Supreme Allure

Chapter 205 I must be responsible

Chapter 205 I must be responsible (7)
Luoshui Qingchuan nodded gratefully. Before he could mention the matter of his mother to Qingcheng, Qingcheng took the initiative to think of it. Only a friend who cares from the bottom of his heart can think of everything for the other party so thoughtfully, right?Qingcheng, with you treating me like this, my wish is enough!

So, Qing Chuan started packing his luggage, and reluctantly left Qing Cheng's room.Although he is reluctant, but many times, many things are a kind of responsibility, just like making himself stronger. This is a responsibility that he cannot escape no matter what. Pursue this realm in advance.Separation is just for better reunion.

Qingchuan left Qingcheng's room and walked into his own room, only to see that everything was the same as when he left. He had lived with Qingcheng for a long time, and suddenly returned to a person again, spontaneously producing a kind of silence. a feeling of.For him, this is a brand new feeling, because he has always been a person who enjoys solitude, and hates the bustling and complicated world of mortals the most, but now, just after separation, he has already begun to miss Qingcheng's every frown and smile stand up.

I can't let myself indulge like this anymore, there are many more important things waiting for him to do, Qingcheng, I will definitely see him as soon as he leaves the customs, now, we must concentrate on breaking through.

Gathering away his wandering thoughts, Luoshui Qingchuan sat cross-legged on the bed, concentrating his mind on the true qi in his body, his breath and thoughts slowly began to move along with the movement of the true qi in his body, the true qi in the eight extraordinary meridians Going back and forth, getting stronger and stronger, gradually, all the distracting thoughts of the world of mortals slowly disappear, only the breath is left to circulate with the true energy, and gradually enter the state of the unity of heaven and man.

After Luoshui Qingchuan left the room, Qingcheng did not go out immediately, but planned to practice hard for a few days first. If she went out like this, Luo Ying would probably be the first to let her go, in order to avoid being questioned after going out. Wenxi, why not take the opportunity to practice hard for a few days now, and wait until the body doesn't look so haggard before going out.

As a result, Qingcheng also crossed her legs and began to enter the cultivation state.

The two people who are practicing, their hearts are peaceful and peaceful, they have completely entered the state of forgetting both things and me, and they don't know that the outside world has long been discussing because of the sudden disappearance of these two colorful figures.

"Where did Qingcheng go? Did you really get tricked and eloped by that bastard Qingchuan in Luoshui?" Dongfang Hen was the most impatient. Since Dongfang Ming went to the Royal Chihan Palace, he just watched Living in Qingcheng is the first responsibility of my life, and now that kid Qingcheng has disappeared for such a long time, it's almost like Dongfang Hen is dying of anxiety.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could my family Qingcheng be cheated by Luoshui Qingchuan? The message she sent me was very clear. She is going to retreat for a while. Do you understand the retreat? Really, don't you all never do it? Are you in retreat?" These days, Yun Luoying and Dongfang Hen have been bickering a lot over Qingcheng's disappearance, Yun Luoying just can't see that the Dongfang family always forcibly occupies Qingcheng for no reason, Qingcheng is a person, not a subsidiary product of their Dongfang family , retreat for a while, do you still have to explain to them?

Yun Luoyan gracefully followed the two of them. She was used to their bickering and didn't participate in it. However, her eyes flickered thoughtfully. It's really not strange to retreat, and there is no need to explain it to anyone, let alone Qingcheng. She didn't formally marry Dongfang Ming, even if she did, then Qingcheng still has the freedom to retreat!However, the entanglement of the problem is that Luoshui Qingchuan has not appeared for a while, and it is estimated that Dongfang Hen should be troubled by this matter.

"The problem is that retreat isn't a one-person practice? It's okay for that kid Qingchuan of Luoshui to stick to Qingcheng so tightly. Does he even have to follow him in retreat?" Feng Jingyang looked at Yun Luoying's face of defending Qingcheng, and felt in his heart It was very unpleasant, and I couldn't help but join the war of words.

"What Brother Feng said is true, even if it's a husband and wife, they don't have to follow each other even in retreat, right? I don't think this matter is as simple as what Qingcheng said, there must be something in it!" Hua Hanfeng said He and Feng Jingyang stood together. If it was in the past, Feng Jingyang basically opposed whatever Hua Hanfeng said. It is really rare to see such a common enemy like today.

Brother and sister Murong Piaoxue and Murong Tuoxue walked quietly, there was no expression on their faces, but Murong Piaoxue clearly felt that there were turbulent waves under his brother's silent eyes.

Among these few people, dragon and phoenix, came together because of Qingcheng, and now, because of Qingcheng's disappearance, they are also inquiring about each other's news, which shortens the distance between them.And the bickering again and again is all because of Qingcheng.

"Actually, Qingcheng's retreat is a good thing. Let's not have any more suspicions. What I am worried about is that the blue lotus is about to mature. As a doctor, Qingcheng is definitely eager to pick off this blue lotus in person. Now count the time." , Lan Lian is about to mature, but, Qingcheng, I don’t know when she will be able to leave the customs! I’m really anxious!" Yun Luoying frowned slightly, and Qingcheng had mentioned Lan Lian to her many times a long time ago. At that time, she was ignorant of Lian's medical value, but recently, because Lan Lian is about to mature, many people in the whole college are already ready to move, and there are more and more legends about Lan Lian, and many people plan to be together Go pick blue lotus.

"Since elder sister Yun wants to help Qingcheng collect blue lotus so much, it will be useless for us to wait. Why don't we help Qingcheng pick this blue lotus together? I believe Qingcheng will be very happy. Besides, with what we have gathered now Ability, I believe, Caixuan should not be able to find a combination as strong as ours!" Murong Piaoxue's face was blushing, and she became inexplicably excited at the thought of entering the Lanyue Forest to explore again.

"Piaoxue, no matter how strong we are, if there is no Qingcheng, we will not be able to pick this blue lotus!" Yun Luoying pursed her small red lips, frowned slightly, and shook her head and sighed.

When everyone heard this, they all turned their attention to her.

Yun Luoying suddenly felt that Yali was very big, she was not very used to being the center of attention.However, now, this matter must be clearly explained to everyone, otherwise, with the boiling blood in these young lives, maybe they will go to pick blue lotus in a foolish and naive manner.

(End of this chapter)

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