qingcheng a title. Poor him, he is automatically promoted to be the prince charming in the hearts of Dongmu women.Responsibility suddenly became heavy.

The elder brother of the crown prince wanted to order Qingcheng. The royal family knew about this for a long time. He and his father, queen mother and queen also tried to vote against it, but they were all refuted by the elder brother of the crown prince.In fact, thinking about it carefully, he felt that the words of the prince's elder brother also made sense. Who he likes is his own business.For the sake of Ye Qingcheng, the elder brother of the prince didn't even want to be the prince, which moved him inexplicably.Although he still can't imagine the deep affection of the prince's brother, at least, he is trying to accept it instead of blindly opposing it like before.

Now seeing all the women turning their attention to him, he began to complain about his brother again.Brother Prince!How could you be a broken sleeve!Otherwise, with an older brother shielding him from the wind and rain, would he need to expose himself to a group of wolf-like young ladies?
It turns out that his elder brother has always been his umbrella, and his elder brother has been living very hard!Thinking about it, Dongfang Hen suddenly felt his scalp numb, and fell straight down.Fortunately, the queen on the side has sharp eyes and quick hands, took Dongfang Hen, and said to everyone: "Prince Hen has been practicing too much recently, and he hasn't rested for several nights in a row. Today, he really can't bear it anymore. I will take Prince Hen first." Go to the gazebo over there to take a rest, the royal engagement will end here! You big families, please do your own thing. When you find a suitable candidate and want to propose marriage, report the list directly to the palace, and the palace will send The list will be forwarded to the emperor."

The queen mother and the emperor also got up and left the table, and went to the pavilion to rest together.

All the daughters looked at Dongfang Hen's departure with regret, and reluctantly watched Dongfang Hen's figure disappear into the distance.So, she turned her eyes around, regained her strength, and prepared to pick out her own Prince Charming from the aristocratic family.

Due to the evacuation of the royal family, the atmosphere in the Hundred Gardens suddenly became lively and relaxed.

In fact, everyone could see that Dongfang Hen was clearly avoiding the marriage by passing out, but no one had the guts to point it out.

The royal family left, and everyone immediately changed from their previous dignified, virtuous, and gentle manners. At this time, it is better to act first, who wants to learn to sit still and reserved!You can only be a bachelor if you just sit still, beautiful and handsome guys will not automatically come to your door.If you want to find a good partner, you have to keep your eyes open and act hard.

Zi Ling flashed to Feng Danyang's side, and said in a coquettish voice: "Brother Danyang, how about we go ask the emperor to give us two marriage proposals, what do you think?"

Feng Danyang trembled, avoiding his body dangerously: "Zi Ling, my heart belongs to me, so don't waste your time on me." After finishing speaking, he left quickly.Leaving Zi Ling standing there alone, stomping her feet in hatred.

On the other hand, Yun Luoying lowered her eyes and thought about Qingcheng with a worried face. The bewitching and beautiful men who turned out one after another just now shocked her little heart to pieces. She thought that the prince's cousin was already domineering enough. , but who knew that the few people who appeared just now were more domineering than the other.Originally, she wanted to go to see Qingcheng with the prince's cousin, but she knew that the current situation was already chaotic enough, and she hoped that Qingcheng could rest in peace instead of adding trouble to her in the past.

She didn't like any of these domineering evildoers. After looking around, she still thought her brother was the best.If her elder brother married Qingcheng, then Qingcheng would be her sister-in-law, and she could be with Qingcheng every day!Yun Luoying, who was immersed in the wonderful self-imagining, couldn't help showing a nympho smile on the corner of her mouth.

Feng Jingyang looked at his elder brother rejecting Zi Ling with a righteous face from a distance, and then saw Yun Luoying's eyes downcast and nympho not far away, he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, each of them Being poisoned by Qingcheng, that Ye Qingcheng was definitely a big disaster.It's fine that men and women eat all, even the demon world is messed up by her, it's amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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