Supreme Allure

Chapter 255 Marrying a Chicken and a Dog, Don’t Marry the Emperor

Chapter 255 Marrying a Chicken and a Dog, Don’t Marry the Emperor (5)
Qingcheng hugged Tengtangmo tightly. She knew that Tengtangmo had suffered a great shock today, and what she needed most was a warm embrace. No matter what the future holds, tonight, she just wanted to give him this hug, hoping to warm him up. his heart.

So, the two kept hugging each other so tightly, feeling each other's body temperature and heartbeat.

a long time!

"Qingcheng, where did the necklace on your neck come from? I've never seen it before." Although the necklace was hidden in Qingcheng's collar, but for those who were always peeping at certain places in Qingcheng intentionally or unintentionally, For Tengtangmo, he saw the necklace glowing with green light at a glance.There was a sour taste in my heart, could it be a gift from a lover?
"Brother, this is the Yixing Necklace, which is a gift from the head of the Wu family, and it is said to be a must-have item for women to disguise themselves as men." Qingcheng teased with a light smile, "If you like it, Qingcheng can give it to him. Qingcheng also wants to see it very much." Look, what an alluring feat it would be for the elder brother to become a girl!"

"So that's it! Patriarch Wu has a heart! I should thank her in another day!" Hearing this, Tengtang Mo breathed a sigh of relief. It's fine if it's not a lover. Now that Qingcheng has gradually grown up, it is naturally more difficult for a woman to disguise herself as a man. It is indeed a good thing to have such a necklace worn on Qingcheng's body to protect him from those mad bees and butterflies.However, if he wants to do something, he must remember to take off the necklace. He still prefers Qingcheng's exquisite and colorful body. Let him miss it very much at this moment.Thinking about it, I couldn't help breathing quickly.

Qingcheng, who was being tightly embraced by Tengtangmo, reacted immediately, quickly jumped out of Tengtangmo's embrace, and flew away like an arrow.You can't fall into the same river twice!

Tengtangmo looked at the direction where Qingcheng disappeared with a smile, and said, is he a scourge?To be so scared!

The war in the North Frame Kingdom has finally come to an end. In this war, many heroes under the leadership of Wu Zhanmei, Bo Linfeng and others have made great contributions. These people, the court usually tried to recruit them but failed. Today It's rare that everyone can gather together, and take this opportunity to let these folk forces communicate with the imperial court, so that even if this force can't be used by oneself in the future, it can be less hostile.

Northern Frame Emperor Tengtanghui and His Royal Highness Tengtangmo held a banquet at Tingfenglou in Starfish City. Die Hanhai refused to let his son-in-law be his servant again, but Ou Siming cooperated very much this time, broke away from the slave class, opened a restaurant in Starfish City, and started a business.Unexpectedly, it was out of control and became the most famous restaurant in Starfish City.Master and Mrs. Rosemary were so happy that they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear, saying to everyone that heroes don't ask for a way out.

At this time, the distinguished guests gathered in the Tingfeng Tower, and the emperor of the North frame took over the entire Tingfeng Tower. In fact, to be precise, the emperor booked all the restaurants in the Starfish City, and some other restaurants were for banquets. The soldiers of Star City and some people who have made contributions to the defense of the city.It's just that this Tingfenglou is different from other restaurants, and all of them are the most central figures in commanding the operation.

At the most central table sat the emperor Teng Tanghui of the North Frame Kingdom, the prince Teng Tangmo, Rosedie Kajia, the lord of Starfish City, Wu Zhanmei, the head of the Northern Frame Refining Family, Sima Jingfeng, and Bo Linfeng, the head of the Magic Power Family. , as well as Tingfeng host Ou Siming and his wife Rosemary Kawi, and of course Rosemary Hanhai and Ping Lanyue.Naturally, there is also a person who can absolutely make this group of people gather together... Ye Qingcheng.

Qingcheng is already a little drunk at this time, there is no way, everyone here is her confidant and friend, and everyone is trying their best to toast, it is really hard for her to shirk.

This time Starfish City was able to protect successfully. Everyone sitting here has contributed a lot. These people don't want money or fame, just because they regard her as a friend, and they just want to help her. This kind of friendship , she didn't know how to repay, so she could only binge drink one after another.

Sitting beside Qingcheng, Tengtangmo began to feel worried as he watched Qingcheng tilt his head and drink another cup.When one person cares about another, then even drinking seems like a super big deal.

"Qingcheng, you drank too much, why don't I send you back to rest first." Wu Zhanmei looked at Qingcheng's state, and was afraid that if he drank again, Qingcheng's secret would be seen through by these men, none of them would be cheap.If she sees through it, can Qingcheng get away with it?Then wouldn't her daughter-in-law's big plan come to naught?
"Master Wu is being polite. After all, Qingcheng is a man, and it seems inappropriate for Master Wu to send him to the bedroom." After saying these words, Tengtangmo stood up, filled a glass for himself, raised the glass cup in his hand and continued. Said, "My palace is one step ahead, everyone please continue." After speaking, he raised his head and drank it, put down the glass cup in his hand, and amidst the exclamation of Qingcheng and the crowd, he picked up Qingcheng and walked out.

"His Royal Highness is really fierce! Under the watchful eyes of so many people, without any concealment, he did not hesitate to make such an astonishing move."

"In the past, I always thought that His Highness the Crown Prince was a gentle and modest gentleman, but now I see that he is actually a warm-hearted man. I will never dare to brag that I am very accurate in judging people."

"It's nice to be young! Suddenly I feel really old!"

Whispering voices immediately filled the whole Tingfeng Building, the emperor of the North frame did not speak, but shook his head, thinking in his heart: It would be great if Qingcheng was a woman!The wish of Xin'er and I can be counted.

"Your Majesty, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, Your Majesty, don't be sad. The so-called poor mountains and rivers have nowhere to go, and there is another village. There are miracles everywhere in life. Maybe your Majesty will be pleasantly surprised in the future!" Wu Zhanmei looked at the emperor Beijia worried After all, she couldn't bear it. Although she longed for Qingcheng to be her daughter-in-law, she shook her head when she looked at her useless and stupid child, and looked at His Royal Highness, his actions were extraordinary. It can't even reach this level.If he was Qingcheng, he would definitely choose a gentle and considerate man like the prince as his husband.

(End of this chapter)

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