Supreme Allure

Chapter 161 A Gathering of Beautiful Boys

Chapter 161 A Gathering of Beautiful Boys (3)
Dongfang Hen was very touched when he heard this, and couldn't help but said: "I'm planning to go to Caixuan too, why don't we go together?"

Qingcheng raised her eyebrows, stared and pondered for a while and said: "This is a good idea. It is a long way to go to Caixuan. I remember that you seem to have a seven-color unicorn mount with a very flamboyant head. It is enough for several people. I will go to the Luo Sakura came and went with us, let's make it more lively!"

Dongfang Hen's eyebrows were immediately knotted, this Qingcheng would never try to plot against him.

In fact, Qingcheng had no choice but to make such a bad plan. Ever since she came to another world, in the Wuyue Forest, she had signed a natal contract beast, that is, the legendary blood dragon. So far, Qingcheng's contract beast is only this one. only, and this one is currently unavailable.It seems that it is time for her to make a contract with a flying beast some other day.If she had a flying beast at the moment, she wouldn't want to go the same way with Dongfang Hen if she was killed.

The two who were originally rivals discussed their plans to go to Caixuan Academy with their own concerns.

In the end, the two sides reached a consensus: Qingcheng will go to discuss with Yun Luoying first, and then the three of them will go to Caixuan Academy together. Of course, the most important thing is to go to Caixuan Academy together on Dongfanghen's mount.

Dongfang Hen looked up at the sky, what did I, Dongfang Hen, do wrong, not only Qingcheng, but now even Qingcheng's confidante, Yun Luoying, has to be taken by the way.Although this Yun Luoying seemed to be her own cousin.However, Dongfang Hen is used to walking alone, and he really regrets that he had a stroke in his head just now and suddenly invited this little boy.It can only be said that today's wind is too soft, the peach blossoms are too delicate, and Qingcheng is too beautiful, so under the multiple influences, Dongfang Hen's head became hot, and he said such words that he also felt inexplicable, and now he doesn't He has no room for repentance, Ye Qingcheng, he is not a plain bun, if you really annoy him, then he will be in big trouble.

"Is the education in Caixuan Academy very loose?" Just as Dongfang Hen regretted it, Qingcheng's cold voice came from his ear.

"Why do you ask that?" Dongfang Hen's bloody eyes widened in surprise, Caixuan Academy is the most strict academy on Cosmo Continent.Caixuan is famous for his cultivation of phantom power. As we all know, the improvement of phantom power requires great perseverance and hardships. No matter how talented a person is, he has to pay countless blood and tears to achieve something.Now, Ye Qingcheng actually asked lightly whether the educational mechanism of Caixuan Academy was loose?

"Why are you so surprised? Of course I also know Caixuan's reputation, so I find it even more strange. How can such a loose education cultivate elites?" Qingcheng looked at Dongfang Hen with an incredulous expression on his face, and then He said again, "Otherwise, why do you all seem to go when you want to go, and don't go if you don't want to? This is too free, right? Although I also like this kind of freedom, it's just that the academy can operate like this, it always feels strange A bit."

"So you mean this." Dongfang Hen stared at Qingcheng Road, "This is also the greatest advantage of the academy! Any boy between the ages of 13 and 20, regardless of gender, can go to the academy to study. Of course, there are two prerequisites: One is that you must be able to afford the tuition fees, and the other is that you must pass the college’s test. As long as you meet these two requirements, it doesn’t matter if you go every year, or you don’t go for a few years in between, and you go after a few years Forget it, anyway, the college will conduct tests every year, and then re-segregate classes, so whether you continue to go or not will not hinder the teaching of the college at all."

Qingcheng nodded when he heard the words, no wonder Ming and his eldest brother were both in the academy before, but in a blink of an eye Ming went to the Royal Chihan Palace, while the eldest and second brothers traveled around.

The wind was sunny and the sky was cloudless. Under the guidance of his elder brother, Yun Luoying grasped the long sword tightly in his bare hands, swirled and danced like flowers, and through the condensed magic power, his movements were as smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water.

Compared with Qingcheng's talent, Yun Luoying's talent is really a heaven and an earth.However, Sakura did not give up because of her lack of talent. On the contrary, she worked harder and worked harder.Others may only need a day or two to reach the realm, but she needs ten days and a half months because of her poor talent, but as long as she works hard, she is always moving forward.

A melodious sound of flute came from the treetops, combined with Yunluoying's swordsmanship, under the shining sunlight, Yunluoying was as light and elegant as a baby swallow out of the cage.

Extremely pleasantly surprised, she hastily withdrew her sword, Yun Luoying flew up to the branch, and a stunning face emerged from the vagueness of the branches and leaves.

"Qingcheng, it's really you! You've finally come out!" Yun Luoying saw Qingcheng who was looking forward to, and hugged her tightly, tears rolled down like pearls that were off the thread, and wet Qingcheng's clothes .

"Look at you, you are really a child, and the new clothes I just bought from Yunshangfang are all wet from crying." Qingcheng sighed helplessly.

"Ah? New clothes! What should I do then? I'll pay you! Let's go to Yunshangfang to buy new clothes!" Seeing that Qingcheng's clothes were covered with moisture, Yun Luoying smiled sheepishly and continued, "I can get a [-]% discount at Yunshangfang!"

"Silly girl, I'm just kidding with you. It's just a piece of clothing. Besides, I'm free of charge for this clothing." Thinking of Qian Duoduo's desperate refusal to accept money, Qingcheng sighed helplessly, and took someone else's I don't give money for things, and I feel very uncomfortable when I say anything in my heart.

"What? No money! Is there such a good thing?" Yun Luoying was stunned, "Dongmu only has Prince Hen who can get [-]% off by some means. I can get [-]% off, which is pretty good." .You really don’t want money? For free? You don’t mean to do something to Qian Duoduo, right?” Yun Luoying looked at Qingcheng with disbelief, and felt that Qingcheng was either seductive or violent. Otherwise, how could there be such a good thing?

"What is that look in your eyes? That Qian Duoduo just wants me to wear his clothes and help him do free advertisements." Qingcheng pulled Yun Luoying and flew down the branch together, towards Yun Luoyan's direction go.

"That money is worthy of being in business, and it's really good. I don't even think about it when I ask you to advertise. Qingcheng, you can wear anything you want. Those bumpkins, even if they wear expensive clothes, they are all worthless." He's still a bumpkin." Yun Luoying and Qing Cheng fell from the treetops while still chattering.

(End of this chapter)

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