Supreme Allure

Chapter 163 A Gathering of Beautiful Boys

Chapter 163 A Gathering of Beautiful Boys (5)
"Wouldn't it be crowded to ride on the same mount as you?" Qingcheng looked noncommittal, she hated flirtatious men who were both right and left, and this Feng Jingyang didn't know what evil had fallen into him, and those Yingyingyans who didn't go to him Yan is a fool, always coming to pester her for what?She is always threatened by inexplicable women, so she is the victim, okay?It's all caused by the man in front of you, you must keep a distance from him.

"Anyway, I will come to pick you up when the time comes. If you don't share the same mount as me, I will tell the world that you must marry me. When the time comes, hehe! You know..." Feng Jingyang looked at the horse with a proud face. Looking at Qingcheng and robbing him of a woman, that little boy is really beyond his control.After traveling through the flowers for so many years, he has a lot of means, how can a little boy like Qingcheng be able to compare.Even though, now it seems that this silly woman likes Qingcheng a little more, but it doesn't matter, who is Feng Jingyang, he has been mixed with women since he was a child, and he has many ways to deal with women.

"Feng Jingyang! You despicable villain!" Yun Luoying watched Feng Jingyang leave with a smug expression, her little face flushed red with anger, why does this Feng Jingyang always target her!When did she provoke him!

Of course, Yun Luoying understood how terrifying Feng Jingyang's threat was. These days, because of Feng Jingyang's frequent patronage, she was hated by many women in Rising Sun City. Those women looked at her as if she had robbed her As if they had lost their husbands, the vicious eyes were as terrifying as they could be.Now, if Feng Jingyang declares that she is the one to marry, then in the days to come, when Yun Luoying thinks of this, she will obviously feel a chill on her neck.

"Luo Ying, what's the matter between you and Feng Jingyang? When did you provoke him?" Qingcheng felt the strong hostility emanating from Feng Jingyang, and couldn't help but be inexplicable.

"Ever since I bumped into him when he was intimate with Yun Nishang last time, he has been targeting me. This time he is going to Caixuan Academy. I really don't know if I should go to Caixuan." Yun Luoying thought in her heart A burst of irritability, originally Qingcheng asked her to go to Caixuan with her today, she was very happy, but now, she really wanted to give up, this Feng Jingyang, she avoided it if she could.

"Luoying, you must always remember that you can't change your ideals and wishes for someone. Go to Caixuan, that's your pursuit of your ideals, now you just met a cockroach, you Did you just give up and shrink back? You are extremely irresponsible to yourself by doing this." Qingcheng pressed Yun Luoying's shoulder, and looked directly at Yun Luoying, "Don't worry, Luo Ying, there is I'm here, with your elder brother and your cousin Hen here, it's impossible for Feng Jingyang to create any disturbance under our noses."

Yun Luoying looked at Qingcheng with a confident face, and was deeply infected. Qingcheng made sense, there were so many people protecting her, and the illusion power of these people was not lower than Feng Jingyang, others might not know However, she knows Qingcheng's strength, Feng Jingyang is not enough to look at Qingcheng's strength alone.

Nodding heavily at Qingcheng, a smile appeared on Yun Luoying's pretty face again, Caixuan Academy, here we come.

There are four major countries in Cosmo Continent, namely Dongmu Country, Nanling Country, Xixuan Country and Beiframe Country.On this continent, the most famous are the three colleges, Caixuan College, Dao Ling College and Changfeng College.These three colleges are located in the middle of the four major countries.

At first, these three colleges were developed in a virgin forest, but later, due to the prosperity of the colleges, the economy in this area developed, and they were built around the courtyards, forming a fairly large-scale city, that is, Caixuan City, Daoling City and Changfeng City.Since the three colleges are not particularly far apart, and there are many old acquaintances between students, it is also common to visit each other.

Qingcheng and his party of five, although they have flying mounts, they finally arrived at Caixuan City after several days of rushing.

The final arrangement for this mount was as follows. Qingcheng and Yun Luoying rode on Yun Luoyan's purple eagle, Yun Luoyan and Feng Jingyang rode on Feng Jingyang's black eagle, and Dongfang Hen rode on his own unicorn.Of course, Feng Jingyang desperately opposed this way of riding before, but, after all, it was a one-man effort to face the siege of so many masters. Had to make concessions.

Because apart from Qingcheng and Yunluoying, the other three had studied in Caixuan City, so they were familiar with the road when they arrived in Caixuan City. Soon, the five of Qingcheng found a pretty good inn in Caixuan City. live down.

There is still some time before school starts, these few days, Qingcheng and Yunluoying, two people who have never been to Caixuan City, are jumping around to get acquainted with the environment, Feng Jingyang stopped picking up girls, and turned into Yunluoying Yun Luoyan used the excuse that she was worried about her sister and followed her all the time, and Dongfang Hen's reason was even more funny, saying that she was worried about her sister-in-law, so she followed closely all the way Qingcheng, everyone burst into laughter after hearing this.One is because with Qingcheng's illusion level, who can hurt him?The second is that Qingcheng is a man after all, although he looks a little bit evil, but it is not likely that someone will snatch a man in the street, right?
But the facts immediately proved that Dongfang Hen's worries were not unreasonable.

On this day, Qingcheng and his party of five were enjoying delicious food at Tianxianglou, which is said to be the best restaurant in Caixuan City.The people who come in and out of Caixuan City are basically noble young people from the four major countries. Therefore, in this Tianxiang Building, you can eat famous dishes from the entire Cosmo Continent.The chefs inside are also specially invited famous chefs from the four major countries, and the taste is said to be authentic.

For someone like Qingcheng who loves food, it is simply heaven.

"Qingcheng, eat more. Look at you. You are 13 years old this year. Why are you still not tall? When I was your age, I was at least half a head taller than you are now." Dongfang Hen desperately picked up food for Qingcheng, While holding each other, he still muttered indignantly, "Seeing that you eat a lot more than me, I really don't know where you eat it? It's fine if you don't grow taller, and you don't see you gain weight. You look like this now, the more you look at it, the more you eat." The more she looks like a woman, how can I make my brother give up."

(End of this chapter)

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