Supreme Allure

Chapter 262

Chapter 262
Hearing this, Teng Tanghui laughed, at first he didn't want to push his son to disturb his son's good affairs, but now seeing so many people disturbing him, he was not bad, so he took Fu Qiong and Fu Xi with him, generously He walked to the edge of Tengtangmo.

A group of people found an open space, and Qingcheng became the commander-in-chief of course, who made her cooking skills the best here!

"Kajia, Linfeng, you two, get me some firewood!" Qingcheng commanded with a natural expression.

"Why us?" Rosedikajia and Bo Linfeng looked at Qingcheng mournfully.

"What are you looking at? Why don't you go quickly if you are told?" Tengtangmo wished he could hide Qingcheng, what were the two of them doing instead of picking up firewood and looking at Qingcheng in a daze?
The two had no choice but to resign themselves to their fate and turned to collect firewood.

Seeing that the two finally went to collect firewood obediently, Qingcheng assigned other people some work, and finally, they went hunting with Tengtangmo.

When they came back from hunting, everyone had almost done their preparations. It was surprising that Rosemary Kajia and Bo Linfeng, who went out to collect firewood first, hadn't come back yet.

Qingcheng pulled Tengtangmo over and said softly: "It stands to reason that the two of them shouldn't be in any danger with their skills, but they haven't come back yet, so it's always worrying. Let's go out and look for them!"

Tengtangmo nodded when he heard the words, and followed Qingcheng to look for Rosemary Kajia and Bo Linfeng.

In the end, when they reached a mountain depression, they found that Rosemary Kajia and Bo Linfeng were surrounded by a large group of women. Qingcheng pulled Tengtangmo and walked forward with a puzzled expression: "What happened?" Qingcheng asked loudly road.

"Ah! It's His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and Young Master Qingcheng who are here!" When the women saw Tengtangmo and Qingcheng, they immediately stepped forward to salute.

"See Your Highness the Crown Prince!" The women all knelt down and saluted.

"Get up!" Tengtangmo waved his sleeves, walked slowly to Rosedikajia and Bo Linfeng, and said in a low voice, "What happened?"

"These women followed us all the way and refused to leave!" Rosemary Kaja replied in a low voice helplessly.

"Don't you guys know how to teleport? I think you used teleportation very well when you snatched the Chiqiong wreath, why are you afraid of these weak women who are powerless now?" Tengtang Mo was still brooding over the matter of the Chiqiong wreath just now, and seeing this scene now, he felt rather gloating.

"Your Highness, stop laughing at us!" Bo Linfeng lowered his voice and said softly, "What's the use of teleportation? If you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple. These women are scary! When there is nothing to do, they will always hang around under their noses , wouldn’t that drive people crazy?”

"Who made you guys so pushy just now? Now you know it's troublesome! Brothers, leave this matter to me!" Tengtangmo said with a loyal face, "Remember to keep a low profile in everything from now on, and don't always think about showing off. Brother, I can help you this time but I can't help you next time!"

Rosedikajia and Bo Linfeng nodded in agreement when they heard the words, Tengtangmo turned around in satisfaction, embraced Qingcheng amidst the screams of all the women, and said loudly: "Qingcheng, don't worry about it because of that. The tattered garland is fascinated by the two paper tigers in front of me. Let me tell you secretly, before I sent two bag-opening maids to Kajia and Linfeng, and guess what, those two bag-opening maids came back crying Then tell me that Kajia and Linfeng are just two paper tigers, what a shame!"

At first, Qingcheng listened seriously, but when he heard the word "Buju", his throat was almost choked by his own saliva, and he coughed again and again. Tengtangmo hurriedly patted Qingcheng on the shoulder while chattering and saying: : "That's why it is said that people should not be judged by their appearance. Don't look at them looking like a human being. In fact, this kind of man is the most useless."

Rosemary Kaja and Bo Linfeng stood aside resentfully, their eyes almost burst into sparks, but they couldn't refute.Qingcheng looked at Tengtangmo in shock, and said in disbelief: "Brother, how could you do such a thing! It is the most inhumane thing to open a maidservant! Luckily it didn't work! Otherwise How can you be worthy of their future wives? Brother, please be a little bit more innocent, okay?"

"Qingcheng, big brother is absolutely innocent! I have never been a maid before, except you, Qingcheng, who has never touched a woman's hand!" Seeing Qingcheng go crazy, Tengtang Mo was anxious and desperately clarified his innocence. .

Rosemary Kajia and Bo Linfeng were completely speechless, this pair of living treasures went off topic after talking about it.At the moment, he pretended to cough, and coughed lightly with all his strength, trying to bring back the thoughts of the two of them.

At last their efforts were not in vain, Qingcheng was the first to come to his senses, and walked slowly in front of Rosemary Kajia and Bo Linfeng.

Rosemary Kajia and Bo Linfeng looked at Qingcheng nervously, not knowing what "he" wanted to do.

"Don't worry..." Before Qingcheng finished speaking, Tengtangmo had already strode to the edge of Qingcheng, and pressed her big palm on her lips. The words that Qingcheng originally wanted to say were abrupt. The raw land was pushed back.

"Hmm..." Qingcheng still didn't give up, struggling to get the whole sentence out, Tengtang Mo hurriedly whispered in her ear, "Qingcheng, don't you want to settle the matter before you?"

Qingcheng was taken aback when he heard the words, and then immediately reacted.She originally wanted to say that she would cure Rosemary Kaja and Bo Linfeng's impotent disease, but there was no way, as a medical worker, whenever she heard a topic related to the disease, she would always have an occupational attack, and only If something is wrong with it, I don’t think about other links anymore.It turned out that the eldest brother was lying all along!
"About my innocence, it's all true, you have to trust the elder brother!" Seeing Qingcheng's face suddenly enlightened, Tengtangmo knew that she had completely figured it out.But he was afraid that she would be too thorough, so he also rejected his warm confession just now.

Qingcheng nodded with a blushing pretty face when she heard the words, raised her eyes to look at the group of women, but saw that they all opened their eyes wide and looked at Rosemary Kaja and Bo Linfeng in disbelief, with shock and helplessness on their faces , In the end, all of them hid their faces and left.

(End of this chapter)

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