Supreme Allure

Chapter 275: No Desire, No Desire

Chapter 275: No Desire, No Desire (5)
Nalan Muxing was once again gnashing his teeth in anger, and left quickly. If he stayed any longer, he would be pissed off.

Sure enough, for several days in a row, Nalan Muxing seemed to have evaporated from the world and never appeared again.

In the past few days, the entire Nalan family has been discussing from top to bottom. It is nothing more than saying that the new wife is not favored. Because of the mistress' token, although everyone looked down on Yun Luoying, they all had to obey Yun Luoying's orders.After all, the token of the mistress is in her hands. Although there are many speculations about Yun Luoying's possession of the token of the mistress, some people even suspected that it was stolen by Yun Luoying, but it was quickly rejected , after all, who would use something stolen in public?
For all the discussions, Yun Luoying just smiled lightly, her life is limited, who knows when she will die, she will not waste such a good time gossiping with others.

In the spring of March, when the grass grows and the warbler flies, when the morning sun is warmly scattered in the yard, Yun Luoying is enjoying herself in the swing with her eyes closed and swaying.

"Hey! Who am I? It turns out to be our mistress! Why haven't you been with Mr. Xianggong this early in the morning?" A sarcasm sounded, and Yun Luoying lazily opened her eyes. Seeing a seductive woman in a bright red spring shirt walking over, she knew that she was here to find fault.

Luo Ying didn't bother to talk to her, this kind of woman was full of water, and it was a waste of time to talk to them.

Luo Ying didn't want to cause trouble, but some brain-dead people completely misunderstood it.

"Hmph! You want to pretend to be noble for me! I might as well tell you the truth, my husband has been with me these days, and even on the wedding night of your bridal chamber, my husband entangled me all night long! Hahaha! Like you Poor woman, she still has leisure and elegance to bask in the sun here? If I were you, I would have hit the wall and killed myself." Seeing Yun Luoying ignoring her like this, the woman's anger rose rapidly, and her voice became louder. up.It caused a large group of people around to come and watch, and even rushed to run, even some concubines from other courtyards also came to watch the fun.

This kind of ridicule and insult, as long as it is a woman, she will either hide her face in shame, or yell at her voice, but Yun Luoying is not in the scene at all, and she doesn't even bother to lift her eyelids, just squinting her eyes swing.Originally, she wanted to close her eyes, but who knows if this woman will become angry and attack her, she has to be on guard.

Sure enough, as Yun Luoying expected, the woman saw that Yun Luoying was still so proud at this moment, making herself look like a clown, she turned around and flew into the air, her feet straight towards Yun Luoying's heart everywhere.The onlookers gasped in surprise.

However, Yun Luoying remained motionless as a mountain, and everyone sighed. This new mistress is not a fool, is she?Being kicked so hard in the heart, you will be seriously injured if you don't die. Even if you don't know kung fu, you should hide for a while!

But then, a scene that shocked the onlookers even more happened. A burst of colored light suddenly appeared, and the woman fell down heavily.

After the woman fell down, she looked at Yun Luoying in shock, she couldn't be wrong, the one just now was a high-level illusion weapon, how could this little human woman have such a precious thing?
Everyone originally had an expression of looking forward to the show, but when they saw the situation in front of them, they were all horrified.This human woman is really a bit evil. Fortunately, I didn't provoke her just now. If I can avoid it in the future, I'd better stay away.

Everyone didn't dare to stay any longer, and one by one secretly evacuated the scene, including the woman who caused trouble, who knows the current affairs as a hero, let you be arrogant for a few days, I believe that one day as long as you and Tao Yaoyao carry it, you can do whatever you want Can't get any benefits.

So, under Yun Luoying's half-closed eyes, everyone left resentfully.

After everyone left, a pink figure hid in the shade of a tree and pondered deeply, Yun Luoying's lazy voice sounded again: "The good show is over? Now it's over, please leave automatically, don't block my sunshine. "

Nalan Shepherd walked out of the shade of the tree gracefully, the pink brocade robe made him even more enchanting and beautiful, he flicked off the fine leaves on the pink brocade robe, and the corner of Nalan Shepherd's mouth curled up into a graceful smile. Radian: "You will enjoy it. Since you said that I blocked your sunshine, at least you can't let me suffer this injustice, right? No matter what happens, you have to come out and really block your sunshine!"

Yun Luoying looked coldly at the tall and handsome nominal husband in front of her, and felt that it was really a waste of time to talk to him here, so she jumped off the swing immediately, and when her toes touched the ground, she He rushed away in a hurry, as graceful as a flying butterfly, leaving only Nalan Muxing with a dazed and unbelievable face, his wife really didn't want to see him enough.

After this incident, the women in the mansion didn't dare to provoke Yun Luoying easily anymore. Yun Luoying lived a comfortable and peaceful life, and practiced whenever she had time, and enjoyed the blessings of nature by the way.

Usually, Yun Luoying likes sports very much. Apart from practicing, Luo Ying also made some sports pants suitable for running for herself. Every morning, she would get up and run around the mansion. Yes, but now, everyone is just watching the fun, and no one is going to laugh at her.As for that Nalan Shepherd, there would be unexpected encounters from time to time, and Yun Luoying ran by herself as if seeing the air.If he wants to see it, let him see it, anyway, there will be no loss of meat.

Although this couple in name is doing the least couple-like things, however, many times, they have to act in front of outsiders.

On this day, Nalannuo hosted a banquet for Nalan Muxing and Yun Luoying, and the place was set at Yipinxuan in Qiyue City.

Yun Luoying finished her run early in the morning, took a shower, and then hid in her room to dress up.

Nalan Muxing was waiting in the pavilion in the room, and he waited for a long time.All along, others have been waiting for him, when did he end up waiting for others?He was suffocating in his heart, but the family wanted to entertain them alone, and it would be hard for Luo Ying not to go, so he had to endure it.

(End of this chapter)

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