Supreme Allure

Chapter 217

Chapter 217
"Master Fat, Master Thin, I'm here to say goodbye to you. I think you are all aware of the Sima family's affairs. I want to see Sima Zhiheng's condition." Qingcheng said bluntly, "I will go quickly back."

The fat and thin elder stopped playing chess, then smiled at each other in relief, nodded, waved his hand, and signaled Qingcheng to go quickly.It's a good thing to go all over the city, it's to save people, it's to bring hope to people, they are so old, mothers-in-law and mothers find it annoying to see it.

The fat and thin elder looked indifferent, but at the moment when Qingcheng turned his back to close the door and leave, there was a trace of reluctance and distress in his eyes.

The North Frame Country is not far away, and it is not close at all. Even if you have a top-level flying mount, flying non-stop in the middle is at least a few days' flying distance.It took a lot of spiritual power for Qingcheng to save so many people just now.Nowadays, it is really impossible for ordinary people to travel day and night without stopping.

Although Qingcheng is not an ordinary person, she is only 13 years old after all!It's just that saving people is like putting out a fire. People come begging to come to your door, so you can't just ignore death and do nothing.I hope that after this incident, Qingcheng can have a period of peaceful cultivation time and recover her body well.

So, after watching Qingcheng go out, the fat and thin elder continued to play chess without any influence on the surface, but if he looked carefully, his eye circles were flushed.It seemed to be painted with red eyeshadow, which was weird no matter how you looked.

Qingcheng gently closed the door for the fat and thin elder, feeling very reluctant in her heart.This is the deep love of the masters.Some people talk about love all day long, but if something really happens, they are the fastest to betray the person they love the most.And some people never say love on their lips, but when they turn around, the heavy love accumulated day after day has been deeply impacting Qingcheng's soul, making Qingcheng feel the love in his heart every time he travels smartly. There is always a faint worry, the so-called sorrow of parting, maybe it is like this, but Qingcheng knows that she has a heavy responsibility to go to the North frame country this time, she must get rid of all distracting thoughts and let herself go into battle completely lightly.

After bidding farewell to Fat and Slender Master, Qingcheng and Sima Jingfeng each boarded their own flying beasts and flew towards Beijiao Country.

When the Alluring Red Peng Niao appeared in front of Sima Jingfeng, Sima Jingfeng only had a moment of surprise in his eyes when he saw it, and he immediately came back to his senses.Xu is used to being hit.

When Sima Jingfeng summoned his mount, the corners of Qingcheng's mouth couldn't help twitching.Sima Jingfeng's mount is the legendary Seven-Colored Condor. This time, it was finally Qingcheng's turn to be frightened. No matter how she lacked theoretical knowledge, she had heard of the legendary flying mount of the Seven-colored Condor. Well, among the flying mythical beasts, the Colorful Condor is definitely not inferior to the Chipeng Bird. In fact, the Chipeng Bird was originally inferior to the Colorful Condor, just because the Qingcheng Chipeng Bird has nine wings. Only the red-winged bird can be compared with the colorful condor.

With the assistance of flying beasts, the two traveled extremely fast, because Caixuan Academy itself is at the border of the four countries, so if you want to reach any country, you don't need to go through other countries. The North Frame Country is in the north of the Cosmo Continent. Qingcheng followed Sima Jingfeng all the way to the north, so it was naturally the border of the North Frame.

"Qingcheng, it's getting dark, and our mounts are tired. Starfish City is ahead. Let's find an inn to rest for a night before we go on our way." Sima Jingfeng said while overlooking the town ahead.

"You are more familiar with the North Frame Country, so everything will be arranged by you." When there is no conflict of principles, Qingcheng is very easy to talk about, and she doesn't need to think, just like her heart.

So, the two landed in a small forest outside Haixing City, recalled the flying beast to the space, and the two walked towards Haixing City talking and laughing.

As soon as they entered the city, the two beautiful teenagers immediately caused quite a stir.

Today, Qingcheng is wearing a red brocade robe, her long black hair is tied up high, her black eyes are as bright as stars, and her skin is as fair as jade. Since the last retreat, Qingcheng's strength has made a big breakthrough, her temperament Even more handsome and extraordinary.The girls on the road couldn't help screaming when they saw it.

In fact, Qingcheng seldom wears red. She knows that her appearance often causes commotion, so she tries to keep a low profile if she can, and because of this, she always prefers white.In fact, a color has a taste of a color. For a face like Qingcheng's level, it is not the clothes to set off the beauty, but the beauty makes Qingcheng look upside down in whatever clothes she wears.

It is said that the reason why Qingcheng wears red this time is mainly because Chipeng, this Chipeng, has a special hobby, that is, he likes red. This time when going to the north frame, in order to speed up the pace, Chipeng's fast flight is needed along the way. Give Chipeng some benefits, and under Chipeng's coquettish flattery, Qingcheng wears red.The effect is really extraordinary.Red is indeed the most eye-catching color.

Sima Jingfeng wore a white silk-cotton robe today, and there was a layer of alienation on his delicate and delicate face. There was no way, Sima Jingfeng was a celebrity in the North frame country. If he was in the public eye Just smile casually, and immediately there will be a large group of nympho girls rushing up.Some are because of the Sima family's wealth, and some are because of Sima Jingfeng's natural appearance. In short, a man with both wealth and sex can attract countless women wherever he goes.What's more, Sima Jingfeng's own ability and quality are also extremely excellent. This kind of man is definitely the best among the elite, even if he is a concubine, he would be happy with it!

The family background of the Sima family is there, and those nympho girls, no matter how nympho, know how much they have. Of course, the beautiful young men of this kind of family need the daughters of the big families who are well-matched to be worthy. To be someone else's concubine is already a blessing that was cultivated after burning countless high incenses in the previous life.

Qingcheng and Sima Jingfeng watched this funny farce speechlessly. Originally, they planned to put on masks and come out to mess around, but because Qingcheng had many tragic pasts of being chased by women all over the street wearing masks, so now, the two People simply don't bother to wear masks, anyway, the outcome is the same, not wearing a mask can allow the skin to come out and breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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