Supreme Allure

Chapter 197 Luoshui Qingchuan, It Really Is You

Chapter 197 Luoshui Qingchuan, It Really Is You (7)
Listening to Qingcheng's words, the three of them unconsciously became moved, and even regretted why they were not Dongfang Ming.It was obviously Dongfang Ming's stalker who forcibly appointed Qingcheng to be the crown princess. For an imposing man, being robbed to become the crown princess is already a useless thing in itself, and now he is still asked by the royal family in case Dongfang Ming One has to be widowed for anything, and in this continent, widowhood has long been a bad habit that almost does not exist.What's more, the person who was asked to be a widow was a peerless and beautiful young man with extraordinary strength. If this kind of thing happened to anyone else, they would not let it go without arguing and turning the world upside down. But when it came to Qingcheng, he nodded in agreement lightly. Do you know what widowhood is?
Even Dongfang Hen looked at Qingcheng with a little guilty conscience. He was the one who raised the condition, but he was the most guilty one, because he knew clearly that he had nothing to do with this matter.

"Okay, let's settle this matter first. Don't worry, Dongfang Hen. I, Ye Qingcheng, will never break my promise! As for me and Luoshui Qingchuan, we are both innocent, just like you and me. Generally speaking, it’s just a close friend, don’t always act like a wolf, not everyone likes the same sex like Ming.” Qing Cheng helplessly spread his hands and shrugged, I really don’t know how Dongfang Hen’s brain grows, one day at a time In the evening, he ate dry vinegar from Luoshui Qingchuan for his elder brother.

"Qingcheng, you just said that there is an antidote, what happened? It's not that I doubt your medical skills, it's just that for more than ten years, our Xixuan has tried everything we can to find a cure, Qingcheng, you... you really Is there a way?" Luoshui Qingcheng went from full of hope to the last sentence of helpless bitterness, hearing Qingcheng's ears couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness in her heart, this is exactly the state of mind she had when she first traveled to this world , the original owner of this body gave everything he had, even his own life, just to eliminate the toxins in his body, so that he can survive in this world like ordinary people.

Therefore, Qingcheng still cannot understand those who committed suicide.Why would someone be so ruthless as to completely destroy their own healthy body!
Involuntarily, Qingcheng stepped forward and tightly held Luoshui Qingchuan's slightly trembling hands, which were trembling due to excitement.

"Qingchuan, don't worry, I'm [-]% sure, I have to hurry up and prepare the medicine now. You go out to accompany the queen for a while, I need a lot of time to prepare the medicine this time, so let me be quiet alone." After Qingcheng finished speaking, He turned around and fiddled with his own herbs, and directly issued an order to drive away the guests.

"Qingcheng, let's dispense medicine with you, and the speed of dispensing will be faster if there are more people." Luoshui Qingchuan said expectantly.

"Qing Chuan, go with Dongfang Hen to accompany your mother. This kind of antidote is unusual. Qingcheng dispensing medicine requires an absolute quietness. Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will fail to make the medicine. This kind of medicine is not crowded. It can be prepared." Gu Hongyu basically guessed what Qingcheng wanted to do, turned around and said to Qingcheng, "Qingcheng, too many alchemists will interfere, but at least one assistant is needed, and I will stay as your assistant Bar."

"Ah? Dean, want to be Qingcheng's assistant?" This time, Dongfang Hen and Luoshui Qingchuan stared at Gu Hongyu and Qingcheng in disbelief.

"Okay, then let's start." I thought that Qingcheng would definitely say something like no, no, absolutely no, etc., but who knew that Qingcheng would say such a sentence without changing his face, and directly put Dongfang Hen and Luo Shui Qingchuan was overwhelmed.

Gu Hongyu shook his head and smiled lightly: "Don't feel too strange, Qingcheng and I are actually best friends, and it's definitely not the first time to be her assistant."

Seeing the petrified two people, Qingcheng simply went up and pushed them out the door one by one. There was no way, now she had to hurry up to refine the medicine, but she didn't have time to spend time with them.

After driving away the two, the room finally returned to tranquility.

"Qingcheng, are you really going to do this? Aren't you afraid of exposing yourself?" Gu Hongyu said worriedly, "Once this is done, if someone finds out that you have taken Fire Phoenix Crystal Fruit, then you will be very upset." troublesome."

"It's not just very troublesome, it's life-threatening." Qingcheng said calmly, as if the person who will face the danger of life is not her, "Hongyu, I know you care about me, but I really won't expose it .Human life is at stake, and I can't give up trying to save dying lives because of potential danger."

Gu Hongyu stared at Qingcheng silently for a long time, seeing that Qingcheng's eyes were always shining with firm light, he sighed helplessly and said, "It's up to you. We will start refining medicine now."

Seeing that Gu Hongyu finally agreed, Qingcheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although she used her own blood to save the Xixuan royal family, the matter itself had nothing to do with Gu Hongyu, and Gu Hongyu had no right to interfere with Qingcheng's decision.However, in Qingcheng's heart, Gu Hongyu is a confidant and good friend, and she hopes to get Gu Hongyu's support.

"Actually, refining medicine is just a cover, a trick to confuse others. In fact, the main thing is to use my blood. It is easy to confuse others, but Qing Chuan's medical skills are superb. It may be difficult to deceive others. "Qingcheng Liu frowned slightly, Shen Mou began to think about the countermeasures, should he tell Qingchuan the fact that he had taken the Fire Phoenix Crystal Fruit?

"Let's tell Qingchuan the truth. I've known Qingchuan for many years. He has always been an indifferent person, and he will not have any evil intentions." Gu Hongyu saw the hesitation in Qingcheng's eyes, and immediately suggested to Qingcheng.

"Okay. Hongyu, then please bring Qingchuan in." Qingcheng made a decisive decision. For a patient, time is life.

Gu Hongyu nodded with a smile, then turned and left Qingcheng's room.

Sure enough, it was the speed of soldiers, and in the blink of an eye, Luoshui Qingchuan came to Qingcheng's side.

"Qingcheng, I heard Dean Gu said that you are in a hurry to find me. What's the matter?" Luoshui Qingchuan rushed to him. At this time, everything must be done quickly.

"Qingchuan, I heard that the fire phoenix crystal fruit can cure all the strange poisons in the world, why don't we collect some and try it out?" Although we intend to tell the truth frankly, we always have to dig a little before telling the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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