Supreme Allure

Chapter 195 Luoshui Qingchuan, It Really Is You

Chapter 195 Luoshui Qingchuan, It Really Is You (5)
"But it's a pity that in the end, the father found out who poisoned him. Not only did he divide the body of the person who poisoned him, but he also abolished the harem." Luoshui Qingchuan shook his head and sneered. There are too many unwilling people in this world. But people often do not know their blessings when they are in the blessings. If those women in the harem live peacefully, they will grow old in prosperity and wealth in that life, but they are envious of others and insist on doing so many things. So, the tragedy happened.Many times, many tragedies do not need to happen, but are caused by the greed of the people.

Qingcheng looked at Luoshui Qingchuan who was immersed in memories again, and stopped Dongfang Hen who wanted to speak with his eyes, and listened to Luoshui Qingchuan continue to talk.

In many cases, people tend to overestimate themselves and underestimate others. When everyone thought that Emperor Xixuan was bound to get even rain and dew this time, Emperor Xixuan abolished the harem with a thunderbolt, regardless of everyone's opposition. The law of Xixuan was revised, and the first article was added: The emperor of Xixuan can only have one wife in his life.At that time, the ruling and opposition parties were shocked, and the whole country was speechless.Everyone has been stimulated by such behavior and does not know how to react.

Many ministers came to see the queen, but the queen was never seen. She did not ask the emperor to take back her life as everyone expected. Instead, she fought hard with the disease and defended the baby in her belly with her life and blood.

When everyone thought that the queen was not far from death, Zhuge Qingfeng worked hard and ruthlessly with a will that ordinary people did not have, and finally gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix twins.

"I see, the truth of the matter is that you stole the dragon and turned the phoenix into a phoenix." Gu Hongyu said to the point.

"But, where did the real phoenix go? Why did you play this one?" Dongfang Hen rarely listened carefully, and raised the most puzzling point for everyone.

"She's gone, gone forever." Luoshui Qingchuan showed a trace of pain on his calm face.

Everyone stopped talking immediately. This is a painful past. Everyone in the middle seems to be immersed in a sea of ​​​​suffering, and there is nothing that happens here that does not hurt people's hearts and souls.

In the silence, Luoshui Qingchuan began to talk about all kinds of twins.

Originally, the court was full of joy when the twins were born, but at that time, the twins had unfortunately absorbed a lot of unfeeling pain from the mother, especially the elder brother, who was dying at birth, and the imperial doctors were helpless.Fortunately, an expert from Fangwai came to take away my elder brother. Before leaving, he told the anxious and helpless emperor that there was a way to cure his elder brother.Thus, he became the elder brother's master.The master changed his blood and taught him a lot of inner strength and mental methods. From the moment he was born, this elder brother followed the master to practice hard on the mountain, and occasionally reunited with his family. several times.

Finally one day, Emperor Xixuan came to the mountain in person suddenly, and seeing his father, who is the most respected Ninth Five-Year Emperor, actually came to the top of the mountain in person, the elder brother was thrilled, something must have happened at home.

Sure enough, it turned out that the younger sister had left just like that.gone forever.

In fact, my sister has been doing very well all this time, so why did she leave suddenly?It was only later that I found out that my sister fell in love with a man. Once my sister was attacked and almost died. It was the man who blocked the fatal sword for my sister with his flesh and blood. Although my sister's life was saved at that time, but Well, after the man passed away, my younger sister was depressed all day long, and she also left after a while.When he left, he was said to have a smile on his lips.

"I don't think I need to explain more about what happened after that." Luoshui Qingchuan's clear eyes looked at everyone, and finally fixed on Qingcheng and said, "Qingcheng, do you have any questions?"

"Didn't you say that Jueqing San will have an emotional attack when it is stimulated? For example, your mother passed out when she knew the truth. But you and your sister don't seem to have this kind of influence." The younger sister was unfeeling the moment she knew her lover died. There is no seizure, and Luoshui Qingchuan seems to be a healthy person all the time.It is impossible for a person to truly be immune to any emotion.Luoshui Qingchuan doesn't look like someone who will fall ill when he gets emotional.

"You have also seen my mother's situation, she can't stand any stimulation. Her soul is really strong, and nothing can knock her down. Even if she occasionally gets sick due to emotional fluctuations, she will basically recover immediately This time, Xiangning's death finally knocked her down. Just because I knew it would happen, I kept pretending to be Xiangning, hoping to find a chance to solve it. Who knows that we haven't found the opportunity yet, but I leaked the secret first I don't know how the queen mother got the news. But the situation between me and Xiang Ning is different from that of the queen mother. The emotional impact will not hurt us in the slightest, but we will be doomed to never get married." Luoshui Qingchuan said with a wry smile .

"Ah? What do you mean?" Qingcheng couldn't understand the last sentence, "Why can't you marry for a lifetime?"

"If you say you're an idiot and you still don't admit it, it means that you can't touch women in your life!" Dongfang Hen looked at Qingcheng with an idiot expression on his face, and shook his head helplessly.Then he looked at Luoshui Qingchuan sternly and said, "You can't hide it for long with this method. Your mother is in the palace, so you will know sooner or later." Maybe it was moved by the story, even Dongfang Hen, who has always liked to be funny. It was rare to become serious, "The most important thing now is to find a way to treat your mother. We are now rich in medical resources. If you can't save your mother, who do you count on?"

Luoshui Qingchuan shook his head and continued with a wry smile: "For so many years, we have never given up on searching for an antidote, but every time we end in failure, it can be said that we have fought repeatedly and failed repeatedly."

"I said Dongfang Hen, I think you men have problems thinking about things." Qingcheng protested very unconvinced.

Hearing this, the light in Gu Hongyu's eyes changed, Luoshui Qingchuan raised his eyes in surprise, and the named Dongfang Hen suddenly jumped up.

"What are you men, are you a woman? You have been a sissy for a long time, and I even confuse whether you are a man or a woman, and you have confused my brother." Dongfang Hen roared angrily. .

(End of this chapter)

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