Supreme Allure

Chapter 279 The Old Man Reunited

Chapter 279 The Old Man Reunited (4)
Although this pair of master and apprentice has two enchanting and peerless faces, they are extremely naive masters in their bones. No matter how outdated it may seem in the eyes of outsiders, in their eyes it is absolutely no problem.Just like at this moment, a peerless handsome man held a hairpin in his hand, gently pulled the hair of the peerless beauty around him, and gently inserted the hairpin.Although the hairpin is a bit weird and transparent, this beautiful picture makes people think about it no matter how you look at it.It's just that these two beautiful parties are busy with the matter at hand in a serious manner, without even the slightest association.On such an occasion, if the big vinegar bucket of Tengtangmo saw it, Qingcheng would never want to have clean ears.

When Nalan Muye helped Qingcheng put the hairpin on, sure enough, Qingcheng's figure completely disappeared without a sound.

"Hahahahaha! It's perfect! Qingcheng, you really can't see a shadow of you at this moment! Perfect! So perfect! You really deserve to be my student, Nalan Muye!" Nalan Muye looked excited He praised it all the time, but the boasting went to his own head again.

Qingcheng gently took off the transparent hairpin on her head, and said with a light smile: "Master, let's not get too complacent. Qingcheng's opponent this time must be extraordinary, and we should practice more!"

"Qingcheng, you really shocked my teacher! At such an exciting moment, you can be so calm and only think about climbing to a higher place. This kind of mind is absolutely beyond the reach of others. As a teacher I am very confident in this gamble, and no one can take away the freedom of being a teacher!" Nalan Muye was shocked when he saw Qingcheng with a calm face. I laughed it off, and after laughing, I was thinking about it, but I still climbed to a higher place!
Just when Nalan Muye was about to say something, his messenger jade token suddenly shone brightly.

Nalan Muye hurriedly took out the summoning jade token and saw that something had happened to one of his good brothers and he was urgently needed to help.

Putting away the communication jade card, Nalan Muye said helplessly: "Qingcheng, I have something to deal with as a teacher, so you can just read the books that the teacher gave you and study it yourself. The time before the competition There are still a few months left, so you should take advantage of this time to visit Qiyue City. The world of our mermaid race is very different from your human world, and it is worth a visit! This courtyard will be managed by you for the time being, remember Don't let those old guys come in. Do you remember those who make illusions?"

When Qingcheng heard that Nalan Muye started to guard against those elders again, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Master, the elders are neither scourges nor enemy troops, why are you so guarded against them?"

"Qingcheng, you don't know that the elders are more powerful than wild beasts!" Nalan Muye showed a little fear, which made Qingcheng lean forward and back and burst out laughing.

"Master, you'd better go and come back quickly! Qingcheng will take care of herself!" After laughing loudly, Qingcheng hurriedly urged Nalan Muye to go out quickly, she also wanted to take this opportunity to visit Qiyue City!
"Little brat!" Nalan Muye gently scratched Qingcheng's nose, and left the room with a chuckle.

When Qingcheng saw Nalan Muye went out, he thought that it had been more than half a year since he came to the Merman Clan. For the past six months, he had been studying hard in Nalan Muye's courtyard, and he hadn't visited the Merman Clan until now. Woolen cloth!How about going out and shopping today!

Qingcheng is a man of action, and he will do it when he thinks about it.So he got up and took a fragrant bath, changed into a dry silk robe, tied his long hair high with an agarwood hairpin.It is said that this agarwood is not an ordinary agarwood, it is also a high-level magic weapon.Today's Qingcheng is not what it used to be. The so-called "Scholar's farewell" should be admired for three days. After more than half a year of hard work, Qingcheng is now full of treasures. A high-level phantom that squeezed its head.There is no way, people have dragon fire!
At this time, Qingcheng is like a nouveau riche, full of treasures, much more valuable than those pearls and agates.Of course, the premise is that someone knows the goods.There are very few senior refiners in this world, so there are naturally very few people who can see through high-level illusion weapons at a glance.This made it objectively feasible for Qingcheng to wear a high-end illusion weapon so arrogantly, otherwise, if everyone knows the goods, it would be strange if they didn't come to grab them!And those who know the goods are often refined by themselves, and they don't even bother to snatch them. Therefore, Qingcheng is like a nouveau riche at this time, covered with high-end magic weapons, which are actually quite safe, even thieves don't bother. Take care of her.

The summer is scorching hot, with gusts of warm wind blowing, Qingcheng is wearing a white silk gown that flutters under the blowing of the summer wind, like an elf who has fallen into the world, with a fairy spirit that is compelling, agile and elegant!
Qingcheng toured the city of praying for the moon alone, Yuyu Qionglou, high pavilions with cornices, blue tiles and red walls, coral bridges, agate pillars and glazed lamps, all kinds of water plants flying in the air like ribbons, and from time to time, sharks descended from the sky and shuttled through the Among the various aquatic plants.

"Sure enough, the world of monsters is different from the world of humans. This time, I really learned a lot!" Qingcheng murmured softly.

Qingcheng, who was immersed in a strange beauty, suddenly heard a familiar voice from behind.

"Please don't follow me, can you? Go back and talk about it, what are you doing with me?" Yun Luoying was looking at Nalan Muxing helplessly at this time, saying that she didn't know when, her This nominal husband always followed her openly and openly at every turn, asking him what's the matter, and he hesitated for a long time without saying a word.She really has had enough!

"..." Nalan Muye didn't hold back a word for a long time, but staring at Yunluoying with his starry eyes shining brightly, he had no intention of leaving at all.

"Sweat, forget it, it's up to you if you want to follow!" Yun Luoying didn't bother to waste any more words after experiencing the nth failure of driving people away, instead of wasting her energy on such unclear and chaotic things On the road, it is better to go to Yipinxuan to taste the hairy crabs there.

(End of this chapter)

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