Supreme Allure

Chapter 282 It Was Him

Chapter 282 It Was Him (2)
Khan, why do people who don't know the way always like to run ahead?This is really a very nerve-wracking question, Yun Luoying sighed while running.

Finally, after many detours, Qingcheng and Yunluoying arrived at Yipinxuan smoothly. The two found a seat near the window on the second floor, and then hurriedly grabbed the menu and glanced at it, as if the menu was also edible The delicious food in his stomach was like food, and his two pairs of beautiful eyes were round and round, staring at the menu desperately.

"Both of your eyeballs are about to pop out. Is it necessary to be so exaggerated?" A deep male voice suddenly sounded. Qingcheng and Yunluoying both raised their eyes and saw Nalan Muxing looking at him with disdain. they.

"Why are you here? Didn't you agree that we would live together peacefully?" Yun Luoying looked at Nalan Shepherd who suddenly appeared in surprise, and really didn't understand why he was so persistent.

"Whether it's peaceful coexistence or whether the well water does not interfere with the river water, there is no rule that we can't eat together, right? Now I'm hungry too, it's better to meet each other than to meet by chance, let's go together!" This Nalan Muxing is also talking nonsense The master of the game, he is obviously following all the way, but he has the nerve to say that it is better to meet by chance?Met by chance!It is simply man-made!
"Nalan Muxing, as Luo Ying's husband, I have absolutely no objection to you sitting down and having a light meal with us, but those three should be spared! I'm afraid I'll choke on a hairy crab! "Qingcheng Su pointed at the three peerless beauties who followed along with her.

"What are you following me for? Go back soon!" Nalan Muxing sat down gracefully, turning his eyes to the three beautiful wives beside him.

"We're hungry too, so can't we be together?" The beautiful girl in purple clothes was about to sit down softly and bonelessly, but was startled by Nalan Muxing's eye knife, and quickly stood up straight and said, "Then It’s okay for us to sit at the next table to eat!”

Nalan Muxing was also tired of tossing around, so he gave up and signaled them to leave, and they could sit wherever they liked.

The three beautiful ladies walked gracefully, and sat down slowly in the seats next door, looking around from time to time with their beautiful eyes.

Finally, there were only the three of them left. Without saying a word, Qingcheng and Yunluoying started to glue their eyes to the menu, reporting various signature dishes while reading.

"Ten hairy crabs!" Qingcheng made a move, and it was really extraordinary!
"One piece of spicy grilled fish! One piece of spicy spicy chicken! Two lamb sticks! One plate of gluttonous bullfrogs! One plate of dried cauliflower! One fried shrimp in oil! One fried eggplant in sauce! One plate of eight-treasure sauce!" Yun said. Like a tongue twister, Luo Ying reported eight signature dishes in one go, and even Qing Cheng raised her beautiful eyes from the menu and looked at Yun Luo Ying in disbelief.

"Luoying, do you have it?" Qingcheng asked cautiously.

"Have it? What's the matter? Money?" Yun Luoying was confused. Now that she is the head of the house, she still has some money for meals, although this meal is indeed a bit extravagant.But, that's also rare. To celebrate her reunion with Qingcheng, can I just eat something?No extravagance is not enough to express the excitement and joy in my heart.

A muffled laughter slowly overflowed from Nalan Shepherd's mouth, Qingcheng and Yun Luoying raised their beautiful eyes together, and looked at Nalan Shepherd with a puzzled expression, Nalan Shepherd looked at the expression on their faces. Confused, the laughter became louder and louder, from the original muffled laughter to a hearty laughter.It attracted the attention of those around the table.

Qingcheng lowered her voice and said softly in Yun Luoying's ear: "I'm not talking about money, I'm talking about children!"

When Yun Luoying heard the words, her beautiful eyes widened, she was stunned and didn't know where to start.

"Luoying, are you alright? Are you not injured?" Qingcheng looked at Yun Luoying's dumbfounded expression, and she was even more sure of what she was thinking, and quickly asked with concern, "How about I help you feel the pulse?" Bar?"

"Haha!" Finally, someone couldn't suppress his soaring heart anymore, and burst out laughing, saying that this couple in front of him is truly a treasure, and their ability to talk nonsense is too powerful!

"Nalan Muxing, why are you laughing? It's all because of you that I was misunderstood by Qingcheng! You still have the nerve to laugh?" Yun Luoying finally came to her senses. The hand that wanted to feel her pulse explained softly, "Qingcheng, I have nothing to do with him at all. We are just a couple in name, each sleeping in a separate bed. I am still innocent up to now. Don't you allow me Just guessing!"

"Ah? So that's how it is! That's great! Am I still worried?" Qingcheng finally breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this, and discussed with Yun Luoying her most vexing problem in a low voice.

"Qingcheng, don't worry, such a sad thing will never happen to me. I have already made an agreement with him. It won't be long before he divorces me with nothing to do. At that time, we will be divorced." We can go to the academy together to continue our unfinished studies." Yun Luoying's face was full of confidence.

"That's good, that's good, why don't you leave with me after I finish participating in the competition." Qing Cheng was overjoyed when he heard that, it seemed that Luo Ying's problem was no longer a problem.

"Okay! That's it for us!" Yun Luoying nodded hurriedly.

Nalan Muxing's face was full of black lines when he heard it, so the two in front of him are a little too arrogant and domineering, right?Actually, in front of his true husband, he opened his mouth and shut his mouth to divorce, and even agreed to go back to the academy together to complete the unfinished studies after divorce?Doesn't this put Nalan Shepherd in his eyes too much?

Just when Nalan Muxing was about to explode, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps from the stairs on the second floor, followed by a tear-stained middle-aged woman stumbling onto a middle-aged man who was sitting and enjoying a meal body.

"Brother Biao, Hao'er, he, he, he is missing! I searched all the places I could find and couldn't find him. He must have been captured by that vampire demon! What should we do? Let's save him Ah..." The middle-aged woman cried and wailed, her tears gushing out continuously like a sea with a broken embankment.The mourning in the depths of those eyes made the women beside him also shed tears.

"Sister Ping, don't worry, we will definitely get Hao'er back! Think back carefully, where was the last time you saw Hao'er?" The middle-aged man was shocked when he heard this, but, as The pillar of the family must be calm and stand firm at this time no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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