Supreme Allure

Chapter 286

Chapter 286
"This jasper bed is very good for cultivation, just bear with it, it won't freeze." Yin Jiyou pushed Qingcheng's waist, which had managed to straighten up, and said softly.

As soon as Qingcheng heard that her cultivation could be improved, she immediately lay obediently and motionless to absorb the cold air.

Seeing that Qingcheng was finally quiet, Yin Jiyou hugged Qingcheng tightly with a chuckle, and fell into a deep sleep in an instant.

Qingcheng Cat was in Yinjiyou's arms, feeling the bursts of cold air emanating from his body, which overlapped with the cold air from the jasper bed, making Qingcheng's teeth chatter from the cold, but fortunately, the blood deep in his body turned back and forth from time to time The warm current helped Qingcheng resist the bone-chilling cold.Gradually, Qingcheng fell into a deep sleep in the overlapping of freezing and warm currents.

When the first ray of morning light shone into this bone-chilling and gorgeous dormitory, Qingcheng's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and her beautiful eyes slowly opened. eye.

"I made an appointment with Luoying to teach her how to practice swords today. The day's plan is in the morning, so I have to go there early!" Qingcheng struggled to get up, wanting to leave the cold jasper bed.

"Qingcheng! Wait a minute!" Yin Jiyou didn't stop her, and gracefully took out the phantom weapons that he had embezzled before from her space ring.

Gently helped Qingcheng put on the Yixing Necklace, and threw the transparent invisible hairpin into Qingcheng's space ring.

When Qingcheng was about to leave for Nalan Muxing's mansion, suddenly, the jade document that Nalan Muye gave her gleamed, and Qingcheng was startled, why did Master come back so soon?Still in such a hurry to find her?It seemed that something important had happened, and she had to rush to the master's coordinates immediately.

"Qingcheng, this jade document of yours is so unique, who gave it to you?" Looking at Qingcheng holding the glittering jade document with an anxious expression on his face, he pondered in silence, this girl must not be given by a lover , otherwise, no tolerance!

"This is the jade ultimatum from my master. He is in a hurry to find me, so I have to go and meet with him!" After Qingcheng finished speaking, she made a gesture to teleport to the location of the coordinates.

"Qingcheng, don't worry, I'll take you there. Is this the coordinate position shown on it?" Yin Jiyou hugged Qingcheng, looked down at the coordinate position displayed on the jade document, and asked softly.

Qingcheng nodded, it would be good to go with Yin Dabing, his magic power is so strong, if something happens, he will definitely be the best thug for free.

It has to be said that Yin Dabing's skill is absolutely invincible. In the blink of an eye, Yin Jiyou brought Qingcheng to the coordinate position shown on the jade document. That place turned out to be the meeting hall of Qiyue City.

At this time, the meeting hall was crowded with people. Nalannuo sat on the main seat, and the elders sat on the chairs on both sides. A large group of people gathered around the corners. People gathered together, but the meeting hall at this time was extremely quiet, so that when Qingcheng and Yinjiyou appeared, everyone noticed them immediately, and tens of thousands of eyes shot at them Come.

"See Master!" Just when Qingcheng didn't know how to deal with the weird scene in front of him, there was a sound of kneeling in the conference hall, which made Qingcheng confused.

"Get up!" An icy voice rang in Qingcheng's ears, Qingcheng was so shocked that her beautiful eyes widened, her mouth opened wide and she stared stupidly at Yin Jiyou in a daze.

How can this be?Isn't this Yin Dabing the Lord of the Nether Palace?When did he become the master of Qiyue City?There must be a mistake somewhere.

"Thank you, master!" Everyone stood up and thanked them in unison.

"Master, please take a seat!" Nalannuo walked down from the main seat, and directly gave up the seat to Yin Jiyou, who was not polite, and pulled Qingcheng up to sit on the main seat together with one stride.

Qingcheng immediately became the target of public criticism, she twisted her body very unaccustomed to get up, but was held by Yin Jiyou and couldn't move.

"Master, dozens of boys and girls have disappeared in Qiyue City. I got the exact news today that the vampire is really there. We have found out its hiding place. So many people have been convened today. My hero, I intend to set off to arrest that vampire." Nalan Nuorang reported the current situation to Yin Jiyou in a voice.

Qingcheng blushed when she heard this, she was extremely embarrassed. In other words, she had previously suspected that Yin Jiyou was the vampire. Looking at the current situation now, she was really ashamed. Not only was he not a vampire, but he was also the real master of Qiyue City.How could that be?Catch the bad guy and catch the master.Later, I must ask how many secrets this Yin Dabing is hiding from her, and by the way, find out how he became the master of Qiyue City!

Just when Qingcheng lowered her head and was thinking wildly, Yin Jiyou and everyone had almost discussed it. When Qingcheng was still thinking about some problems by herself, Yin Jiyou had already pulled Qingcheng to stand up, and softly said to Qingcheng: " Qingcheng, we now have the exact location of the vampire demon, and we are about to set off to arrest it, you should obediently go to your master's mansion to take shelter, there are so many high-level phantom weapons arrayed there, it is safer."

Qingcheng raised her eyes and was about to agree, when suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Nalan Shepherd not far away, she hurriedly walked up to Nalan Shepherd, and asked with a worried face: "Where is Luo Ying?" ? At the house?"

Nalan Muxing was surprised to see that Qingcheng appeared here with his master. Although there were countless questions in his heart that he wanted to ask, but he kept all of them in his heart and didn't say them out. He cupped his hands politely and said: "Zhuo Jing is in the mansion!"

A bad premonition flashed in Qingcheng's heart when she heard the words. Now that all the masters have come out, Luo Ying is there alone, what if she encounters any danger?No, she must bring Luo Ying to the master's courtyard together before she can rest assured.

In fact, Qingcheng had already made plans in her heart, but she didn't show it at all on her face. She just nodded at Nalan Muxing to show that she knew.Then he hurriedly found Nalan Muye among the crowd, and asked softly, "Why did Master summon Qingcheng so urgently?"

(End of this chapter)

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