Supreme Allure

Chapter 187 When the time comes, it will always be the turn

Chapter 187 When the time comes, it will always be the turn (8)
After Gu Hongyu finished speaking, her voice stopped abruptly, and the small room in the examination institute was instantly quiet.Qingcheng took out her black dragon medicine cauldron from the space ring. She didn't want to use such a precious medicine cauldron. The so-called killing a chicken with a bull's knife, according to Gu Hongyu, she didn't even have to take the entrance exam for the medical school. It is absolutely possible to enroll in Caixuan Medical College as a special student.There was no need for her to go to Lanyue Forest.

But Qingcheng didn't go to school directly, but walked steadily along the way, because she knew that only with her feet on the ground can her strength be truly improved.

Today, she took out her precious Black Dragon Medicine Cauldron, which she would never use unless it was a tricky medicine to make. How much spiritual power, thinking about that delicious and expensive bowl of Cordyceps chicken soup, condensed so much thought in Luo Shui Xiangning.She, Ye Qingcheng, must not disappoint Luo Shui Xiangning.

She must take the first place and use her own strength to get the first place. In order to avoid the emergence of a medical wizard, Qingcheng, who has never shown her true strength to others, used her full strength this time.

For the sake of Xiangning, she must take the first place, there must be no chances.

While thinking about it, Qingcheng rummaged through the purple jade bracelet to find the rare medicinal materials she needed, including the medicinal materials collected in the Lanyue Forest, carefully sifting, carefully sorting, pounding and grinding the medicinal materials, and putting the medicinal materials into the black dragon medicine Ding, turn your palms to stimulate the spiritual power, and a hot flame burst out from Qingcheng's fingertips immediately. Looking at the more intense flames, Qingcheng was secretly happy, flipping both palms together, concentrating on breathing, the ingredients in the Black Dragon Medicine Cauldron Little by little it began to evaporate slowly.

Qingcheng agitated her palms to push the heat force hard until she saw that the medicine was almost transpired, then took out a cattail fan from the space ring, and began to gently fan the black dragon medicine cauldron with the cattail fan.

Time ticked by, and Qingcheng felt that it was almost ready, so she opened the medicine cauldron, and the black and shiny pills were rolling in the black dragon medicine cauldron with amazing light.

Seeing the bright black and round pills, Qingcheng was slightly pleasantly surprised, and quickly put the refined pills into the special medicine jar for the exam.

The refining process has been completed, from now on, Qingcheng must concentrate on dealing with this cotton doll.

Flipping her hands to study the cotton doll carefully, Qingcheng had to say that this cotton doll is really amazing.The meridians and blood vessels of the whole body, internal organs and internal organs are set up almost exactly like real people. No wonder the medical school exam fees are so expensive. Many of them belong to the category of precious and rare medicinal materials.These expenses can't be paid by the medical school!

Qingcheng shook the cotton doll in her hand and examined it carefully. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that the cotton doll was poisoned.Qingcheng has tossed and turned many times. It is easy for Qingcheng to detoxify this poison, and to detoxify this poison and keep the lifeline of the cotton doll is considered to have passed the exam, but Qingcheng did not come here to pass the exam. It's for first place.It can only be the first, and there can be no contingencies. Then, at this moment, for Qingcheng, she must not only save the life of the cotton doll, but also must be unscathed.

The cotton doll was lying quietly, and Qingcheng was staring and thinking quietly. If a leg was amputated, or an arm was cut off, it would be easy to solve the strange poison in front of her, or she would drip her own blood. A few drops into the vascular system of the cotton doll, catalyzing the true energy, can also easily detoxify the poison.It's just that it's very difficult for a cotton doll with missing arms and legs to get the first place, and one's own blood must never be exposed.Otherwise, when the time comes when the students ask you how to detoxify, wouldn't it be exposed to the world?This is absolutely not allowed.

Therefore, Qingcheng honestly and carefully thought about it, and studied it. Suddenly, the Lingtai flashed, and a cracking method flashed through his mind, and Qingcheng quickly started to do it.

Following the train of thought in her mind, Qingcheng began to detoxify the cotton doll step by step.

Qingcheng concentrated and calmed down, completely immersing her thoughts in the exam. As time passed, Qingcheng used the medicine cauldron in the exam institute to develop a lot of antidote pills one after another in a short period of time. The Xinmai pills, together with the ones I carried myself, stimulated the true qi, poured spiritual power into the meridians of the cotton doll, neutralized most of the toxins with the spiritual energy, and when the strange poison was almost consumed, Qingcheng began to force poison on the cotton doll's veins.

Time ticked by, and the toxins in the blood vessels were almost washed away by Qingcheng's efforts. Qingcheng concentrated the poison in all the cotton dolls on the fingernails and toenails, and finally, the fingernails and toenails The toxins in the area are also completely cleaned up.Qingcheng let out a long sigh of relief, wiped off the sweat on his body, carefully arranged the things for the exam, and walked out of the exam hall slowly.

Qingcheng walked out of the examination hall with the medicine pot and cotton doll in his hand, and came directly to the lecture theater where many people had already gathered in the lecture theater. Seeing Qingcheng coming out leisurely, many people were His nostrils were upturned with contempt on his face, and he squinted and rolled his eyes at Qingcheng from time to time.

"What, you still plan to take the first place. With this speed, it's strange to take the first place." A woman in green said with a look of disdain.

Arrogant and ignorant people often like to belittle others to show their nobility. The world is always so superficial and ignorant, as if they trampled others down viciously, and they are noble from then on.

"Then sister in green, from your tone, it seems that you are bound to win the first place." Qingcheng asked with a smile on her face, as if she couldn't see the malice in the other party's eyes.

"Hehe! Number one! Who else is it?" The woman in green had an arrogant look on her face.

"Shu Bihe, you have been defeated by me every year. Why, do you think that if I don't participate this year, you are about to turn around?" Luo Shui Xiangning had quietly come to Qingcheng's side , I really can't see that her mouth is so poisonous.

(End of this chapter)

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