Supreme Allure

Chapter 277 The Old Man Reunited

Chapter 277 The Old Man Reunited (2)
Nalannuo looked at the scene in front of him, pretended to be deaf and dumb, didn't ask or say anything, but said softly: "The drinks and food in this Pinxuan are all top-notch, eat more. I just added a few more hairy crabs Well. The hairy crabs here are unparalleled in the world.”

"There are hairy crabs! I like it the most! Great, I can bring my friends here to eat in the future." Yun Luoying giggled happily. Qingcheng likes to eat hairy crabs the most. Since Qingcheng is also in Qiyue City, Naturally, I want to bring her here to have a good taste of the hairy crabs here.

Nalan Muxing suddenly felt that Yun Luoying's smile was particularly dazzling at this time, so he raised his hand to lift the carved glass cup on the table, and drank it down with his neck up.

The three continued talking and laughing for a while, and finally got up and left Yipinxuan.When they reached a fork in the road, Nalannuo waved goodbye to Nalan Muxing and Yun Luoying, and said that there would be more small-scale family banquets like this in the future.Nalan Muxing agreed with a half-hearted smile, while Yun Luoying sincerely said that she would spend more time with Uncle Nuo when she had free time.The one who coaxed Nalannuo to smile so much that he almost loved Yun Luoying as his daughter.

After Nalannuo left in another direction, only Nalan Muxing and Yun Luoying were left staring at each other.

"You're really good at making the Patriarch happy!" Nalan Muxing was very upset today, so he urgently needed to find someone to show his anger. The one who could take on this important task in front of him was naturally Yun Luo Ying.

"I sincerely hope that Uncle Nuo is happy, not coaxing him! He is very similar to my father. He bears the ups and downs of a family on his shoulders, and his own personal happiness has long been thrown out of the sky. As juniors, we should naturally Be with them more and make them feel that their sacrifices are worth it." Yun Luoying said seriously, these days, every time she talks to Nalan Shepherd, she either looks indifferent or has nothing to do with it, or is an outsider It was the first time to show affection in front of him, and speak with a straight face like now.

Nalan Muxing stared blankly at Yun Luoying, never expecting her to say such a thing.

"Actually, between the two of us, there is no need to be like enemies. We have common interests. You are eager to drive me away as soon as possible, and I am also eager to return to the academy to continue my studies as soon as possible. It's just that Now, I just got married, if you drive me away as soon as I enter the door, it will definitely attract criticism from all parties, especially Uncle Nuo, who can't explain it. Just let me live in your house safely For a while, after a long time, you can just suspend me on any crime. During this period of time, we will live in peace and live in peace, don't you think?" Yun Luoying didn't feel bad when she saw Nalan Shepherd A reasonable person, so he took advantage of the opportunity when the two of them were alone, and negotiated with him in a pleasant manner.

Hearing this, Nalan Muxing felt a strange feeling in his heart, but it was too fast, and he disappeared before he could catch it.

Ever since he learned about this marriage, Nalan Muxing felt that he had suffered all kinds of uselessness and grievances in this marriage.However, now that I look up at the human woman in front of me, I suddenly realize that the real victim of this marriage is actually the human woman in front of me. She left her hometown to marry Qiyuecheng from the human world, and was abandoned by her husband on the wedding night. In the new house, she was subjected to all kinds of cynicism, but she never complained about anything. She looked calm as if she was watching someone else's play, and entered without any emotion.So strong, so clear, so bright, so passionate about life, now she actually came to negotiate with him with a sincere face.Should he, Nalan Shepherd, accept it calmly?

"For us mermaids, it is very difficult to divorce our wives." For some reason, when Yun Luoying kept saying that he wanted him to divorce her, his heart was inexplicably flooded. There were bouts of uneasiness and unhappiness.

"Don't worry! After a year and a half, I will have nothing to do. You can use the most serious of the seven rules to get nothing to divorce me. I believe no one will have any objections. "Yun Luoying raised her eyebrows and chuckled, she was full of confidence in the fact that there were many means and methods for divorcing his wife.

Nalan Muxing looked at Yun Luoying, who was surrounded by the confident light, and felt an inexplicable irritability in his heart. He quickened his pace and walked quickly, wanting to vent the inexplicable irritability in his heart.

"We'll discuss this matter later!" Nalan Muxing said to Yun Luoying who was behind him while walking quickly.

"Hehe! Good!" Yun Luoying accepted it as soon as she saw the deal, and readily agreed.But in his heart he secretly slandered: My fate is up to me!Since I, Yun Luoying, are eager to be divorced, I have plenty of means, so there is nothing to discuss.

It's just that I can't talk too much with Nalan Shepherd today. After all, as a man, if his wife asks him to divorce his wife, his self-esteem will inevitably be hurt, so today's negotiations will come to an end.

So, the two of them had a tacit understanding and neither of them spoke, and ran all the way back to Nalan Shepherd's mansion.As soon as she entered the mansion, Yun Luoying quickly rushed to her courtyard without raising her head. As she walked, she heard footsteps following closely behind her. Followed by.

"What are you following me for?" Yun Luoying asked suspiciously.

Hearing this, Nalan Muxing felt uneasy for a while, but said calmly on his face: "That's my courtyard, if I don't go this way, will I go there?"

"Ah? So that courtyard belongs to you? I'm sorry, but I've taken over the dove's nest! No wonder it's so magnificent! It turns out that it's your courtyard, so I'll just give it back to you. You can assign any other courtyard to you." Me!" Yun Luoying suddenly realized that she had occupied other people's rooms these days.Anyway, for her, it's enough to have a place to live, and it's not a place to live!

"According to the regulations, the mistress must live in the main courtyard. The so-called main courtyard is our common courtyard!" Nalan Muxing explained helplessly, pretending to be deep in thought.

"What kind of perverted rule is this! All of your concubines have their own courtyards. When it's my turn to be the matriarch, I have become an accessory. I don't even have a courtyard of my own? This is What the hell is that?" Yun Luoying changed from her previous calm and elegant appearance, with a shrew image on her face, she looked like a miser.

(End of this chapter)

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