Supreme Allure

Chapter 260

Chapter 260
Tengtangmo was shocked by Qingcheng's self-confidence, and watched Qingcheng bewilderedly unable to recover.

"Brother, look at the top of the ring!" Qingcheng suddenly cheered excitedly!

Tengtang Mo looked up quickly, but saw that there were only seven people left in the ring, which meant that most of them had already been eliminated, and this year's starfish city warriors would be selected among these seven people .

At this moment, the seven people above the ring were all scrambling to scramble for it. Seeing someone climbed onto the high stage, the Chiqionghua was already within reach, but the next moment, this dear friend was very angry. Unfortunately, he was kicked out of the high platform by a leg wind.

There are six people left!

If it was said that the competition for the number of ten people had been maintained before, everyone was a little absent-minded, but now the elimination of one by one made everyone's hearts rise to their throats, and the atmosphere of the whole scene suddenly became active.Shouts, cheers, and screams resounded through the valley, and even Qingcheng, who was as calm as water, watched the competition on the stage with excitement.

Tengtangmo looked enviously at the warriors who were being watched by Qingcheng, and wished he could go up and fight for it. He didn't know who set the tattered rules that the royal family was not allowed to rob, it was pure exclusion.

Amid bursts of cheers, there was finally only a handsome young man with a white face and a scholarly appearance left on the stage. He leapt up, and when he leaped into the air, he winked mischievously at Qingcheng.Qingcheng was stunned for a moment, and then took a closer look. It turned out that this handsome young man had been treated by Qingcheng when the well was poisoned.Seeing him jumping onto the high platform that symbolizes the number one warrior of Starfish City this year, Qingcheng's heart also jumped up with joy, and immediately nodded to him, clenched his fists, and pressed his elbows, doing A cheering gesture.Seeing this, the young man showed a bright smile on his handsome face, as bright as the sun, and immediately stretched out his arms, he was about to pick off the much-anticipated Chiqiong wreath.

Tengtangmo gritted his teeth and looked at Qingcheng and the handsome young man's eye contact. He was really worried. He was clearly wearing men's clothing and a Yixing necklace and attracted so many mad bees and butterflies. Pick off the flowers, let's see what he can be proud of!

Tengtangmo was thinking, while stretching out his hand to hold Qingcheng's catkin tightly. Qingcheng, who was immersed in excitement, finally came back to his senses. Seeing his elder brother's dark face, he lamented in his heart, what is her elder brother? It's all good, but the jealousy is so scary.

Qingcheng sighed helplessly, and tightly held Tengtangmo's hand with his backhand, hoping to suppress Tengtangmo's jealousy.

The big palm was wrapped in Qingcheng's catkin, and Tengtangmo's resentment was finally relieved. He pursed his lips and looked at the high platform pretendingly.

On the high platform, the hand of the handsome young man was about to take off the hanging Chiqiong wreath. Suddenly, everyone's eyes dazzled, and two figures, one black and one white, suddenly appeared on the high platform. The handsome young man was separated from the Chiqiong flower, but seeing the two figures, one black and one white, shot like lightning, they reached out to pick the Chiqiong wreath in the next blink of an eye. Under the action of Dao Gangfeng, it instantly split into two halves.

Sai Xue in white clothes, black clothes like ink, two figures slowly descended from the high platform, and only then did everyone see their true faces clearly.Surprisingly, it was Rosemary Kaja and Bo Linfeng.

The handsome young man also jumped down from the high platform, seeing that it was these two people, he was extremely puzzled, but it was inconvenient to ask further questions, so he folded his hands and left the place where everyone was watching.As he walked, he secretly slandered, the two of them would not make a move sooner or later, just as he was about to win, and if he was followed by an oriole, wouldn't it be specifically for him?When did I offend these two great gods?

The people who reacted were in an uproar!No one expected that Rosemary Kaja and Bo Linfeng would make a move at this moment, because with the strength and prestige of these two people, there is no need to participate in this so-called competition for the number one warrior in Starfish City. It is completely illogical and totally unreasonable for students to participate in the graduation exams of elementary school students.

Tengtangmo was also looking at the two people on the ring in shock at this moment, what happened to these two people?He actually went to snatch the Chiqiong Garland regardless of his status!Although they are not expressly prohibited from participating in similar competitions like the royal family, but on this occasion, can't you give the common people a chance to have a bright future?It's unbelievable to insist on stealing the limelight from other ordinary people!

On the other hand, Qingcheng was indignant, feeling sorry for that handsome young man, obviously victory was in sight, these two shameless people actually used teleportation to pour a bucket of ice water on him at such an exciting moment, Fortunately, at such a young age, he is still quite graceful, and he didn't explode and jump up on the spot.

While thinking, Qingcheng turned her head to look at the people's seats, wanting to see how the young man was doing before, and whether he fainted from anger.

"What are you looking for?" Tengtangmo's face darkened again, and he directly blocked Qingcheng's sight with his head.

Qingcheng turned her head helplessly, and continued to look at the ring.Looking at the arena, her head also hurts. It is said that Rosemary Kajia and Bo Linfeng are also the ones who suffered from cerebral apoplexy, so they won the medal of bravery for nothing!
Just when Qingcheng was full of thoughts, the two figures, one black and one white, jumped down. Both of them held up the half of the Chiqiong wreath with both hands, and knelt down in front of her on one knee.

Qingcheng stood up from her chair in fright, which song are these two singing now?

"What do you two mean?" Tengtangmo held Qingcheng's catkin tightly, pushed her back to the chair, and stared at the person in front of him who didn't follow the rules at all.

"Linfeng has no other intentions, I just want to give this Chiqiong wreath to Qingcheng!" Bo Linfeng raised his eyes to look at Qingcheng and Tangtangmo, his eyes were clear and pure, without any impurities.

"Kajia is just a flower giver!" Rosemary Kajia also had a bright and upright face, as if at this moment, if she had the slightest doubt about these two people, it would be a kind of great blasphemy.

(End of this chapter)

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