Supreme Allure

Chapter 199 Luoshui Qingchuan, It Really Is You

Chapter 199 Luoshui Qingchuan, It Really Is You (9)
Luoshui Qingchuan nodded gratefully. He understood better than anyone else that Qingcheng had no obligation to save his mother. Qingcheng was so resolute and told him his biggest secret, completely disregarding his own safety. No matter what, he would definitely protect her , will definitely not let him have any sequelae.

He never thought that in this life, he would meet such a person who helped him desperately. This made him, who had been cold-hearted since he was a child, suddenly feel warm all over his body.

Qingcheng, as long as I am here, I will never let anyone hurt you.Anyone who wants to hurt you can only step over my dead body.Luoshui Qingchuan made up his mind while concentrating on dispensing the medicine.In this life, the most important person in his Luoshui Qingchuan life is Qingcheng.

Qingcheng's beautiful eyes were drooping, and she was concentrating on her cultivation. She never thought that the young man in front of her would be filled with turbulent waves. The viscera were spinning, and although they didn't break through the realm immediately, they also consolidated their original cultivation and filled up their true energy.

For cultivation, cultivating true qi is the most important thing. As long as the true qi is full, then the accumulation of qi will be a matter of course.

Time passed quietly in a peaceful environment, and the two equally stunning people were immersed in their own worlds.One is immersed in the accumulation of true qi, while the other is busy configuring medicinal materials.No one spoke again, quietly sketching a beautiful pattern.

Because Luoshui Qingchuan's room was given to his queen mother, so someone moved into Qingcheng's room with integrity and righteousness. Regarding this matter, Qingcheng's friends naturally had different opinions, but looking at Qingcheng with a tired face With the firm eyes shining in their eyes, they all shut their mouths knowingly, so the following days will be the days when Luoshui Qingchuan and Qingcheng live together, one is busy with blood supply and cultivation, the other is busy refining medicine and taking care of Qingcheng, As for his mother and queen, he naturally has his own father and emperor to take care of him. According to Dongfang Hen, Luoshui Qingchuan is a typical example of having brothers and forgetting mothers.

When Luoshui Qingchuan heard about it, he smiled very kindly, as if it was his honor, and was so angry that Dongfang Hen almost singled him out with a knife.Fortunately, the queen's illness was finally under control, and the toxins were being excreted day by day. Luoshui Linqiong was so excited that he almost handed over the emperor's position to Qingcheng, and even Luoshui Qingchuan, who always looked calm, I was also so excited that I hugged Qingcheng tightly several times, and was accidentally bumped by Dongfang Hen a few times. Dongfang Hen, the uncle who specializes in catching and annihilating, just waved his hand and greeted him with a punch. Fortunately, Luoshui Qingchuan responded enough Quickly, he turned sideways and avoided it.

"Luoshui Qingchuan, don't play dumb for me. The poison of your mother's queen has been completely eradicated. Your mother's queen and your father's emperor should move to the inn in the city. You should also move out of Qingcheng's room. Mr. What do you mean by relying on Qingcheng?" Dongfang Henjun frowned, he had brought up this question many times, but a certain person's face was too thick, and he made up his mind to be a deaf person.

Luoshui Qingchuan continued to act like I didn't hear anything, but Qingcheng's face was not as thick as his. He cleared his throat and smiled obsequiously: "Dongfanghen, Qingchuan and I sleep separately. My bed, he sleeps on his soft couch, well water does not interfere with river water, why do you always have so many weird ideas? The queen's poison is just right, and she should take a good rest. Now drive him to the inn Wait, it's too impersonal, isn't it?"

"I don't know what human touch is. I only know that I want to take good care of you for my elder brother." Dongfang Hen had a non-negotiable expression on his face.

Qingcheng caressed her forehead and wailed, what is this and what is it!She is now a man is a man!

Facing the completely unreasonable Dongfang Hen, Qingcheng didn't know what to say, so she simply said nothing. The three of them walked silently on a tree-lined avenue in the campus, each thinking about their own thoughts.

Suddenly, a pink handkerchief floated towards Luoshui Qingchuan, which also brought back the thoughts of the three of them.

Dongfang Hen grabbed the pink handkerchief and stared fiercely at his red blood eyes. He was so angry that he couldn't find a punching bag!
A timid and soft female voice sounded from the front: "I'm sorry, I, I, I want to give this handkerchief to Prince Qingchuan."

Qingcheng looked at the scene in front of her, and recalled the countless times she had faced such disturbing scenes. At that time, she was so depressed and tangled that she wanted to beat him up, but now that she changed roles, she actually became interested in watching the show. Now, it turns out that people's inferiority is not just as simple as being irrelevant to one's own affairs. Many times, one's interest in watching dramas will be much stronger when it is not related to one's own affairs.

Luoshui Qingchuan looked at Qingcheng who was ready to watch a good show, his originally calm mood suddenly became inexplicably annoyed, and he walked up to the girl with a cold face.The girl lowered her head shyly, and she was overjoyed. Prince Qingchuan had never paid attention to the woman who threw the handkerchief before. She was the first one. Could it be... Thinking about it, the girl's face suddenly turned red.

Luoshui Qingchuan completely ignored the girl's shyness, and when he walked beside the girl, he threw back his sleeves without looking back, and the pink handkerchief held by Dongfang Hen turned into powder in an instant.

Looking at the small pile of pink powder, the girl's eyes were full of deep fear, and she stood there trembling at a loss.A devil-like voice from hell sounded in my ears: "If there is another time, it will not be just a handkerchief that will be turned into dust."

Luoshui Qingchuan looked at the panic in the eyes of the girls around him with satisfaction, and strode forward expressionlessly.

Qingcheng couldn't react a little bit. Although these girls are boring and annoying, there is no need to scare others like this.

Sighing, I didn't see a good show. I finally had the opportunity to watch other people's good shows. She was the one who was harassed by this kind of boredom in the past. Now, God is not strong enough. Let her watch one at least.Qingcheng lamented in her heart, if she thought that Luoshui Qingchuan would suddenly become so violent, it was entirely thanks to someone, and she wondered if she would want to run away.

"Luoshui Qingchuan, why are you so angry today? Just ignore this kind of thing, why make it so exaggerated." Qingcheng trotted behind Luoshui Qingchuan, protesting dissatisfiedly while running.

(End of this chapter)

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